Aftercare (The Perk), Yay or Nay ? + Clarification Needed
I prestiged Jeff for Distortion a little while ago, and I've been kind of eyeing Aftercare since then. Potentially knowing where all your team is and what they're doing sounds really good, so I'm considering trying it out, but it always felt a little bit too constraining for me to take.
However, I noticed recently that the English description and French description are not saying exactly the same thing.
- The English version says : "[Survivors] You have completed a Healing action on, or who have completed a Healing action on you".
- The French version says : "Vous avez complètement soigné, ou qui vous a/ont complètement soigné." ("You have completely healed, or who has completely healed you")
The French version implies you need to completely heal (I'd assume 0 to 100%) a survivor for it to take effect (at least, that's always how I interpreted it), whereas the English version says you need to complete a healing action (so 80% to 100% would work).
I guess I'm a little bit confused how it really does work. I might be mistaken on how "complete a healing action" even works.
Any Aftercare users could tell me how useful the perk is, and also how it works ?
Thanks in advance ! =)
i always thought it took an hook save or a full heal to activate ?
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I won't take aftercare off. Love that perk. Saved me so many times when team members are running the killer to me. Also helps me to run the killer if i have the auras of teammates so i dont run the killer to them.
Lovely perk i love it way more than bond.
It works when you get saved or healed or when you heal or save a team member you start seeing their aura. They also see your aura. Whole map too so no limits like with bond. You will lose the auras if you get hooked though.
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It also works with unhooks, but the part I'm confused about is the one with healing. =)
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Glad to know it's useful !
Could you tell me if it works in this scenario :
An injured survivor runs up to you. They're already 70% healed. You finish the heal. Does it count towards Aftercare ? Or does it only work if you've healed them from 0 ?
Thank you =)
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completing healing action just means change a survivor's health-state from dying to injure or injured to healthy.
Healing the equivalent of 1 health-state means that you need heal 16 charges on a survivor that is injured to healthy(since health-state only applies to injured survivors).
Aftercare is easy to activate but it is unreliable information perk because it disables itself when you get hooked. Better off just using kindred or bond over it. The perk is only worth if you use it with blood pact in my opinion to spread aura reading across teammates but its not worth the perk slot in my opinion. Its just more perks to -bridge solo information swf-gap- for what should just be base-kit to be honest.
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Thanks ! =)
It's still good news to me considering I thought it was really hard to activate. Some of them translations are a bit confusing !
It might be unreliable, but I think I'll still try it out and see. I'm usually playing survivor in duos, so just being unhooked by a solo and knowing their whereabouts no matter the distance for the next couple of minutes already sounds incredible, as I would know what roughly 2/3 of my teammates are doing ! =)
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Yes, healing just a tiny bit is enough.
Personally, I like Aftercare, but that you lose the complete Aura Read after being hooked is a bummer.
IMO it would be better if it works this way:
Tier 1-->You lose the Aura Read to all Survivors when being hooked.
Tier 2-->You lose the Aura Read to 2 Survivors when being hooked.
Tier 3-->You lose the Aura Read to 1 Survivor when being hooked.
It should be the Survivor(s) furthest away so that you just dont get the Aura Read back immediatly once you get unhooked.
This would still mean that you have to do something before getting the Aura Read and you would still need to do something to get it back, but at least it is not lost completely after being hooked.
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I've been using Aftercare a ton recently and love it. I pair it with botany for faster heals and prove thyself for faster gens since I always know where someone is and either they go to me or I go to them. It's an effect just not replicated by bond or empathy because the important part is they can see you too and it's effectively giving them another perk and you essentially help your team play smarter. You get sandbagged less, can find each other for heals and gens quicker, and know what gens you're all doing when you split up to avoid 3 gunning. Yes this goes away if you get hooked but that's not a huge deal because someone has to unhook you and then you immediately have someone to activate the perk again. Having 3 stacks of after care is nice but you honestly only need 1 to be getting value. Criminally underrated perk for soloQ I absolutely recommend it.
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It should work. Never actually paid too much attention to how much heals ive done since i feel like i get the aura just by touching an injured person :D I think this perk is very underrated. I feel naked when i take it off
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Tried it for a few games yesterday and oh my, I'm not taking it off anytime soon !! =D
You know which gens are progressing. You can even estimate how far they are if you're on a gen as well ! Your teammates can find you when they need to heal. They can find you if they have Prove Thyself. They know not to lead the killer to you. You know who's going for the rescue and who's being chased at any time.
That's so precious !
I've had a couple of games where at some point I could see all three other players (one of them being my friend, but we're terrible at actually saying where we are besides "close to a big rock"), and the fact that they could see me as well from the other side of the map is amazing.
Definitely underrated ! =D
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Ita actually a really useful perk knowing where other survivors are is nice but they also knowing where you are helps so much as they they come to use for some co op plays and also allows them not to interrupt you when your doing something important.
its not a perfect perk as it has downside like it Can back fire and lead to trolling and you have to get a save or heal to work but you can also get healed or saved to so its not to bad of a stipulation. You'll basically always get use out of this perk
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It's a cool perk and it gives other survivors information too which is quite rare. It's not used much because it requires setup to be useful and it isn't really useful in a SWF. Even solo survs would more likely run something like Bond or Empathy which gives good info without needing to do anything, but Aftercare is still a solid perk if you play more for unhooks and healing.
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In my experience, yes it will still proc. Because you technically completed the heal, it is under the guidelines for activation