For people that want Nurse nerfed



  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    simple really her blink shouldn't work with exposed. It makes her too strong.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Only with Starstruck and NOED. That's the reason why NOED shouldn't exist, and her TR could be reduce to 0 when she's carrying a surv' 😀

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    shes played like 70% of matches on asian servers. just go against her over and over. lmk if your attitude changes <3

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    theres literally new killers and people will only play her. change this

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I only think some of her add ons need adjusting.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Wesker had a 25% pick rate, what do you mean people only play her? xD

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think for Nurse less than pyramid head, because at least her concept does not allow just deactivating the power and playing like a normal M1 killer p-head... It provoked loose loose situation at every loop: "puts sword down survivor either drops pallet and gets hit by power or does not drop pallet and gets hit by m1" that was just terrible xD At least Nurse does not have that option, but pyramid head at least got rid of that a bit, not entirely but he is not as unfair as he used to be.

  • I guess I can't make you stop putting faith in a movement speed as pathetic as 4.2 being the most uncounterable thing since Frank's Mix Tape, huh? It is hilariously easy to keep leagues of distance on a killer with 105 movement speed; you will not be securing any kills against smart people by trying to whittle them down with your W key at that speed. If a survivor is so close to you when you're making the choice to catch up like that that a vault can guarantee a blink hit then that is ENTIRELY on them. There is absolutely counterplay to what you're describing; the counterplay to that is "Don't let the 105 killer opting not to use her wallbanging teleport tool catch up to you, dingus."

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I'm not saying it is strong or whatever, but I do think it limits survivors options and provides boring gameplay.

  • I can only see it limiting survivors’ options if they’re playing on a map the size of a jail cell. Other than that, it’ll just force Nurse players to git gud with the one blink they have.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Ok, then tell me how would survivors keep breaking line of sight and run in a random direction when the nurse is not forced to use her blink to catch up? And saying this would be weak does not matter when it is about counterplay... Because even if it is in fact weak does not negate it not having interaction.

    The problem with only one blink is also that during the 1.5 seconds a max range blink takes the survivor can get away 6m from the spot they were at when the blink started, which will make long range blinks really hard... If not impossible if the survivor reacts appropriately... Not having a 2nd blink to correct that is desastrous... It is not about getting good but about limiting the options... I'm not sure what the critical distance would be at which you could still hit the survivor if you blinked spot on, but I'm pretty sure it is not 6 m... One blinking someone that knows what they're doing at max distance is really rough if not basically impossible.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited December 2022

    I quickly checked on the wiki and got this information:

    That would make it 2.9 m of distance during lunge...

    I however do not know how it fits together with this one:

    Because if we take what we got above that would mean that a quick attack could reach at 3.1m and that sounds ridiculous, because otherwise I don't understand how they got to 6m, they even wrote above that this increase in movementspeed is what makes the difference between lunge attack and quick attack...

    But if we assume that the 5.667m are correct then we need to ask about the time this lunge takes ... If we take this into acount then we can assume at least 0.4/0.5 seconds for the whole process, in which the survivor will gain another 2 m which makes the effective range about 3.667m.

    Taking this stuff into account we can now determine at which range the nurse could still hit a survivor if she blinked perfectly on top of where they were. Given that 3.667m is below 4m/s that the survivor moves at we already know that nurse can not travel for more than 1 second because otherwise she would be out of range for it to hit. Nurse blinks at 13.33 m/s So she can blink for not much more than 12 m. Otherwise she just has to guess 1 out of 8 directions the survivor could have ran from their original point. And since there is no 2nd blink to correct it this really not good.

    Source for the screenshots:

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    I was reluctant about the idea, but then I just thought how good of a idea it would be if nurse could still go throught walls but just once. If she goes throught a wall, in the next she needs to have line of sight, I think all her problems would be solved (lerys would be unplayable, but it's 1 map that is not good for her anyways). A friend of mine that despises nurse gave me this idea, we always discuss about her (he hates her and she is one of my most played characters)

    Also, pallets would count as a solid wall, so if she goes throught it and you vault back, she cant teleport back over the pallet, it would give pallets meaning vs her, and incentivise her to break them. Also windows would not count as solid so she can use them to take a short cut.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2022

    Yeah, I think it would be a fair trade 1 map that she cant play but being fair overall.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If nurse gets a free dc on that map everytime sure... But you cannot seriously expect people to actually try on the map because there is no way anybody can get a down with that idea...

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    actually there is a way to down in that map, you just would need to walk a lot. Lerys is infamous for already being bad for killers powers. Nurse in the way she is now, people will keep refusing to play vs her for whatever reason, in which ends up in the same: she just cant play.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    At least not everyone refuses to play against her as she currently is, especially when you Don't run the most broken stuff.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514
    edited December 2022
  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    "actually there is a way to down in that map, you just would need to walk a lot."

    And that sums up how these proposals don't make sense as far as the nurse is concerned.

    The nurse doesn't walk, she moves (almost all the time) with her blinks. That's her gamedesign.

    And as far as not being able to cross an obstacle multiple times, that would be like allowing a survivor to constantly have the ability to avoid the nurse by staying at a structure angle.

    It's not a conclusive idea.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    In that case you don't understand advanced nurse gameplay, when you want a easy blink you start to walk until the survivor gets in a bad position, look at any old school nurse specially when someone enters their heads. A walking nurse is the most boring aspect of her gameplay because at this point she is going to hit you 90% of the time.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    as much as I understand how difficult that map would become, you would only have trouble vs good survivors, the rest you would be fine.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    Another idea would to give survivors 1 more health state on their first chase, the nurse would need to hit them to steal their breath and then she becomes normal. That would give some breathing room in the begining of the match.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would not mind that part too much, but just to clarify, she still has her full power from the beginning? It's just that the first hit does not take a health state?

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    Yes, like nemesis, but you cant vaccinate (or maybe you can depend on how you want to approach it); this plus DH, can make a somewhat decent chase at the begening and nerf perks like lethal and starstruck because she needs to hit them prior to start to give damage

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    To be honest I would rather take that idea and make a whole new killer out of it XD Some kind of invisible killer that haunts you and steals your breath and then starts to actually chase you... But that is somewhat like old old freddy that has to put you into sleep first before he can interact with you and all...

    I don't think nerfing Lethal is needed... Corrupt is still a better perk than lethal, even on Nurse, so I don't really see a reason to nerf it especially just because of 1 killer.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    This change on nurse would indirectly nerf lethal for her, because the chase is not going to be as short. Nowdays, she can have lethal with kavanagh and literally snipe you even before you know it's a nurse.

    I talked about the stealing the breath of survivors because it's on her lore, in that case you can supose nemesis is that character, he needs to infect u before dealing damage.

    If you really want to nerf her you can make so it goes away every time u got downed, that would help with her sluggin and also tunelling.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You mean remove her blink ability after each down? I don't like that, I think making her range addons weaker is a good thing to do, just so she cannot crossmap you at the beginning of the match. And making distance against her stays somewhat strong.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117

    No i mean, its like you got vaccinated vs nemesis everytime you got downed.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Maybe not if downed, but at least if hooked could somewhat work? But again average and below average nurse players would suffer a lot... I would rather make it a once for every survivor thing with a timer... So let's say the first 3-4 minutes of the game you have it or until you loose it once, but after that time you loose it automatically?

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    I have 2 different ideas (pick one) :

    1. Make Nurse and Blight "build up " characters since they are the best killers. Remove buildup from all other killers. Make Nurse need to hit surviovrs 3 times with only one blink in order to give her access to second blink. Give Blight only 3 tokens until he hits 3 times with a rush.
    2. Give Nurse various nerfs that make her weaker overall. Remove the ability to use starstruck except on non blink hits. Make Nurse wipe her weapon after a successful hit and THEN have fatigue (this will stop the cycle of blink blink hit- blink blink hit). Remove Collision from nurse until after she has recovered from fatigue (to prevent body blocking and allow more PoV tech ). Remove all Blink recharge and distance addons (or reduce the effects to old pig addon levels 1.5-3% effects). Give Nurse a full lunge on the first blink but only a Michael Myers T1 "baby" lunge on the second blink. Change one addon to give her full lunge on second blink (purple).
  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    I wanted to write something similar, distilled from all the countless "Nerf Nurse" threads over the years, but you beat me to it. Yes, this here essentially says it all. Just do it, BHVR!

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Onis Power is arguably the strongest in the game... When you say remove all buildup from other killers, does that mean oni gets his power for the entire game? Ok, Oni is now the strongest killer in the game.

    I don't mind the weapon whipe thing to much, but the baby lunge is just annoying af...

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Oni buildup is ok actually. He is risk/reward. balanced.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I'm not saying something against that, I'm just saying that because he needs buildup it is fine that his power is the strongest in the game. And limiting other killers powers in a similar way might be too much.

    Even though I admit it would be kind of cool to have for example an Oni addon that removes your power to insta down but you have the power the entire game... I don't know how strong that would be... Map traversal and anti loop would be ridiculous but he would need two hits so...

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    She needs a full on rework. Something to make her more in line with the rest of the killers. I don't know how but I reckon BHVR would be able to figure something out.

    A lot of people have suggested that her blinks shouldn't count as basic attacks but she needs MUCH more than that.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Do you really think she is that much better than MDR spirit or Blight with his best addons? Because I don't think she is.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    It's possible for multiple things to be a problem at the same time. And also, MDR and *insert any OP blight addon* are just addons where as nurse is an entire killer

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited December 2022

    Yes ofc but I would say that with just an addon pass and some basekit changes you could also nerf her without needing to rework her entirely, so that's why I am asking why you think it cannot be solved with changing some of her existing parts. I think basekit nurse without addons is not that oppresive..

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I feel like making Nurse 110% with one blink is an idea, the only concern then would be she might be nuts with STBFL where you could get a hit recover quickly and instantly blink on to the survivor again but I think something like that would be worth testing at least.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I'm not saying the nurse never walks.

    I'm just saying that proposing that she can't teleport through more than one obstacle is definitely not a valid idea. 

    She would become the most laughable killer to face, the moment the survivor was next to a wall corner.

    And while, of course, a nurse can walk to adjust her blink beforehand, there is a difference between walking "a little" and "a lot", as you suggest.

    The whole point of the nurse is that she can walk 20/24/26/30m without crossing most obstacles she encounters.

    If I want to play a killer who is limited by walls and other physical obstacles, I have the other 29 killers at my disposal.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    And so, to put down a survivor, the nurse would have to give him, potentially 4 blows.

    2 "normal" hits, one hit absorbed by DH, and the extra hit you're talking about.

    I don't see what would justify the nurse having to hit a survivor 3/4 times to put him down.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I suggest you play with the nurse regularly, so that you understand that what you are suggesting contains a lot of nonsense.

    "Make Nurse need to hit surviovrs 3 times with only one blink in order to give her access to second blink"

    The nurse's first blink is, in most cases, only to get closer to her target. It is with the 2nd blink that she will lock on to her target and deliver her shot.

    Sometimes it is possible to hit a survivor with the first blink, but this is not a constant and is unlikely to work against experienced survivors.

    "Make Nurse wipe her weapon after a successful hit and THEN have fatigue (this will stop the cycle of blink blink hit- blink blink hit)."

    The nurse doesn't need to be slowed down any more than that after a hit; the survivor has, unless of course he is in a deadzone, already time to get to a loop spot where to extend the hunt, thanks to the acceleration the killer's hit gives him.

    "Remove all Blink recharge and distance addons (or reduce the effects to old pig addon levels 1.5-3% effects)."

    There is no reason to touch her addons.

    I remind you that the nurse's range addons are only felt when she is more than 24/26/30m away. When she is chasing you, since she is relatively close to you, it is like playing against a nurse with no (range) addons.

    "Give Nurse a full lunge on the first blink but only a Michael Myers T1 "baby" lunge on the second blink."

    Again, Nurse needs her second blink to secure her shot, unless she's lucky, or playing against potatoes, and it would be totally illogical to force her to use an addon just to be able to use a basic element of her gameplay.

    And again, for all the people who suggest turning her M1s into M2s: there is no good reason to do that, because it would prevent her from using certain perks, such as Jolt, Sloppy Butcher or K.O. and there is no reason why the nurse can't use those perks.

    Regarding the Starstruck problem, remove her TR when she is carrying a survivor and we won't talk about it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But with 110 she does not care about line of sight anymore... Since she can follow until the blink is basically a safe hit...

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    As I said, she needs to be more in line with other killers. It has come to a point where the devs have to nerf perks just because of her. In terms of strength, I don't think base nurse is too oppressive though

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Yes, but they could have also just changed how exposed perks work on her blink? Instead of changing the perk... I mean... would have been the better choice, but I don't see why that example makes a complete rework necessary?

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,389

    As I'm sure others have said, the main problem with nurse is that she's one of the few (if not the only) killers whose power counts as a basic attack.

    As Pig I move slightly faster for a short time and I hit a survivor, I don't instantly down them even with Exposed, because Exposed requires a basic attack.

    Yet, Nurse literally TELEPORTS to the survivor faster than Pig can even blink (pun not intended) and because she then gets a basic attack, the survivor is downed instantly.

    So yea, as both a Killer and Survivor player, I think the main change that needs to happen with Nurse is to bring her in line with every other killer and make her attacks count as special attacks until after her fatigue.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The problem is her blinks are the only reasonable way to hit survivors at all, since her ms is slwoer than the survivors so if it were special attacks all exposed perks would be useless, which is probably why they don't want to make that change. But from a gameplay perspective it would be a good change to prevent her from using exposed. And spirit moves even faster than pig and can still use exposed perks.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I want a full rework of the character, not a bhvr rework where they do an add-on pass and change 1-2 things base kit(what a joke rework). She should have a different power entirely.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    Her basekit is fine. The add-ons that give her a third blink or extra range are not.