Slug update WHEN!?



  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    I main killer so obviously I do. Though I can atleast push them out as a killer. Where as a slugged survivor you're just waiting.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    What do you mean no risk? UB exists even when it's not basekit lol. Also the other survivior can outplay the killer and pick up instead of running for hatch.

    What you are proposing would mean that killer either has to forefit 1 kill (hooking in 2 survivior situation at higher mmr guarantees the last person escapes) or forefit 2 kills if it's in the endgame.

    Also I believe that just being able to pick yourself up wouldn't fix anything, because if it's not endgame then the killer can just continue slugging until both surviviors are down, no matter how many times they pick themselves up.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Hopefully the same update they rethink killer adepts. Good luck getting those without slugging.

    Seriously though, base kit UB is a horrible idea. It means BHVR have to rework a number of killers and perks as well as other mechanics because they include and encourage slugging.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Ok, so the killer can also hide himself waiting for the other survivor to pick the slugged one or to bait UB right? WHy does he have to forfeit a kill?

    Hatch is supposed to have a luck factor in to it and it is there for motivation. If you want 4k guaranteed by slugging 80-90% then remove hatch altogether, there's no point to it. At least one survivor should have a high chance of escaping, slugging for the most part denies that and for all the people saying killer should be strong because it fits thematically, I say final girl(survivor) should not be more common and not circumvented as easily by slugging.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    In a game nothing should be wrong but still todays games demand political correctness and such. But killing is allowed oh well.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    It's common to see a killer (with 2 survivors left) immediately reslug a survivor who is helped up or will just camp the slug. I dont see survivors running back into the map when the killer shows up at the exit.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454
    edited December 2022

    Usually that killer is camping that survivor and willl tunnel off hook because can't take the L, git gud scrub.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited December 2022

    I mean you have a point, but that's not really against what I'm saying.

    If you can camp slugged survivior to counter UB then you can also camp them to counter basekit pickup, rendering OPs idea of "le slugging update" completely useless

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Yep i do, i leave immediately UNLESS i think a survivor isnt safe and i can help OR if the killer did some scummy stuff then maybe a quick tbag. Unskilled survivors usually tbag at exit because they're not used to escaping, just like unskilled killers camp, tunnel slug for the 4k cause they need easier kills.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Actually survivors already have barrowed, so we need NOED and blood warden base kit

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,140

    You clearly didn't read what I typed or need more clarification. Survivors that sit in the exit gate and just sit there waiting for you to force them out compared to a killer slugging to get a 4k which one is trying to win while the other is basically bragging about the win.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    But last I checked your Bleedout timer dosnt that's not being held hostage.....that would be greifing lol

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Unbreakable is coming to base kit. What we want to know is when? If a killer has to slug during endgame they have already lost the match

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Nah. Take tunneling and camping but end game slug fest vs a good team that is essentially "everyone gets out or no one does" is peak dbd. Nothing even comes close to this level of fun in this game. The scenario doesn't line up often but when it does the experience can't be beat. I have never had a single survivor complain about it in post game either.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited December 2022

    Soul Guard can become meta to combat that, if we get basekit UB. i think people trying out basekit UB were actually running it. It's not a perfect counter per say, as it is behind a paywall.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    Well even when they came up with Basekit UB idea back in september I said it is a really stupid idea and most probably will not go live, but go ahead and test it. I don't mind it if people actually are okay with infinite self pickups. So it was tested, and guess what? They realized it that is a ridiculous idea. So you can forget about it as a matter of fact. It's not coming.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Getting basekit UB when there are 4 survivors and getting it when 2 are left is not the same.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    As it was stated repeatedly, it was just a test, by no means a confirmation that it will ever go live. They tested it, kept in mind the feedback, and so on. It didn't pass.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 458

    if they are healthy they will. they wont take any risk of actually being downed unless they can immediately crawl out.

  • StudentofInk
    StudentofInk Member Posts: 12

    So securing a 4k Merciless Victory is now toxic. Uh huh, sure.

    Killers are allowed to gl for a full victory. It's not toxic, it's literally part of the game, and ensures you get adepts, and rift challenges done.

    I am someone who usually gives hatch too, but if I'm going for a adept, I'm going for an adept.

  • StudentofInk
    StudentofInk Member Posts: 12

    Except I've seen some bs spawns where they'll be right there where they got downed.

  • StudentofInk
    StudentofInk Member Posts: 12

    Altruism isn't bad in and of itself. Everything is a balance. There is altruism (your survivor objective), and then there's overly altruistic plays that if the killer planned for it, can get you Blood Warden for example. You had a chance go get out but because you decided every single survivor had to escape, then that's bad for you.

    That's just the best example, and valid gameplay element no entitled survivor can argue against...and yet I still get dcs for it. Even though it was fair game and took skill and planning to even get it to happen.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The second that baseline, infinite Unbreakable won't be heavily abused.

    Killers would be willing to give hatch if survivors didn't feel the need to gloat about it in postgame.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Honestly a lot of you need to seriously either uninstall or stop whining. 5 pages of nonstop whining and for what?

  • illumina
    illumina Member Posts: 73

    I'm all for a "Off yourself" option being available if there are two survivors left. Out of 10 matches today I have gotten 8 sluggers. Dev's put hatch in the game for the last survivor but SOME killers decide that it shouldn't be there so they take away the option. I'm all for taking away the hatch as well so that survivors won't play locker tactic but something should go for killers as well then. Someone posted a video in another thread of a killer stalemating a game for over an hour with gen regression/slowdown. You expect 1-2 survivors to be able to do that even if there was 1 gen left? Be real here. With 1-5 gens left and two survivors, it is near impossible to finish that.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    How about, Never? You want a counter? Dont get caught. When is the update the returns the rage quitting baby timer?

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    It was not good for the game, at least in the state it was in. I'm glad it hasn't happened

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Uh boy then you never had the opportunity to get spam vaulted by survivors unwilling to leave without an audience.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Ok, what happens when the killer has no post-game (they are in console). This post makes no sense.

    If a killer is slugging are they doing it out of pettiness or because they wanna win? Cause your post implies some sort of pettiness, but all the other posts here claim it's non-toxic, therefore argue for the competitive side of it.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    It can be for a variety of reasons.

    You say 'pettiness'. I say 'nobody likes being teabagged or gloated at'.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Except for as I mentioned, the michael picked me up and carried me before I could bleed out and he just carried me around. I thought he was going to hook me so I didn't wiggle. After 30 seconds, I realized he wasn't going to hook me so, I wiggled free. In this entire time my lone partner just evaded the killer.

    My only option is to try to finish the last gen. So what happens? Michael comes back to his 3 gen grabs me off the gen and proceeds to carry me without hooking me yet again, so I wiggle free rinse and repeat until after 30 minutes I was able to bait him into hitting me in which I finally bled out. 30 minutes after. The entire game was over 46 minutes.

    He wouldn't let me finish gens. He wouldn't hook me, I had to bait him into messing up so I could die. How is that not being held hostage when you have to bait the killer into hitting you so you can bleed out?

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited December 2022

    My point was that there are many people who have no access to chat. So saying slugging for the 4k or not giving hatch for gloating or tea-bagging is disingenuous because people slug even if no survivors are BM-ing.

    Not only that but you reinforce OP's that hatch is more in killer's control than survivors' as you can use it to either punish or reward survivor(s). Slugging takes away the 50/50 chance of hatch. It should not be happening imo.

  • ifeelthelags
    ifeelthelags Member Posts: 61
    edited December 2022

    I just came back from a longer break, I had 8 games, 5 of them nobody got hooked, just let all bleed out wth

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Shrug. I'm not telling you what to think, just maybe why killers would rather slug someone out than give them hatch.

    I tend to be a rather nice killer for the most part and even then, every so often someone manages to get under my skin and then I'm less likely to be nice to groups for a few games.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941 are claiming that most killers follow your train of thought though. (you did say "Killers would be willing to give hatch if survivors didn't feel the need to gloat about it in postgame." kind of implying players in the majority are following some code of honor). I am not arguing about whether you are a "nice" killer or not, merely that there are numerous killers you follow a different set of rules or don't even have rules to begin with. Not every killer has to have gotten "abused" to slug for the 4k🤣

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    No. I'm saying that most killers are going to be less nice, and that most people tend to end up getting resentful when they lose, or be merciful only to have someone BM them after.

    In the future, there is a strong likelihood that they'll just take steps to prevent this next time.

  • Snivo
    Snivo Member Posts: 11

    "Or as an alternative solution, give me a "surrender" button that I can press after about 90 seconds so I can move on to the next match."

    I really only play killer, survivor whenever with friends, but that's the best idea for slug fixes that I feel would be the most accepted. Implementing this correctly could follow the lines of basically being a non-punishing disconnect, the killer gets rewarded for the down & the survivor can simply leave. Obviously it's more in-depth than that, such as playing with a party, the amount of time that feels justified for this option to be available, how it effects the other three, etc., but this is giving a solution to a problem that doesn't happen often enough. I do feel slugging as a topic is seriously way too exaggerated though. I get some people don't have hours to play games, I get its not exactly fun to just lay there while the killer goes for the 4k, but seriously this topic needs a chill. I play Pyramid Head, Spirit and Nurse (omg tryhard stfu grr, totally not because I enjoy the killers and wanna have fun), all map manipulation killers, and sorry to say this, but I'm not going to intentionally play worse because "I don't like being idol". I get that it isn't fun, but I've seriously never heard anybody talk about the killer side. On the topic of fun, do you think its fun when near every game, survivors feel the need to bag you during the game and at the gate? How after a game where you've played clean, you still get insulted? Like please be honest with yourself, slugging is not always toxic and isn't some dirty tactic to spite the survivors (case by case of course, don't get me wrong), and is FAR from a real issue.

    Scenario: Two survivors are down, two more are injured. I can visibly see one of the two standing, and down them. After the third survivor is down, I have eyes on the fourth, pursue them, and eventually down them for a 4K. Choosing to chase and catch the fourth survivor is not toxic, and players need to realize that when you say that's a bad way to play, you're telling me to intentionally throw so you can have fun. If I intentionally throw, I'd say a safe 8/10 times, these same survivors will give toxic behavior to me, regardless of the choice I make. If I go with the scenario instead, I get called a slugger with a skill issue and told im bad at the game. Obviously none of these are taken personally or anything, but its just annoying for players. Slugging or not, toxic behavior from survivors happens CONSTANTLY and I feel players ignore that side of things. Apologies, but you cannot argue how toxic slugging is when you yourself exhibit toxic behavior.

    Argument: Just hook the survivors when you down them, its not that difficult bozo. Unfortunately like earlier, I'm not going to intentionally throw. Lets take a look at the scenario I gave, I decide to pick up one of the two downed survivors and hook them. In that time, the two standing survivors have healed the second downed survivor, and now its a 3v1, opposed to taking my path where I can end the game right there with a victory. Alas, that option is simply "toxic" and "harmful" to the game, even though its simple strategy to use, satisfying to execute correctly, and whether you like it or not, the correct way to play. Once again, you cannot just expect killers to throw just because its simply not fun for you.

    Obviously this going without saying, everything is case by case, which brings me to my end point, slugging isn't the issue. Realistically, you cant "nerf slugging" without creating more problems than solutions, because slugging isn't the problem, its the players who use it in toxic ways. For example, nurse EXCELS at slugging, I'd argue its the best killer in the game to slug with. Going off of taking opportunities given to me, more times than not, the best option is literally slugging. There needs to be an understanding that this isn't done in spite of anybody, and it doesn't just equate to "wow this player is a tryhard", its simply the best action to take. I haven't really played since the big patch after the anniversary, but I've recently started playing again and soloing pyramid head, and again, slugging becomes a very real option at times. Most times I'll choose to check my surroundings before I pick up a survivor, which occasionally results in a second survivor being downed. This is NOT toxic, this is simply being aware of my surroundings and making a play that favors me. Lets use that again for another scenario, lets say this pattern repeats for each survivor. Down survivor, find another within the area, down them, repeat until I'm committing the sin of "slugging". I don't get how you can really call that toxic, realistically whats toxic about that. "Take into consideration other peoples time and enjoyment" dawg you entered the queue to play a game of dead by daylight, which I think its safe to say that you aren't exactly looking for "a quick game", and if you are, you really shouldn't have chosen dead by daylight of all games when you're on a time crunch. Ill take this oppourtinity to add that whenever I find an opportunity to slug, at least personally, its a very open and closed book. I rarely find situations where I'm slugging for absurd amounts of time, its rather quick just simply due to the numbers disadvantage, which I think further adds to "slugging is too exaggerated", if the killer is slugging multiple players, I think its safe to assume it wont be long until the game ends. To add to this and tackle the "enjoyment" side, once again, you chose to play dbd of all games lol. In all seriousness though like you can't expect every game to just be fun and enjoyable, whether there's a toxic killer or you simply just lose. The truth isn't hard to find here, it's not a good feeling to lose a game that took over 20 minutes to play, it can be frustrating, especially if something like slugging is used during the game, but are you gonna be the player to cry about it? In certain games, it's very understandable to get angry, but jesus lord I still cant find a reason to get angry at dbd. You aren't playing for some leaderboard, ranks are meaningless now (and aren't even shown anymore so like ???), and I think its safe to say over 95% of players aren't playing for some tournament or something. Get real, if you lose a game, it doesn't meant anything. If you win a game, it doesn't mean anything. You always have another game ahead of you, not every game is winnable. You are going to encounter toxic players, you are going to encounter killers who slug, you are going to have unfortunate experiences. Its not the killers fault nor the games fault that you're letting it completely ruin your day though, take a break if you need so, or just chat up some friends while playing, its not the killers fault you cant control your emotions.

    one last thing, if you're being toxic to the killer and they proceed to slug you, bro stop complaining as if its the killers issue LMFAO

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869


    I agree that last 2 survivors should have a last ditch fighting chance.

    Basekit UB isn't it in my opinion.

    Something more radical could be funnier.

    Like strong buffs to last 2 survivors IF the last man standing attempts a rescue to its mate.

  • Lemoniax
    Lemoniax Member Posts: 32

    There is something I'm not quite understanding. So, let's say base unbreakable drops. The situation as usual: 2 survivors left at maybe 3 or 2 gens. Killer downs one person, then searches for the other. Downed person gets up, other person gets downed. Rinse and repeat. Wouldn' be almost the same situation still? Or am I missing something? Genuinely asking here.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    The way I get it is, you have more agency if you can get up and wanna try hard. If you're slugged you are at the mercy of the other survivor and the killer. You could say, "well bring UB" and ya it's not completely wrong. UB can be a strong surprise tool, but it only works once and if you wish to get hatch you kinda have to bank on the killer hooking the other person first and hope they suicide to give you hatch or they are on third hook (if you wanna use it as an entirely selfish perk).

    Basekit UB in my opinion at least (which means it won't stop survivors playing selfish, but considering the killer know he won't be ever caught by surprise) can be used to punish greedy killers (same deal as punishing altruism on late game which can also be considered greediness on survivor's part) as well as turn around games by doing gens. If I know the killer is greedy and he wants his 4k no matter what I can simply get up and go find a gen instead of hiding, since I know if he downs me again I can get up again. This is basically forcing the killer to play "normally" (as in hooking people) by putting pressure on him. If 2 survivors can get up multiple times then it also means that they can also advance the game by doing gens and therefore endangering killer's win (which he could have probably gotten a guaranteed 3k with potential 4k if he wasn't so greedy for guaranteed 4k) so it ends up as a draw. Of course this is just how I might use it and it won't stop other selfish survivors from letting their teammate die to get hatch, but selfish survivors can many times already screw their team when there's also 4 people by their preferred playstyle (like always hiding when killer is near and never trading a health state or hook state). So basekit UB would give more power to people who wanna make a comeback and are playing as a team even if 2 are just left.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Where did you get this information lmao

    Also, "endgame means killer lost the match"?

    XD? Blood Warden, NOED, No Way Out?

  • wittedhobby
    wittedhobby Member Posts: 6

  • wittedhobby
    wittedhobby Member Posts: 6

    All BHVR has to do to fix this is when there are only 2 survivors left on the map is to give them infinite unbreakable so it would force the killer to hook one of the last 2 when he gets a down, giving the other a chance for hatch. Easy peasy. although i think that hatch shouldnt be in the game at all nor should there be a basement. but BHVR will never remove them from the game so just give the last 2 survivors infinite unbreakable so the mechanics BHVR has implemented will actually work.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Reading comprehension not your strong point? I said slugging at endgame. Go back and reread. The developer's stated unbreakable is becoming base kit. They tried it out on the ptb.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Hatch is there and it is the reason you get slugged genius. No one would slug if killing a survivior in 1v2 wasn't a risk.

    I'm not saying hatch should be removed, but blaming killer for playing as the game suggests is dumb

  • illumina
    illumina Member Posts: 73

    You're not saying hatch should be removed but advocate for killers to play like it shouldn't even exist. If it was playing the game as it suggests, why is there a hatch to begin with? The hatch suggests that if there is 1 sole survivor left, then they have a means of escape because getting the gate opened is just near impossible.

  • KFChris18
    KFChris18 Member Posts: 128

    Here's my take. Getting slugged sucks, especially when its at the end of the game and there's no realistic chance of escape. But ultimately, it doesn't last forever. There is nothing wrong with a killer wanting to kill everyone in the game, its there job after all. Just like there is nothing wrong with survivors wanting to get all 4 of them out. It is not "malicious" or "morally wrong" to try to win a pvp video game. If you hate being slugged, there are perks to help avoid it. I personally dont slug for the 4th but I won't pile hate on people who do.

    Also, I think the basekit UB/Last Stand Mori is a really bad idea. Not only does it encourage more slugging( despite the fact its supposed to stop it) but it is also fixing a problem that is entirely BHVR's own creation. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE thought that moris are overpowered in their current state. If you are getting mori'd then you would be dead anyways or a killer had to devote a precious perk slot to make it possible. Basekit BT is fine and probs should have been in the game from the get-go, but basekit UB will straight up kill several playstyles and killers (see Twins, Oni, etc). If BHVR has any sense they will ditch this idea and head back to the drawing board to create new solutions that dont assassinate player freedom.