Deathslinger ADS buff



  • ScØØby
    ScØØby Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 18

    Alright fellas its been a while since we discussed actual buffs and nerfs for Deathslinger.

    It's just reaction time, ping, input delays, etc.

    Back to the main topic how would you buff Slinger to be more viable and not so garbage.

    I think smaller terror radius seems fitting, more unique add-ons to be added and the reload and wheel in speed add-ons to be base kit, Maybe the Iridescent Helliron add-on which is actually garbage for an add-on could be re-worked to a token base ADS reduction add-on. Each time you successfully hit a shot your ADS is reduced by a very small amount and can go up to maybe 4 or 5 Tokens. Lets say 1/3 reduction to the ADS but a shot missed will disregard all tokens.

    Seems fair how often will you see a slinger that will scope you from 18 Metres away, this encourages him to get closer allowing you to get to a safer or more dense loop, giving him a choice of hit now or miss and let you get further away and lose all tokens.

    I don't think every match you will get a Slinger that plays CS:GO religiously and the Iridescent add-on is less likely to appear as its rarity, may get one or two every bloodweb level.

    Seems like a cool idea we might be able to re-live a small part of slinger before the 5.3.0 patch.

    Not as busted by the difference in ADS time will probably make a good difference.

    Anyway let us know your ideas he needs some loving but nothing crazy.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think something other than changing the Ads, because 0.4 seconds is already not that long. A bit of an increase in the real of speed is fine though. Maybe even something like th longer you hold ads the more it zooms in? Don't know if that would do much but it might help with a precise shot?

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    Change DeathSlinger's name to anything else that doesn't have the inclusion of "Slinger" on it; only then will the ads + fire time nerf make even the slightest bit of sense. DeathSlinger is quite literally a Gun Slinger; someone who is known for being quick on the draw and still shooting well.

    Slinger is currently a tall, 110% MS Killer with a 32 meter terror radius. The Redeemer only shoots up to 18 meters, has a thinner hitbox than most other projectiles, is only lethal if 1. the Survivor doesn't mend or 2. the Survivor is within M1 reach.

    If we look at other Killers with a ranged option in their arsenal, the Slinger is outdone at nearly everything. Nemesis tiers up to get less ms reduction and can break pallets. Huntress has circular hitboxes on her hatchets. Trickster is Trickster, need I say more about him. Artist has map wide range and can have 3 projectiles at once. Plague can constantly keep Survivors injured and, let's be honest, she doesn't get enough flak for having a liquid trail with a BS hitbox. Pyramid Head can go through walls and can double as a quick hook. Artist, Nemesis, and Pyramid Head are all 115% that can ignore pallets and/or shoot through walls while have lethal powers.

    Thematically and gameplay wise, Slinger never should've gotten an ads nerf. His best addons are reload and miss delay reduction and even then those only go up to green. A single digit percentage MS increase while ads'ing means nothing if you're power slows you down. Chain breaking stun is only good when you've got unsafe pallets. Mangled and hemorrhage mean nothing if you don't get hit, have a boon, or a medkit. This isn't Legion so mend timer increase is blegh. TR decreasing while aiming; as if you'll ever be sneaky enough on a wide open map. Reel speed is fine.

    He got nerfed because people didn't want to adapt to faking windows and not running in a straight line and that's all his nerf will ever be.

  • ScØØby
    ScØØby Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 18

    @Anomalist I see your a man of culture as well, but I doubt we will ever get the ADS nerfed, I want him back, but majority of the survivor community doesn't want him back.

    The Dev's should hold 2 separate polls for survivor and killer asking about this, Probably all killers say revert his changes, and most survivors will say he is ok change something else about him. :(

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    He got nerfed because 0 warning on his shots was stupid as hell... It is 0.4 seconds of wind up, every other range killer has more or slower projectiles... I think 0.4 seconds is really fast dude xD

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Hell no dude, I play him sometimes and I'm happy it is not as stupid as it was. That thing was just stupid, just because a change makes your position better does not mean you automatically think it is a good change. I mean most people play both sides anyway, so they mostly want a balanced game for both sides.

  • ScØØby
    ScØØby Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 18

    for real I think the Deathslinger would have an easier time growing up in the late 1990's early 2000's then existing in his state.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    "He got nerfed because people didn't want to adapt to faking windows and not running in a straight line and that's all his nerf will ever be."

    The problem is he does not need to pre-emptively shoot, so even if you fake the window he could just havewaited for you to be locked in animation and should you instantly, because no windup or wait a few seconds and get the hit then if you didn't take the window after all... How are you adapting if it is a loose loose situation anyway? Also running in a straight line was all there was to do since as I already explained it was not humanly possible to reaction dodge it. So if you cannot dodge it... And he does not get slowed down for quickly winding up... That creates a situation were you will loose distance if you try to make yourself harder to hit and by that become easier to hit after some time, because he can either just M1 you or wait until you reach a small path or tile where you cannot dodge. Because he will gain distance while you dodge nothing. It was just terrible design from an objective standpoint. That's why it was free to get hits on him, and why many people did not like him, there was no skill involved in those situations.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think the problem with his design is just that mechanics that close to ego shooters don't fit the game, because in a normal ego shooter the one aims better and shoots faster usually comes out on top, but that just does not apply here, you cannot shoot back and even if you react faster than the other guy in general, it does not matter since you could have only reacted to what he did and his projectile was too fast to react to and the other stuff he could do was not a clear indicator. It would be similar if you play counter strike and the Terrorists are invisible until 0.25 seconds before the shot hits you thats a similar amount of time you had against old slinger to react to something xD

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited December 2022

    Old Deathslinger could ADS spam, essentially generating free pressure from having survivors constantly zig-zag (and thus slow down). This wasn't even completely necessary because he could aim and shoot his gun so fast that he didn't even really need to ADS spam, survivors would still be zig-zagging around the place anyway.

    I think his ADS changes were good. You can still relatively quickly aim and shoot a survivor, although if the survivor is looking behind them and paying attention, at least there is a small time window for the survivor to react.

    Deathslinger still has things going for him: He's good at zoning, very good at loops that can be shot over, using window loops against him is difficult or just not possible if he plays it right (TL, god windows etc).

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    Literally every other ranged Killer can do what Slinger did to a certain degree, if not better than he could; please read the entirety of my comment.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Slinger is still a better killer than Nemesis or Trickster. He can shoot through tiny holes. Unlike Nemesis crouching does not just miss a shot unless you got really unlucky and aimed too high. Also the 5-6m range on Nemesis can be really rough on some tiles, where it is just not enough to get the hit. I would say he is somewhere in the middle of them below huntress, artist, pyramid head and plague but still better than Nemesis and Trickster. Huntress has a really long wind up time and slinger makes it easier to know precisely where you're aiming at. Slinger does not need to abandon chase to reload, like Huntress and Trickster. He can even use this to his advantage when the survivor cannot really make it to another safe structure instead and just keep them in a place after missing a shot.

    I did read the entirety of the comment, but the theme or the name of the killer does not say much about the killers power. This is not nomen est omen. Slinger can still do great stuff, he is just less BS now because he at least gives a warning, gameplay wise they needed to get rid of insta shooting. And when it comes to the theme he is not holding a revolver, so winding up and putting the gun in place obviously takes a little bit longer. I mean sure his terror radius did not necessarily need to become 32 m, but I understand that they wanted to get rid of the possibility to get shot from outside his terror radius...

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    The things you said work in theory, but then get ruined when put into actual practice; you're not hitting a shot through the boarded up shack window against anyone with a brain.

    Trapper has traps and Wraith is phantom-like; two examples of nomen est omen in your context. The Artist draws birds with her ink, Hag looks old and decrepit, LeatherFace wears faces and I feel like that's plenty enough examples of their names being a sign of thematic and power relevance.

    Get anyone who hasn't played the game to guess the powers and looks of the Killers just from their names alone and 9/10 they'll get everything wrong. Do it again but this time present pictures and descriptions of their powers and ask them to match name, power, and picture; people who understand context clues will make this test more successful than the previous one.

    As I said before, Survivors refused to learn how to counter Slinger and instead positioned themselves where every other ranged Killer would get a hit too. A Killer is not strong because Survivors are bad and losing, A Killer is strong when Survivors bring the strongest perks, items, and offerings and still losing.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't know how hag is translated in other languages, but it seems to be rather like witch. But Deathslinger is a cowboy/bounty hunter with a gun, what else do you want? The name might somewhat give a hint about the theme but you cannot get out exact specifics about the killers power. The doctor is most likely not acting according to the hippocratic oath its more about what they look like and what their thing is in general. I do think it is possible to get such hits, just because many people don't even know that it is possible or are at least not aware of the killer even trying... So I guess you could get a shot through there at times.

    There was no way to counter old slinger, how often do we have to go over that... He had 0 warning before shooting, how do you react to that? Taking line of sight blockers would maybe delay him, but since he does not get slowed down he will eventually catch up... So by doing that you don't really counter him. You just loose a lot of distance and he will catch up to you regardless, until he is in a position where he can just instashoot you with no way of reacting to the shot. The only way to do something about his shots was holding w to a high wall structure and blocking his line of sight until he finally gets a shot. Faking a window wouldn't do anything because he just needs to be patient to get the hit.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39
    1. I don't think you understood my point and I don't think you understand what an omen is.
    2. Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't immediately win the arguement; it only shows it's fragility if it all leads back to the same "problem" despite having simple and effective counterplay.

    Let's go back for a second. Nomen est omen = Name is omen; an omen is "an event regarded as a portent of good or evil" or "prophetic significance". Every Killer has an omen, synonymous for sign, signal, hint, etc, that tells their power; however you're trying to redirect it only to the name of the Killer instead of including their lore as well.

    If you took a read at the lore of the Survivor's and Killer's then you'd know that the Killer names are just nicknames. The Hag was a young lady and is only a Hag because she was kidnapped and starved by cultists. DeathSlinger is a Harvard graduate who became an engineer, got scammed by a corporate suit, jailed, became a bounty hunter for the Warden, and then killed them both for trying to betray him again. Hag knows how to do magic because she was with cultists for years and Slinger would know how to quick draw because he was forced to be a bounty hunter with a gang big enough to raid a jail.

    When you are stuck to taking things at face value, you're overall hurting your own understanding as words can mean many other things than just what you think.

    How do you go about dodging Huntress, Trickster, Nemesis, Plague? Survivors are in third person for a reason. Killers are locked to about 70 FOV while Survivors can view about 180 degrees out. If you're not willing to use your eyes to watch the Killer's movement, then you're obviously not using your brain to think of a plan to get away. You also forget the fact that when you're being aimed at by Slinger as a Survivor, you'll hear a whistle; another Omen that gives him away. Before you say "but that doesn't help if he's insta-shot"; he isn't anymore, is he?

    Slinger's only buff was that he went from 75% to 85% MS when Aiming; almost certain that this means he was just as slow, if not slower than Survivors. Slinger didn't even work with his own perks and barely works with them post buff. The only thing Slinger had was Stealth from other perks and insta-scope. Either lower his TR, increase his speed to 115%, or bring back his insta-scope.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Insta scope was broken. Slinger is still good - it shows in stats. He just does not feel good so some small buff is acceptable. insta shots ARE NOT.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    So in this context, does broken mean the same thing as when people talk about Nurse or is it used because Survivors made it seem "broken"? Where does the line between "broken" and players being bad get drawn?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    What I meant with that latin saying is that the name already is quite accurate in describing the killer... I just used that saying in that sense, you're kind of reading too much into it here. And by saying the name already describes the killer well I do of course not take anything else into account, because the name is the only thing the saying is taking into account... I don't really get your point here. Also I'm not sure if you did not take the word omen out of the context of the latin saying. Because that saying literally just means something like "It fits its name". And that only takes the name into account.

    The hag is a witch that got taught symbols of protection and so on in her village, ofc I would assume those symbols only got power because of the entitys influence after her demise, but still I would think the name does hint towards her being a witch. And I would not call the people she lived with cultists, that has a somewhat negative connotation. Those protective signs seem more like making a cross as a christian when you encounter something unholy.

    As far as I can read in the wiki Deathslingers father was an engineer... The word "Harvard" does not even come up in the wiki, so I don't know where you got that from? ( . I can agree with the rest though. Also I think 0.4 seconds is quite quick already, how quick do you think is quick drawing? I mean he does not just simply hold up his gun and then aim but both in one, I think that is rather quick.

    "You also forget the fact that when you're being aimed at by Slinger as a Survivor, you'll hear a whistle; another Omen that gives him away. Before you say "but that doesn't help if he's insta-shot"; he isn't anymore, is he?"

    I don't really understand what you want by saying that? I didn't complain about current slinger at all but only about how he used to be when insta shooting was a thing? Neither did I complain about the need to look back, so I don't really get your point right here? And I would not call it an omen but a hint. (Omen would be something like a foreshadowing in that context whereas it is simply a audio indicator that slinger raised his gun, similar to huntress raising a hatched or having the hatchet fully charged).

    Slingers perks are overall not too good, current DMS is not as good as the old one, Retribution is okayish and gearhead is just not that good. I also agree that 32 m didn't need to be, it could have been 30 or 28 just so you cannot easily shoot people from outside your terror radius. But I completely disagree with the option of bringing back insta shooting... We can discuss about most things but I'm gonna die on that hill saying that insta shooting was a terrible mechanic and it's good that it's gone.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Can you or can you not actively react to a shot that is being shot at you by deathslinger from ~10 m away? As mathematically proven before there is a critical distance below which it is humanly impossible to react to the shot. Is it broken that the survivor gets 0 indication about that shot, that is about to happen and he cannot react to? I would say yes. If it is humanly impossible to react to the shot then player skill does not matter so what is even the point about players being bad here?

    Imagine it like this... Killer is just following you in a straight line you know he will get a free hit as soon as he reaches the critical distance to you just that the criticla distance is not lunge range but the 9.2m or what it was above at which you cannot react to the shot, not even crouch dodge it. Before that point you might be able to dodge it, if you get lucky. But he can already shoot you before, so you kind of need to look back to get those few milliseconds extra to see the windup, just that the windup does not mean he will shoot, because it takes so little time to wind up and the slowdown is neglectable, so what keeps him from constantly raising and lowering the gun for 0.1 seconds or so? He barely gets slowed down for doing that and when the survivor just keeps running in a straight line he can at one point just not lower it but shoot and the chance to dodge that is rather minimal...

    The problem with breaking line of sight is that he can just follow you normally and you leave scratchmarks so you're not gonna loose him and he is gonna catch up to you until you are in shooting range. There was just not much from an interactive point of view.

    At least against nurse the whole breaking line of sight does work regardless of how far she is from you... And you will not loose the distance you will loose when you are playing against slinger.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Broken means the same thing as last buffed boiled over - you just couldn't hook. Does that mean you lost every single game? No it doesn't. Bleedout still did work. However the game got broken and hooking got impossible. Instascope DS was the same thing.

  • ScØØby
    ScØØby Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 18

    @Archol123 you make a point but you are implying that Slinger has to be within 10M. What Slinger have you ever played against that only ever shoots at you when they are within the humanly impossible range of dodging?

    I don't care if the lord says its impossible to dodge Slingers attacks within 10M I've done it, you've done it, probably every person has done it once so its not impossible.

    The Developers should bring it back for a weekend and do a poll on how it changed the killer meta, Killer pick-rate, Killer Kill-rate, Survivor Perk usage, etc. Would be funny to see if Slinger came back and not to much has changed.

    Nurse is insane to play against the strategy is go crazy, go stupid be unpredictable, that's a similar strategy to out-play slinger, whenever you are in a tight spot most slingers play like a huntress, taking shots around corners through small gaps in loops, slinger was nasty to play against if you had a Slinger Main, which maybe like 2 people in Central America might be an old Slinger main, so you wouldn't see him too often.

    If you see a Slinger now its a yawn, oh which button am I going to push for 0.2 Seconds to dodge your projectile "A or D", before it was take a corner wide, double back here or there. Now its still "A or D" to counter the killer. Holding W is a death sentence but what player sees a ranged killer and holds W.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    The first two paragraphs are countered by a single thing; it's called positioning. If the Killer is approaching, you run away. This works with all Killers.

    Line #3 doesn't mean a thing because even the M1 Killers are going to walk at you "normally".

    Line #4 is incorrect in every way; please realize what is wrong with it as I'm only going to tell you where you're wrong and not why you're wrong anymore.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    Same thing with the other guy; not gonna tell you how you're wrong, but you're wrong.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It's the most safe thing to shoot at that distance, of course you can try shooting before. But you basically got a free hit at that distance, and probably even higher, just because it would be very hard to dodge even at higher distances. You might have avoided a hit, but you did not react to it, that's just not the same thing. Reacting to it is humanly impossible, you cannot argue against the math at that point... If you see something happening that gets proven incorrect by math/physics then either the laws of physics are wrong or what you have seen has a different cause.

    Back then it was constant ads spamming and a shot at some point to which reacting was basically impossible, it was terrible.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You are eventually going to be in a distance of below 10 m to the killer, thats just how loops are designed, you cannot keep him 20 m away from you at all time. That's just not a thing... Yes pre-running can work, but is pre running a fun and interactive thing to do? No it is boring af, the looping is the fun part, but when looping is basically getting insta shot that's not fun either.

    Yeah but an M1 killer needs to get into a specific lunge distance that can often be prevented by looping tiles properly, that's not really the case for slinger as he used to be.

    I disagree with your statement to line 4, stating that sb. is wrong is useless if you don't explain why, it is not a discussion than but just kindergarden behaviours "you're wrong..." "no you're wrong"... If you have wanna go down that path sure mate go for it.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    Here's what you don't understand:

    1. I can continue to explain how to counter Slinger and have you argue that it isn't fun when fun is a subjective concept that won't always be given.
    2. In an earlier comment I didn't see, you actual showed that you went through and read up on Slinger; this means that you're breaking the habit of only taking things at face value. However, I said "Harvard graduate" only for flavor text but I proved that you can break the habit.
    3. But you're still stuck is said habit as, in that same comment, you acknowledged neither the fact that she was kidnapped "Her kidnappers kept her chained to the wall in a flooded cellar." -, nor the fact that the symbols she draws were from the elders and not the kidnappers.
    4. DBD is a glorified game of cat and mouse where the mice (Survivors) should run away and be scared of the cat (Killers). The only time when the game is given back it's horror element is when Killers have a "fast paced" power that suddenly catches you.
    5. The explanation I give is recieved with a "doesn't work like that" or an "I don't understand" followed by a "point" not made in the previous comment.

    You take almost everything at face value as if it only means a singular thing. You aren't comprehending that other playstyles like stealth exists and you certainly aren't comprehending how strengths, weaknesses, buff, and nerfs should work. I may be giving you the Kindergartener treatment; but that's only because you refuse to understand or even take a second to think about it.

    And your comparisons are bad; Nurse is better than Slinger and that's an obvious fact.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    People don't understand that Slinger is a gambling Killer when using his power; you either predict where the Survivor is going or you miss. Good Survivors would see you aiming or predict your shot, fake their pathing in one chase and then commit in another; that leaves Slinger guessing and the Survivors would be mentally challenged in a good way.

    If people, at this is all it really boils down to, just got good then half the complaints in the game would already be "fixed". Slinger is almost a three year old Killer that people could've, just gotten good against if they actually tried. Shame the 4:1 ratio had the devs caring more for the whiny Survivors.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Go ask even more for point 4 and find out match making takes 30+ minutes. The game is already HORRIBLE for soloQ. SWF are no longer stronger then A-tier killers (not to mention S-tier). But sure - let's make another killer that is barely OK (strong B tier) broken again. So that survs indeed stop playing the game. Good job with your thinking.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    No slowdown, no gen control, a very limited range, 110% move speed, 32 meter Terror Radius, punished hard for missing and sometimes for hitting with his power, struggles on medium to large maps; need I say more? Whoever you got "strong B tier" from is either a DBD streamer, who is supposed to be good and better than most, or you got it from some sketchy website saying "DBD'S TOP KILLERS TIER LIST REVEALED!?!". Pick your poison.

    SoloQ and Swf have nothing to do with this so whatever point that was gonna be is invalid.

    The devs only recently remembered that this is a game based on killing and surviving. If you don't like that the powerhouse role supposed to be stronger than the other, quit playing. How many times have Survivors threatened to quit playing? Stop crying crocodile tears.

  • ScØØby
    ScØØby Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 18

    My bad fellas, I got ahead of my self and rambled some rubbish.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    1. "But you're still stuck is said habit as, in that same comment, you acknowledged neither the fact that she was kidnapped "Her kidnappers kept her chained to the wall in a flooded cellar." -, nor the fact that the symbols she draws were from the elders and not the kidnappers.

    And thats what I said:

    The hag is a witch that got taught symbols of protection and so on in her village, ofc I would assume those symbols only got power because of the entitys influence after her demise, but still I would think the name does hint towards her being a witch. And I would not call the people she lived with cultists, that has a somewhat negative connotation. Those protective signs seem more like making a cross as a christian when you encounter something unholy.

    So you didn't read properly, because I said she was taught in her village? And what do the kidnappers have to do with this? She is a witch because she knows magic signs I guess.

    "And your comparisons are bad; Nurse is better than Slinger and that's an obvious fact."

    I did not say anything else, I only said that a certain way of trying to make the killers life harder does work better on nurse Slinger when you have more distance on the nurse since she needs to blink to catch up and slinger does not.

    1. "The explanation I give is recieved with a "doesn't work like that" or an "I don't understand" followed by a "point" not made in the previous comment.


    Your explanation just ignored 1. the whole math on being able to react to a shot 2. That there is nothing to read when it is an insta shoot and 3. Faking stuff does not really matter if all the killer has to do to still get a hit is to just be patient.

    So maybe your explanation is just terrible and that's why I said it does not apply.

    There was no getting good against getting insta shot...

    Basically every single killer in the game struggles on large maps... So I don't think that's a good point. But yeah sure he has no map pressure, but that applies to many killers in the game, does not necessarily say he is bad.

     "Whoever you got "strong B tier" from is either a DBD streamer, who is supposed to be good and better than most, or you got it from some sketchy website saying "DBD'S TOP KILLERS TIER LIST REVEALED!?!". Pick your poison. Whoever you got "strong B tier" from is either a DBD streamer, who is supposed to be good and better than most, or you got it from some sketchy website saying "DBD'S TOP KILLERS TIER LIST REVEALED!?!". Pick your poison."

    I mean the tiers itself are subjective... I would have said slinger is probably around average slightly above or below maybe. Overall a solid killer but not opressive in the 4v1. However if a streamer that is good with every killer (I assume you mean it like that and not like a Deathslinger main) rates killer they usually take in to account all killers and therefore try to somewhat objectively take their strenght compared to each other into account. I mean ofc Tierlists take into account that you have basically mastered the killer.. Otherwise hillbilly would be even lower and so on... What else are you supposed to base your tierlist on?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited December 2022

    I wish killer power balance was based off survivor mastery rather then the intermediate to new-player level. at new player/intermediate level there is lack of responsibility in term of getting better, Its often because there is mechanical skill-ceiling that is impossible for the player to reach or a lack of knowledge for how to approach the struggle. I think it is fine that the new player is ignorant on getting better against the killer, but I dislike the expectation that the balance should be based around his -inability- to learn to play better.

    I think you could say these statements about most killer's position in the game.

    Post edited by entertainment720 on
  • TrueGuardian32
    TrueGuardian32 Member Posts: 134

    I've played a decent amount of Deathslinger and I'll say this, honestly the ADS nerf isn't too bad, it is punishing to new players yes, but once you get some experience you can utterly destroy with the Deathslinger. If anything the only buff I'd have for him is that the survivor you shoot loses collision with other survivors so survivors can't just NOPE your shots. I mean they could still body block, but it would put them in a more dangerous situation.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2022

    Like I said before, I'm not gonna give anymore explanations. Spelling every little minute detail would eat up even more of my time wasted on attempting to explain these things.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    For every Killer player there is always at least four Survivor players; the sheer numbers of complaining, inexperienced Survivors had lead to the nerfs of some Killers and kept others from getting buffed. Thankfully the Devs are trying to return DBD to the "horror" game is once was.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    lol. Devs are trying to kill the game right now. See

    If they are going to buff killers even further (like they constantly are - see all the map nerfs, new tiles, eruption, CoB, overcharge, new maps and 3gens and many more things) it's no wonder people are slowly becoming fed up with the game.

    I fully stopped playing solo, because the sheer frustration is unbearable. Now I enjoy killer games (even if killer is overall less fun then survivor). But the frustration factor difference is just too huge. The only way I am willing to play survivor now is at minimum 3-man squad. And that's only if I am in the mood when it's ok for me to loose way more then win.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    Slinger had always been a 1v1 Killer that would put pressure on the team by doing what every Killer does- hooking, downing, injuring, etc. The nerf didn't "kill" him but it certainly stunted the number of the already low Slinger players; I only remember seeing two, first before the nerf and second after.

    That would be a very niche buff that could only be applied in altruistic situations. He needs more addon choices and some type of compensation buff. Survivors can run you for 20-30 seconds around big rocks on Ormond as a result of being 110% and you'd need to run sleath perks and his stealth addons if you wanted to be a stealth Killer. Revert the scope, his TR, or make him a 115% and then people might see less Huntress, Nurse, Blight, etc. like they've been complaining about.

  • Anomalist
    Anomalist Member Posts: 39

    DBD is a 6, going on 7, year old game that has kept a majority of it's mechanics the same. Just because the Devs aren't catering to the Survivors anymore, you think the game is dying; big surprise, Survivor main. Learn to play and you'll lose less Survivor games <3

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    I am winning plenty. It's just that I had to swap to killer. As a surv main with 9:1 experience on survivor and getting taught by someone with 9K hours. Sustained killer plays (so no, max MMR already) are way easier. Even without camping. That's just the state the game is in.

  • ScØØby
    ScØØby Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 18

    Hey fellas, been playing a ######### tone of Slinger recently and he feels pretty good.

    Feels weird to say it but the ADS nerf probably shouldn't come back, still needs a buff in the movement speed whilst aiming though, probably nurse base movement speed.

    Still let me know what ideas you have.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    The change to the ADS was necessary, he was to oppressive in 1v1, and his numbers dont really differ that much from other similar killers:

    Huntress: 1.25 seconds of wind up for partial charge hatchet

    Pyramid Head: 1 second to enter mode + 0.6 seconds to attack

    Nemesis: 0.35 seconds of charge + 0.33 seconds to attack (he needs to hit you 3 times to compensate)

    Deathslinger: 0.4 to enter ADS + 0.5 seconds of firing delay

    His numbers are fair, probably feels clunky because how fluid it was when it released, but the numbers are reasonable and his 1v1 is still one of the best in the game, buffing deathslinger should probably make him stronger in areas that he strugles, like map control or the the fact that he is the only 4.4 killer with a 32m terror radius. Buffing his 1v1 wont make him much better, it will just make him more frustrating to go against.

    Thats what i believe.