Take the penalty off Calm spirit

Can we all agree that the “buff” was a big nerf 30% speed penalty for a very niche ability.the tiers should 10%/5%/0%.Or give a new effect all together


  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah there was no need for the speed penalty on searching chests.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    No we ALL cannot, the 30% is actually very minor. 3 seconds on a chest is nothing especially as if you are interrupted it doesnt lose progress. Hex perks are already super weak as it is, but again 5 extra seconds to cleanse a totem and eliminating the sound of breaking bones making it less likely to get interrupted is pretty balanced and not really that big of a deal.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I have managed to use the perk quite effectively on many occasions.

    Pre change many a time I had killers break chase to come after me because they heard me cleansing their hex, with new calm spirit that almost never happens. The only time it really puts you at a disadvantage is if the totem is out in the open or if they are running Thrill increasing the time even more.

    Ive also used it in my chest diver build many times to pull a key in the killers patrol area giving me a hatch escape when doors were too close together to pull off a door escape.

    It's still niche but definitely usable and it doesnt slow down gens or heal so the penalty is pretty minor

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    It does slow down gens and heals. Every extra second you're spending on a totem or chest is a second taken off of you doing a gen, healing, or rescuing.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Thats a pretty weak arguement you could open all 3 gens and cleanse all 5 totems which your not gonna try and do in a match anyways and it will cost you 29 extra seconds or 1/3rd of 1 gen.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542
    edited December 2022

    I doubt you have used this perk 'quite effectively on many occasions' in the past 5 months. Given that nightlight puts it at 0.69% usage rate and that 4.6% of users seen using this perk were trying to Adept Jake Park in the process this perk gets barely any use.

    You want us to believe that not only do you use this perk, but you've managed to get effective use out of it on 'many occasions'.

    Do you perhaps have any screenshots or videos of you using this perk effectively in the past 5 months?

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    I will never forget how i cleansed a noed totem while a legion walked past me because of calm spirit. Now THATS value.......even though it only worked once out of like a hundred games. Lol

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    My son started using Calm Spirit because he was annoyed by the Knight's forced screaming ability. Right after he equipped it we faced three Doctors so he got a great deal of value out of it.

    He hasn't used it since then. Knight is barely played and the same goes for his totem. For some unknown but very welcome reason we also haven't faced any Doctors lately either. Probably because everyone pulled out their nurses for rank reset.

    You get four slots, and to put a perk that nerfs your speed into any of them gives you less value immediately. I agree that it shouldn't have the downside.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Hard to say for sure, but you could ask that question about alot of things, however in just about all cases stealth comes with some kind of penalty attached to it.

    Would technician be op if it didnt have the extra regression penalty? Probably not

    Quick and quiet with no cooldown? Probably yes.

    I dont know what that is, and I'm on console and dont record gameplay.

    However taking an estimation of my survivor playtime 15 hrs/week for 20 weeks is 300 hours at a 15 min average match time is about 1200 matches, and i dont run it in all my builds by any stretch probably only maybe 5-10% which is somewhere between 60-120 matches.

    I do have my personal tracking of running it for a good solid week in all my builds shortly after it got changed, a total of 83 matches. I had 18.5 chest openings that I got away with (5 were basement chest with very strong terror radius but killer not in basement so only gave a 0.5), 4 of which were endgame keys that led to hatch escapes not from the basement chest. As for hex totems my count was 32 ( lots of people were still running ruin undying at this point), the killer was in chase with someone for 12 of those so some of that may have been choice, but there were 5 NOED, and 7 devour hope out of the 32, which are ones you would really try to protect.

    I guess it may depend on how you define many and I acknowledge some of those may not have been all due to calm spirit but I was pretty selective on what I was counting for the most part.

    The thing with its usage rate is most people dont even give it a chance, people on the forums blasted it and gave it a real bad rep, and alot of people see the 30% and dont figure out the math and what it actually means and disregard it based on that alone and just dont use it.