Suggestion on Huntress' audio

Could you boost the audio on Huntress power when she pulls out a hatchet as it is still difficult to hear during chase with her lullaby as well.
I say... no? Huntress is powerful yes, but she doesn't need that much of a nerf.
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No, for the love of god, no.
You just need to look behind yourself and you can see her pulling a hatchet it's not that hard.
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Firstly, no! Huntress is fair and balanced, especially the hit box being slightly big.
Second, if you are being chased by her, you should be constantly focused on her position, especially when she holding a hachet and getting ready to throw! Plus, the audio cue is distinctive enough to know she is about the throw it. You can hear her grunt, the Hachet shine sound (which let's you know that she is fully charged), and the very loud grunt and whooshing sound as she throw its.
If you are not looking behind you as she chasing you, you have no one to blame but yourself for refusing to use commonly game sense and should be aware of what she doing.
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This sounds like a you problem.
Are you playing this game on speakers?
Are you playing the game on too low volume?
I play this game with mid-range earbuds and never have any issues hearing the hatchet sing or the lullaby.
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Unlike some of you here, I myself don't enjoy sprinting aimlessly into walls during a chase. I'm not faulting your choice to throw matches however when the audio glitches out and becomes quiet and a player uses audio cues in that scenario it is a huge detriment to the player. Boosting the audio to counter the very loud chase music and very loud lullaby will be necessary for audio balancing. It doesn't have any effect on Huntress gameplay whatsoever and is not considered a nerf. They increased the audio on chases in the past to make it difficult for the killer to hear other survivors nearby whilst in chase. Same premise here but for survivor side.
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To be fair, at a certain distance, her sound is gone entirely, and it is quite good information to at least hear her (fully)winding up her hatchets while you're inside her lullaby
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I mean... if you are in ear shot then yes it could be higher...
But then again if they did then it would be map wide (if it's not already)