what do you think about trapper having all traps as basekit?
trapper is one of my mains and i do really enjoy him and can at times perform well but his power is super RNG and not reliable.
you can easily have matches where not a single trap is triggered or 1 or 2 at most. this makes him often times a pure M1.
the biggest challenge is that he requires set up either at the start or during the game and you spend a lot of time having to pick up traps from frankly ridiculous places in a game where every every second counts. by the time you have traps in spots that actually help you its easy to have almost lost the game and forced to play catch up and hope for an RNG snowball.
What if he had all his traps from the start as basekit. being able to skip the walking simulator part of his gameplay will help him get to the part where he is able to utilize his power and start applying pressure 30 seconds earlier than without. i dont feel this is too strong but might help pull him out of meme status.
We approve or at the very least they could remove the penalty for the purple bag. We don't use the purple add on that gives all traps cause often times we want to move them.
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At very minimum trap placement could be better by default (more towards center). I don't know if removing whole set-up time would not make him too much actually. But it's possible it would still be ok.
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yea possibly, but i just played a slew of Trapper games this morning and until i lost enough for mmr to come down a bit from my other killers, after some initial quick set up and getting into chase and downing it was very common for 3-4 gens to pop. after set up, your trap success is based off rng and luck. sometimes trapper can snowball HARD with traps and if that was a consistent thing removing set up time may be too much but usually you see no traps triggered or just 1 or 2.(and i dont put traps in the middle of nowhere)
I dont think any other killer is more rng, pig used to be but the rbt rework on her was very good and is now consistent. but yea if at the very least they could centralize traps alot more, that would be wonderful because its silly that we have to go out of our way to pick up traps in areas no one will be the whole match. and his early game is almost non existent unless you get lucky to come across a survivor very fast.
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I would say the trapper should get the following
- Carry all of his traps at the start
- Two traps on the trapper's person can be pre-armed for quick deployment
- Reload speed of the two traps on your person the same as those on the ground
- Survivors releasing themselves from a trap without help inflicts mangled, hemorrhage, and deep wound, this only impacts survivors who escape on their own, and not all survivors, so the add-ons currently in place are still able to be used
- Traps have a minimum 2-3 required escape attempts
- May be a bit controversial with this, but I think Bloody Coil should just be base kit, and instead injured survivors attempting to disarm traps with bloody coil are put into the dying state
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100% NOT all of these. Sure trapper needs help right now. But your suggestion would make him very oppresive very quickly.
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If the Trapper starts with all of his traps than he can just post up on a 3 gen right from the start of the match without ever having to leave.
This was probably what stopped them from giving him all his traps in the first place and would be even worse with the current gen kicking meta.
Don't ever expect BHVR to elevate Trapper. He doesn't sell DLC.
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I'm pretty sure BHVR has said they don't want him to have all his traps base kit for this very reason.
Not to mention you could just giga trap a hook without needing to think about it. You could always move those traps later, but still have it be basically impossible to unhook.
There are other buffs you could do that would help, but not be widely abusable. For example, I'm convinced the add-on that darkens traps should instead 'make them more transparent' by a certain amount. It would at least be usable on, say, Eyrie where traps are blinding obvious.
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Somewhere around 4 would be enough. Giving him all 8 is problematic (see otz and basement nonsense).
Ages ago someone suggested he could search a locker to teleport the most distant non armed trap to him - that's a great idea.
Those two changes would make him fine. Change the purple bag back to +2 traps or maybe even +3 traps.
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Interesting, but too strong.
Trapper is F Tier when it comes to the many counterplay with him; especially with SWF. Here's what I will do:
*Trapper should have access to all of his traps, by either one of these three basekit options.
Option A: Basekit Purple Sack Addon, without the penalty of leaving traps stuck where you place them.
Option B: Make Bear Traps spawn more often in the center of the map, and no traps should spawn in the corner of the map.
Option C: Traps only spawn in lockers, Trapper can reload just like Huntress/Trickster; yet the catch is there is maximum bear trap limit to how many traps you can have in the map 6-8, I think. Any disarmed traps will respawn in the locker, everytime you reload.
*Injured Survivors Falling for traps need to be severely punished, as there is no risk for Falling for it, besides notifying the killer.
Option A: Injured Survivors get either the Deep wound, Broken, or exhausted status effect upon falling for it. These afflictions can be ignored, if the other Survivors are nearby and come assist their Trapped Injured teammate.
Option B: Injured Survivors can still rescue themselves, but now be at risk of being put into the dying state. Unless a teammate is nearby to assist them escape. Basically make the honing stone purple addon basekit, but only to injured Survivors getting trapped and escaping on their own.
*Traps are way too easy to spot, as the new graphical updates in maps which kill grass and more bright maps. Not to mention, survivors items like keys and Maps can be used to located all of Trapper's traps.
Here's what we should do:
Option A: Bring back tall grass, especially near windows, loops, etc. Anything in the environment to help cleverly camouflage the traps placements.
Option B: Make Bear Traps disappear on sight, until a Survivor goes with a small range within a trap location and it will be revealed from invisibility. A Survivor outside of chase can easily spot the traps in advance and disarmed; while survivors in chase will need to be more mindful of where Trapper set his traps or go to loops outside his "territory" to maximize survival chances.
Option C: Remove Survivors's abilities to detect traps with items like Key/ maps. Another nerf, but it makes Trapper strong and not exploitable by SWF with items.
Other quality of life improvement/significant buffs to make Trapper much more better and efficiency, I would love to see.
*Trapper's successful traps would give the Killer a Temporarily Haste speed duration; which gives the killer bit of reward in catching up to survivors, everytime they screw up and fall for a trap. You can used the limited speed duration, to get to the trap Survivor location if they are across the map; or used the speed to finished up a chase you are trying to finished or get a free hit. The effects can last for 3-5 seconds; and give him a minor 5% increases movement speed.
*If Trapper gets a pick up Bear Traps from lockers added to the game, I would love to see new mechanic in which you can set a active trap inside a locker, for malicious plays agaisnt locker survivors whom don't suspect the locker to be dangerous. Imagine, how Victor from Twins can shut a Survivor inside a locker; but in this case; a Survivor gets injured or even down if they jumped inside a rigged locker or even trap for limited time.
*This is a bug problem, but I don't think Survivor should abuse the whole "I am disarming the trap but not really disarming it" so created a opening for a 2nd Survivor to walk right through the trap, as their teammates "disarmed" it. If thay gets patched, and make survivors walking through armed traps with teammate help impossible. That would be fantastic.
*Okay, now that I listed all the buffs, I will add one major nerf, to help combat Basement Trapper, as it not easy for saving survivors. That one nerf is Bear Traps can no longer be place inside door opening. Pallets outside the killer shack, and even window should be fine. Or at least, make the basements range in which you cannot place a trap in a certain range. And if it detect pre set up traps, the traps will be disarmed automatically.
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A rare occasion where we agree
This is borderline too much, but it might be still OK. Considering also proposed nerf, this could actually work (the nerf is especially important, because "bugfix" part was one of a few things how to get out of basement if trapper camps and closes basement in shack)
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I think all of changes would be fine, considering I am giving options on one of the several options. Obviously, I am addressing all of the key issues that makes trapper less viable and also addressing one of the major issues in facing again trapper.
But Giving him all of these buffs:
*adding punishment for injured survivors agaisnt traps
*making traps difficult to notice by Survivors and easier to access for the killer
*adding rewards with successful catching a Survivor with temporary speed boost
Which is also why I am going along with nerfing the unfun part of trapper. Which is basement trapper; as for the survivor end; it not easy to have safe rescue. So, that is why I am making it nearly impossible to trap the doorways or have traps be anywhere near the basement if possible.
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"Traps are way too easy to spot, as the new graphical updates in maps which kill grass and more bright maps"
Not to mention almost everyone is running reshade which makes the game look like an episode of scooby doo. Seariously go watch a big survivor main's stream and you will see the most vivid ridiculous colors when looking at the map and its background (to say nothing of the survivor otufits).
Furthermore Trapper should have an option to "only play maps with grass". Map doesn't have lots of grass? He can keep a box unchecked and map offerings cannot send him to those places unless he uses the offering.
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That, or if they are not going to fix map and add more grass, especially indoor maps. The next best solution, is for make bear trap invisible from a certain range, make it 1 to 4 Meters away, unless you are in chase.
It would be nice to make traps more invisible and hard to spot out, so that Trapper has some element of surprise to his power.
The problem with traps is that they are not easy to hide it, as alot of the most effective way to hide it is gone; placing in corners in loops is usually not a option as experienced Survivors will figure you trap the loop and work around it or abandon it to go to next loop that isn't trap.
Even if we make tar bottle basekit, the traps are too easy to spot and usually place it most predictable spots such as strong pallets or windows. It almost rare to herd a Survivor into your trap, especially the unpredictable ones.
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I think he should start with most of his traps, but that any he doesn't start with should be pre-set.
The speed he sets them needs to be faster, too.
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Giving the trapper all his traps from the start would be too oppressive I think (the 3 gen thing).
How about this?
-Trapper bag basekit (the green add on);
-escaping from a trap gives mangled,hemorrage and deep wound status (gives only mangled if helped escape by another survivor);
-A survivor can no more disarm a trap using his/her hands,instead,a new items system gets implented (kinda like nemesis and wesker cures),and,you can only close a trap with said item (might be a branch,a stone,something sense related),these items are limited in number and can be found on the map,so the survivors have to plan their disarms accordingly (this counters traps disarming spam that makes the trapper power useless most of the time).
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The reality is that trapper is a weak killer because there is no consequence for disarming traps. For the trapper to be elevated to a viable state he needs:
1) at least 4 traps in hand base (and start with 4 in hand)
2) Base kit Oily coil - disarming a trap = injury for survivors
3) Option to only play on grass maps unless you use an offering or click a "I want to play all maps" check box.
That leads room for a new Iri addon. Know what that could be? Traps are literally invisible (and cant be seen except by rainbow map).
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I sort of object to the problem with disarming traps; I am fine if survivors are wasting time disarming traps; problem is with the addition of certain items as well a third party voice communications; it much easier to locate them and disarmed them in advance. Not to mention, that one bug in which Survivors can go through armed traps with the disarming process.
Blood coil being basekit would be way to strong and quite frankly will make survivors not bother disarming them.
The option to play on grass map shouldn't be a choice, it should be basekit if you are playing trapper. It would help if trapper has many places to hide the traps, inside or outside of loops and be rewarded with clever placements and herding to the traps locations.
More traps on hand would definitely be nice, but I would prefer if trapper get managed to get easier access for all of his traps, instead being given over 4 traps that might not be enough; plus it seem immersive to carry 4 heavy bear traps in one hand. I am fine with 2.
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My own idea for Trapper, assuming no other changes: All his traps start the trial set.
While still vulnerable to RNG trap placement, it seems a simple but effective way for some early game pressure.
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You could make both Trappers ultra rare addons base kit and he still isn’t even at A tier. That should give you idea of how seriously weak he is. All traps at base sounds like a good start, but as illustrated he still needs a lotttt more.
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That's my suggestion yeah. That and having them recycled instead of having to go pick them up. Of course you still will be able to.