This could be permanent or done more often!

Honestly I love the idea that playing a lot of rounds in one run rewards you! This could be permanent. And it could be done with XP or with bloodpoints or maybe with both. And if the 2x-Multiplier is too much to add permanent only the 1,5x-multiplier could stay and the 2y-multiplier could only come back for events to make it more special.
Anyway, yea I just really like this and thought I should post it.
Not a fan. The game has too many issues like "unknown errors" and "game progress errors" that force you to close/reopen that reset the amount of consecutive games played. It actually discourages me from playing when I know my amount of consecutive games is being reset because the game forced me to close/reopen.
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Put it on a timer instead of linking it to a session. So if you are in a game every 5 minutes, registering if you are in queue or not as well.
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As long as it doesn't reset when you need to close/reopen the game that could work. Could have it be every 24 hours it resets, like dailies or log in rewards.
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I mean, it's bonus BP. Imagine complaining that your bonus BP isn't bonus enough and therefore should be no bonus at all?
Tbh though I didn't even realise this was live. I can't see anything in game to show me what multiplier I'm currently at despite playing multiple games back to back.
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It's not exaclty bonus bp (bp = bloodpoints) it's bonus XP and you can see your bonus multiplier under the XP circle (don't know another word sorry ^^) directly after a match when it counts your other XP.