I cannot see this anymore. BHVR please do something (Freddy)!

Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

You told us in the last Q&A in January (!), that the Twins are in the works. After January, we had no Q&A. If I remember correctly, there were more Q&As in the past. I would love to see this more often then once a year.

However, the point is: After finishing Twins, please reconsider Freddy. Even a Hag is obove him now, he has terrible, yes, useless, Addons together with a lot of Bugs for placing Snares, Immunity for being asleep when using the Alarm Clock (Nerf 2020) and the Dreamworld itself is no dangerous place at all. Before the Jump Rope etc.-Killswitch, called "You can hear things louder", there is nothing to worry about in the Dreamworld anymore.

So I really, REALLY, hope that after Twins my Boy Freddy is next Top-Priority when its about "take a look at a Killer".

  • Let them fall asleep faster when in chase (Otz idea)
  • Give him Snares AND Pallets Basekit
  • Remove the Immunity from the Clocks
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Please reconsider 90% of his addons. Tbh, the Paint Brush is the only addon worth running.

With these changes, he would be nothing more than a noobstamper. Against SWF, he still has major problems, because he has no real Basekit-Slowdown. If I look at Cenobite or even Pig with her RBTs vs. the clocks, which arent important, because the Dreamworld is no thred, I wish he would get a bit of slowdown Basekit.

Im hoping you can do something, what makes him thrilling for both sides.
