I cannot see this anymore. BHVR please do something (Freddy)!

You told us in the last Q&A in January (!), that the Twins are in the works. After January, we had no Q&A. If I remember correctly, there were more Q&As in the past. I would love to see this more often then once a year.
However, the point is: After finishing Twins, please reconsider Freddy. Even a Hag is obove him now, he has terrible, yes, useless, Addons together with a lot of Bugs for placing Snares, Immunity for being asleep when using the Alarm Clock (Nerf 2020) and the Dreamworld itself is no dangerous place at all. Before the Jump Rope etc.-Killswitch, called "You can hear things louder", there is nothing to worry about in the Dreamworld anymore.
So I really, REALLY, hope that after Twins my Boy Freddy is next Top-Priority when its about "take a look at a Killer".
- Let them fall asleep faster when in chase (Otz idea)
- Give him Snares AND Pallets Basekit
- Remove the Immunity from the Clocks
- MOST IMPORTANT: Please reconsider 90% of his addons. Tbh, the Paint Brush is the only addon worth running.
With these changes, he would be nothing more than a noobstamper. Against SWF, he still has major problems, because he has no real Basekit-Slowdown. If I look at Cenobite or even Pig with her RBTs vs. the clocks, which arent important, because the Dreamworld is no thred, I wish he would get a bit of slowdown Basekit.
Im hoping you can do something, what makes him thrilling for both sides.
BHVR doesn't care about DbD anymore. They only care about MyM.
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While Freddy is weak and needs buffs he honestly just needs another rework, his kit is boring, unoriginal and literally just copy/paste re-use of other killers abilities. Original Freddy design was actually unique.
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If OG Freddy had a chase-power and u remove the "Wake up by failing a SC"-Thing, then I would warmly welcome this version.
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That's an interesting thought... These new forums do focus on their other games and BHVR as a whole as opposed to iust DbD. Is it possible they're preparing to jump ship?
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I´m not sure that MyM or any of their other games will be anything bigger than a run & dump game.
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What would give you that impression?
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Player numbers according to Steam Charts are way down. Viewing and streaming numbers are down.
DbD is currently a dumpster on fire and BHVR is hoping it will rain rather than show up with a fire extinguisher.
DbD should be BHVR's flag ship, not a ship wreck.
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so. Everything as usual, DbD is doomed etc.
but where do you see BHVR focusing on MyM?
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I never said DbD is doomed. But I certainly don't like the direction it's heading if they don't try to right the ship.
Where do I see BHVR focusing on MyM? Look up. Click Home. Click Meet Your Maker.
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What am I supposed to see there? Just that the forums section exists?
sorry but there is nothing indicating that BHVR neglects DbD over MyM…
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Back to topic pls.
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Otz fanboy + takes stats in DBD seriously. That's gonna be a big yikes for me.
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Im far away of being a "Otz-Fanboy" and yes, Pickrate is something that shows what the community thinks about a character
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The one Freddy change needs to be "remove slow your speed while setting snares/pallets."
It makes playing him feel awful and single handedly killed his anti-looping game.
It's a silver bullet through the character and for nothing. People were complaining about Forever Freddy, which depended on his addon, Pop Goes the Weasel, and his gen teleport. His addons got gutted, Pop got nerfed, but instead of changing his gen teleport, they killed his default power instead.
Absolutely absurd.
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Twins first pls :)
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Clown doesnt have a slowdown either and thats absolutely right. Getting slowdowned for usind a slowdown. WHAT?
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Two things to keep in mind:
- Changes to licensed characters likely need approval from the rightholders first.
- MyM is new, of course the webpage will focus on that for a bit. It's like the lobby and introcinematic in DbD.
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Thats not true. Ingame-characters from Licenses can be changed whenever BHVR want. Mandy told us when there was a Demogorgon-Post asking that question.
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Imo its kinda embarrassing how long it takes for them to change/add killers addons. Addons should be looked at way more often since they can actually make a spicy difference in killers basekit, meta and balance of the game. Especially useless addons that stay unchanged for ages, its insane...
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ah alright, I didn't know that
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It's even worse in that it got triple-dipped in dooky, all at the same time:
- You move slower when placing snares/pallets
- You get 40% fewer snares/pallets to work with
- Survivors can make themselves totally immune to your snares/pallets for a minute with the alarm clocks
Any ONE of which would be a tremendous nerf. But BHVR doesn't do things in halves; they wanted Freddy dead and they were going to throw every nerf at the wall to make sure it happened. It's so frustrating when things like this happen, but Dead Hard, the single most-used survivor perk in the game, gets slightly reworked so that it ends up working almost identically to its original version (but is, in fact, even BETTER if you use it properly, with the far longer sprint burst effect).
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funniest ######### i've seen all day
thanks for the chuckle
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Pyramid Head has had his power nerfed like three times, his perks reworked and overhauled, but his addons haven't been touched, despite having the worst, most useless, pathetic selection of any killer in the entire game.
It's EXTREMELY embarassing.
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I would hope. It certainly would give me the satisfaction of seeing the game go down after all this time.
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They have a lot of time to do anything. They probably won't. It's been a while since most of killers have been touched in a meaningful way. I mean look at slinger. They ain't fixing him anytime soon either.
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I want a Nemesis rework, Freddy's had his turn, They need to add original Nemesis 1999.He's a bad ass 😎