We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

I don't think Vigo's Blueprint and Annotated Blueprint are good for the game

I have two main reasons why. This will be a little bit nitpicky and killer sided but that's fine.

1). Giving one side the ability to know a game winning aspect of finding the hatch is not great addon design. Especially an aspect that is intended to be complete RNG. I've lost numerous kills/escapes because my opponent knew where the hatch was and I forgot the addon was in play. I think for this sort of increased chance of survival you must brings perks like Left Behind, etc.

2). It's an annoying filler in both killer and survivor bloodwebs. Extremely common due to being a brown, it steals the slots of important/ impactful items and addons being quite an annoyance. The basement addons aren't much better but aren't nearly as impactful as the hatch offerings (the occasional basement build is pretty negligible).

I think these offerings should just be removed altogether. With the key nerf so long ago these aren't even useful and more of an annoyance that clog our bloodwebs and steal useful items from us. Would love to see thoughts or offering reworks.


  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I mean, if you remember that the offering's been in play, the killer knowing exactly where the hatch will be is probably better than the survivor knowing. You've got a LOT of time after that death hook to make it to the hatch.

    Granted, I never do because 95% of my brain is already taken up by Soulsborne trivia, but still.

    I imagine it's only a major problem if the guy who brought the offering also brought a key. Luck WILL probably be involved to make him the one who makes it to the end, though.

  • Grindixer
    Grindixer Member Posts: 19

    Yeah, my brain kinda just goes on autopilot as killer so I generally forget, but you are right in that it usually benefits the killer more. I still think its worth removal just for the health of our bloodwebs.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Yeah, I wouldn't really care if it was removed. I never use 'em.

  • taibhse
    taibhse Member Posts: 2

    I don't really mind hatch offerings, I can always get to it faster on killer and usually will just camp gate on survivor if I'm too far from shack/MB. But I agree on it being annoying bloodweb filler. I'd be fine if they got rid of blueprints, shrouds and the single category yellow/brown BP offerings tbh. Maybe replace them with XP boosting offerings, that would be cool.

  • Grindixer
    Grindixer Member Posts: 19

    I think the XP boost offerings is an underrated idea, would definitely help players grind free cosmetics/ not licensed dlc

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Honestly, the 5s it takes to press escape and check if an offering is in play isn't enough of a headstart for the Survivor, usually. And if you're nowhere near the location, just slug surv #3 if possible and go over to check if they're hiding around there.

    They're not all that useful or healthy but, well, brown. No shortage of brown add-ons for powers in my experience, they build into the hundreds without trying.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 974

    Honestly, I don't like this offerings for two reasons:

    1. They are better for the killer if 3 survivors are killed before the exit gates are powered. Still, they are good for key users on the same kind of situation, and there are other situations where it's better for survivors, like when an SWF makes the tactic of everyone living so the last one can get the hatch, so you will never know if these offerings will benefit you or the opposite side, making them not worth using most of the time.

    2. Remember when DCing to give your friend the hatch for free was a ratter commonly used exploit? It was stupid as hell, as DC'ing could give your side an actual advantage in-game, and it was completely impossible to counter it with any killer if they did it right, even Nurse. It only isn't common anymore due to two things: DC Penalty and hatch not spawning if there is more than 1 survivor alive, since no one knows anymore where the hatch will be when someone DCs. However, with these offerings, this exploit is still possible. Rare or not, it should never be possible.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 974

    It would be awesome, but I don't think the devs would ever do this, as it affects the game's monetization by making easier for players to get free stuff, specially now when more and more of the old cosmetics are becoming purchasable by shards.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    While I agree they shouldnt be in the killer bloodweb because they are clutter, and I dont think survivors should have basement offerings at all either.

    Hatch offerings are balanced as everyone can see them and plan around them. They are good when you have a hatch escape challenge, and a hatch escape in a losing game is worth more BP than you would get from any other brown BP offering.

    For me personally it was a major factor in being able to get the finish last gen and escape, when I got the left for dead achievement, and still has use for the other hatch achievements as well.

  • Turretcube
    Turretcube Member Posts: 463
    edited December 2022

    Something you left out or may not have known, it's alway's possible for the offering's to have no effect on the hatch's location, which is odd since i think the effect rate is 100%.

    This has made me curious however, i've never seen both played in the same match, would be interesting seeing the outcome's.

    Edit: Also speaking of bloodweb filler's, your not going to bring up the basement location offering's? I havn't seen one of these in play since they where added.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I sometimes use them as killer, for no real reason. The only time I really see survivors use them are Swf usually shack basement on badham with lots of flip flop boil over no mither builds in the school basement.