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Is it me? Has killer always been this difficult?

I used to play killer a lot. Less so these days when I realized that the effort needed to play well simply isn't worth it, but I tried some killer tome challenges recently, and the whole experience was absolutely miserable. I don't want to claim subtle hacking or anything, but sometimes it felt like the survivors were far faster than how I run when playing survivor, or the killers when I'm survivor are a lot faster than when I'm playing killer. Has it always felt like this? Am I crazy? Or are subtle hackers far more of a problem than I initially thought?

Sorry, this is a dumb pointless vent post, feel free to ignore it. It's just slightly upsetting that the role I started playing this game for in the first place feels terrible to me now.

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  • Member Posts: 2,482

    How many hours do you have in the game? What killers to do you run?

    Killer feels really good to me right now. Sure there are a couple squads I’ll run into that amp up the difficulty but those are fun games.

    Run Blight for a fun time. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    It depends on

    - what Killer(s) do you play?

    - what Addons and Perks do you use?

    - what kind of Survivor-Group do you get

    and very important

    - what MAP do you get.

    For example: I almost win every match on RPD, but I struggle a lot on Groaning Storehouse (with a M1-Killer like Trapper)

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    RPD is such an underrated map for killer. Especially on blight. I have not lost a game on RPD yet.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    True ! RPD is phenomenal on Hag ! =)

    Definitely one of my favourite maps for her, which is funny because I absolutely hate it in almost every other context.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    It's easier in some respects, but some recent/semi-recent survivor perks can be outright nasty - Fogwise is almost as strong as prenerf OoO, Potential Energy is bonkers in SWFs that know how to play around it, Circle of Healing is still nuts and Hyperfocus/PTS make gens fly faster than they ever did, to name a few.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Killer is the easiest it's ever been. But what killer are you playing? Experiences vary greatly between them.

  • Member Posts: 590

    Maybe easier for the sweatier killers, but for more casual players who don't want to play kicking simulator, it really isn't as easy as you make it out to be. Generators go by really fast and the only real way to provide ample time for yourself if you don't enjoy stacking regression is by tunneling out players.

  • Member Posts: 419

    As for the speed differences, do you play on console?

    I ask cuz I was feeling the same things. Turned out my controller had just enough stick drift that it was slowing down run inputs. Got a new controller and everythings back to normal.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Killer seems fine to me right now, as good as it has in a long time. From last fall until 6.1.0 dropped, it was really, really rough, so I think it feels especially good now having so recently dealt with that nonsense.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    If you're like me, your killer games end up matching you with survivors who actually try to win whereas your survivor teammates are allergic to gens.

  • Member Posts: 611

    I know exactly you mean.I've hit survivors and chased them to the end of the map and back to the other side, I usually run Pyramid Head and Nemesis who aren't lacking in speed and weren't able to successfully down them unless they panic and run into a wall or object.I get hit and only to run a few meters before the killer is breathing down my neck.

    To answer your question most if not all top tier players maybe use slight hacks but that's very debatable but not really just no good way to detect the small hacks or no one really cares.This is why killer feels frustrating sometimes.

    If I go against someone with pure skills,you can tell the difference but i really appreciate those games and don't become frustrated. I can respect a pure gamer.

  • Member Posts: 331

    A few of my go-to killers are Wraith, Cenobite and Artist. I like Pig and Ghostface as well, but don't usually expect to do well with them, I'm usually just memeing with them. Perk-wise I usually run things that help me find people easier. I like Tinkerer on Artist, Spies from the Shadows is a niche perk I like since it helps me keep track in chases if I lose them for a moment. Pain Resonance is my go-to for slowdown perks. Maybe I should be running things that synergize better?

    I feel like the issue is the chases, though. They definitely go on far longer than when I'm playing survivor. Both me and my teammates always go down far quicker than the survivors I play against. Sometimes it feels like I am actually going crazy, because when I, for instance, place down birds as Artist on a loop, the survivor leaves the loop, naturally. But then I can't catch up with them before they hit a pallet or another loop, rinse and repeat. When I go against Artist though, she'll place down the birds, I leave the loop, and she catches up to me in a matter of seconds. It's straight up driving me crazy, I don't get it at all.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Well that is your problem right there. Information perks are super weak outside a small handful.

    Really you want to rely on game sense rather than perks to position your killer across the map. They are also pretty redundant on low mobility killers. You can know people are on a gen across the map, and never be in a position to do anything about it.

    Pain res is garbo. Not only is it RNG unless you run agitation too, but the rate you need to hook people for it to stop gens by itself is high enough that you would probably win using any other perk.

    Weaker killers I recommend just using fixed stall perks, like Corrupt / Deadlock. Then you can throw gen defense to the wind and just tunnel people out, which is how weaker killers win. Only strong killers can really afford to be running gen kick builds because those are the only ones who will have time to kick gens against a good team

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Information perks are best on killers with mobility, blight being the best as he can cross map in seconds.

    Your selection of killers is definitely on the weaker side, which is completely fine, but they aren’t the strongest. Artists is decent, but she comes with boring counterplay. If your main issue is chases, throw on brutal strength and enduring, and get pallets out of the way quickly. Then for other two perks, you could double on regression and run pain res (it’s the best, easiest gen regress perk. Idk what the dude above me is talking about it being garage lol.) and pair that with DMS. Or you could run pain res and BBQ for some aura.

    another option is just tank your mmr for some easier lobbies.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    East wing is free, west wing can be a little trouble but nothing hard. Also was watching a lilith vod, are you ratbastardjr?

  • Member Posts: 857

    High MMR is choke full of subtle cheaters now that BHVR is putting in the effort to ban overt cheaters after the content creator fiasco. I didn't want to accuse random people of subtle hacking at first either, but it's so hilariously obvious when you are playing average survivors and then a hacker who seems to make juuuust a little too much distance after you hit them (no, no Dark Theory or other speed boosting perks/items, I checked after the game).

    Also, MMR has always been wonky and I'm currently in the impossible to escape SoloQ and killsquad only Killer category. I wish BHVR didn't just randomly switch whatever variable they are messing around with every week or so. Last week was super chill even got the tome challenge for Wraith's perks on Blight without a single gen popping because I actually got potato survivors like content creators always do.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Hm, alrighty! Thank you for the advice. I'll try messing around with these suggested perks and similar and see if anything sticks, maybe I'll have better luck next time I attempt Killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,573
    edited December 2022

    I feel like a big contributor is also that a lot of the perks that added general slowdown or regression have been largely nerfed. Corrupt only buys time when the first chase takes forever; Ruin is even less likely to have any effect; Pain Resonance gives no information and therefore mostly becomes another 18s for some gen somewhere to pop.

    Since the current regression combo is all about actively going out of your way to kick specific gens, and eruption (as maligned as it is) only gets any value at all on successful downs whilst CoB has no immediate effect and can be stopped with a tap, it's not actually hard to be in a situation where the gens can go faster even before perks than the old meta, 10s longer per gen or not. Even before the occasional presence of hyperfocus+stakeout and BNP.

    And presumably there's less brand new Survivors, which influences things.

    I don't care how 'underrated' it might be, it's a twisty, obnoxious little cesspool that might as well be renamed "Corner Every 2 Metres". There's like four corridors of any length total, and since I DON'T play Mr. Pinball, trying to play anyone else with some sort of mobility feels like I've joined a game as an M1 Killer.

    Two floor maps are a garbage abomination and should be burnt to the ground, too. "Our audio is completely two dimensional and have fun being nowhere near the stairs" is stupid. If we ever get a third one, stop making the game's entire audio totally flat. This isn't DOOM's 2.5D map layout.

  • Member Posts: 8,077


    I run maybe 3 slots on many killers dedicated to info.

    I'm almost certainly forgetting a few but:

    Lethal Pursuer. Amazing, and combined with any other aura perk has utility all game.

    Nowhere to Hide. This will - almost guaranteed - get you an extra down or two every game. So, so good with LP.

    Discordance. This almost never leaves my bars on any killer. This will help you tremendously midgame.

    I'm All Ears. Nutso on ranged killers, especially Slinger and Huntress. Also Nemmy.

    BBQ. A bit more niche, but Dredge, Sadako, Artist and Wraith all work well with it, again - use LP.

    Again, probably forgetting a few.

    Here's a build tree I like for almost every killer.

    Lethal Pursuer - gets you your first chase almost instantly. Plus, makes any other aura perk better. Nemesis, so $.


    Discordance - Nearly as good, can be bought for shards by leveling Legion.


    Call of Brine - Solid regression perk, plus some info. Sadako, so $


    Overcharge - Not as good, but pretty solid initially. Doctor.


    Surge/Jolt - Any non 'power' killer (so a killer that downs with standard attacks) works bloody well with this. Base perk.


    Fearmonger - This perk is oppressive, especially against solo players. I still get caught out by the exhaust. Base perk.


    Pentimento - monstrously powerful, but needs another hex perk to work. Artist. See below.


    Plaything - You either have stealth, or a platform for Pentimento. Incredible on any killer with side objectives, especially Wesker and Cenobite. Cenobite perk, so $


    Nowhere to Hide - Kick a gen, and you'll find the survivor that decided to hide near it. Knight.

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