
notclaudette Member Posts: 80
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

every match is always just a million tbags from survivors running windows pretending they have skill. Survivors have so many crutch perks, dead hard, adrenaline, deliverance, otr. Not to say killers dont have the same, noed, no way out, starstruck on nurse (slowdown doesnt count because its practically required to have a figthing chance)

while on the contrary killer has the highest goddamn skill floor its painful. no matter what you do there will always be 1 of you and 4 of them, making every single mistake you make a change between winning or losing. how about instead of nerfing tunneling, the by definition optimal way to play (besides camping), we remove genrushing? or buff soloq so swf isnt as oppressive?

in this thread:

lol get good

dh not crutch perk!

slowdown needs to be nerfed

wow skilless tunneler

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    It’s time for you to take your break and go play minecraft for a week, then come back refreshed. <3

    Also. Put many hours into blight, ez 4k’s

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Do you need a hug?

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Ironic title with that post.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Solo q is a straight nightmare.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Which Killer are you playing? Are you camping and tunneling? And roughly how many hours have you played Killer for?

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667
    edited December 2022

    you see, if you find a certain type of playstyle "boring" or unfun doesn't mean that this kind of gameplay should be nerfed/modified... what you can find fun someone else could found it boring and vise versa... honestly i found irritating a lot of the behaviors present in the game, but it is what it is. You have 2 choices left: leave the game or adapt and play accordingly because things won't change

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited December 2022

    Ironicly most SOLOs (need to) use Windows. Can't take this post srsly as Windows even got buffed.

    Later we got mini basekit BT and HUD icons to show what each surv is doing in the match are on the way.

    And don't forget about console players. With most reworked dark maps and the new appearance of pallets which makes them even harder to see. I only play without Windows when i have a death wish. That's at least minus 1 anti-tunnel / second chance perk. And -2 as i need to bring Kindred too. That's how you should see it. And i'm fine with it aswell. Perks need get used, i'm not a big fan of the basekit nonsense. Because the game doesn't make a difference if you're playing solo or with SWFs anyway. So most "buffs for solos" will buff SWFs aswell.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267
    edited December 2022

    Meanwhile I am just here trying to have fun and am more than willing to die/let everyone go if I can have fun in a match

    Edit: Love how mods changed title to "Rant" lol

    Its okay though dude, let it out, we have all been there

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Play nurse.

  • notclaudette
    notclaudette Member Posts: 80

    oni main of 950 hours, sorry about the post. made it after a bully squad anti-hooked me. sorry if i uopset anyone. I only tunnel when i feel its necessary, most of the time i try to 2 hook everyone before i go for kills.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Okay, I was just asking since if you were new I'd offer some advice to help alleviate your frustration. At one point I felt similar to how you felt as well and was considering quitting.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,254

    Wait you get teabag....

  • notclaudette
    notclaudette Member Posts: 80
  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    this is the ultimate windows of opportunity counter if you wanted one

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't necessarily agree.

    I think it might depend on people, but I generally familiarize myself with a killer much quicker than I do survivor, and get satisfactory games very early and steadily. On the other side, I've got twice as many hours on survivor and I'm still booty cheeks at it.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    You should change the word "crutch perks" to "perks I don't want the other side to use because it's annoying " because non of the survivor perks you mentioned are crutch perks

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Did you know that ranting/venting isn't actually good for us and when done wrong can lead to heightened stress and physical health concerns.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710
    edited December 2022

    I'm pretty sure a good chunk of this sentence was copy-pasted from a cherry-picked Google search result.

    Bottling up negative feelings can also be harmful. Hang on, let me find a Google search result summary I can paste in here...

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Also fun fact. Most people aren't native english speakers and i tend to use google as a easy way to make sure i use the correct words and i also have learned whenever i say something to quickly confirm i'm not spreading misinformation which to me is something people really should do way more often

    Bottling up emotions is bad as well but ranting/venting without somebody constructive to listen to it and offer advice just leads to solidifying the negativity leading to making the stress situations worse when whatever causes it happens again

    Going to a profesional or a loved one that's actually willing to listen and offer helpfull advice is something that helps

    Doing it to a bunch of randoms who more likely are going to dismiss you which the op even put in his original post predicting it only makes things worse

    Hope i was able to make what i'm trying to say clear and 100% original cause saying something in a way that has been said before obviously invalidates it. Not like they have entire books filled with quotes made by people

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    "So many crutch perks!"

    > 'Deliverance'

    I swear, surv perks doing a thing, anything at all, nets it complaints.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Well if you lose games as killer your mmr will drop and you'll stop getting sweaty survivors. Surv definitely requires more skill than killer.

    Bully squads are hugely unfun to play against until you know how to deal with them. I LOVE a good bully squad now because i end up getting multiple hooks quickly.

    My tips: if you know one surv can run the jewels like a pro, ignore them. Take them down when they have to risk themselves by unhooking. Don't forget gen pressure, it's easy to get caught up in a chase for a long time, especially if the surv starts BMing you. But i switch targets rapidly all the time, catches people off guard. Make sure a surv is safe to pickup when you down them, there is often someone hiding nearby with a flashlight, face a wall or do a quick sweep and chase them away, do a 180 before you grab them to make it harder. Switch which hook you look like you're going for to avoid sabo and bodyblock plays. Short version, play unpredictably, if you just shift W after a surv and they have decent skills it'll take a long time.

    Attitude has a lot to do with it too, don't let them goad you, tbh I only ever get toxic if a surv is overtly toxic. Which is reasonably rare. I usually let last surv go, helps slow my mmr gain, and i deliberately avoid tunneling/facecamping unless I'm really hard pressed and there's like 1 or 2 gens left. Survs want to enjoy the game too and tbh i only really feel I've failed as killer if I secure 0 kills. A 3k is perfectly fine for me. Especially if last surv knows I let them go.

    Plus it's best if you main one killer, like for me, I can wreck most teams with demo, even with brown addons and farming perks.

  • notclaudette
    notclaudette Member Posts: 80

    thx for actualt advice man. really sorry about the post, made it after I got bullied by (what im pretty sure was) a 4man swf. had 4 dhs, bunch of windows, adrenalines, etc etc. srsly tho i appreciate the help.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited December 2022

    Dont mind me while I...

    Work on this dip...

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    No worries mate 😊 And don't need to apologise for the post. Bully squads are the absolute worst, just trolls looking to win and ruin the other players experience in the process.

    This is a place for us to talk (more often complain about the game lol) to help improve it. All some people want to do is bring the toxicity here too and insult people who've clearly already had a rough time with the game.

    Hope my advice helps and you humiliate the next team trying to troll you 💪

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,748

    Mute postgame chat, mute pregame chat, mute the voices in your head, mute your eyes when they tbag, enjoy DBD.

  • notclaudette
    notclaudette Member Posts: 80

    lol i meant w/out the meta perks. killers wouldnt bring those if base regression was meaningful

  • AbsoluteFury
    AbsoluteFury Member Posts: 20

    It's so weird to read posts like this. When I play killer I silently applaud the survivors when they are able to deny hooks and kills because I wish I had them on my team when I play survivor.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    It's just a game bro

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Both sides do crappy things and suck. There :)