Why should I not tunnel?

Big picture question : Why do I need to tunnel to win and how do we prevent it?

The answer is : survivors need to be less efficient at finishing generators & killers need to be less efficient at killing survivors. Mathematically there is nothing wrong with the survivors having two gens done if one survivor has lost two health states. That is a bare minimum that is fair for the killer. But this is the speed at which the survivors want to finish their objective even though it only reinforces my need as killer to tunnel.

Tunneling is 100% cause and effect. If survivors tunnel generators it forces the killer to tunnel one of them out of the game to have a chance to win. If killers play enough strong SWF teams they become conditioned to tunnel every game because it is the most viable strategy. Survivors being hit with this tunnel meta respond with "more gen rush" that reinforces the need to tunnel even more.

There is even a very simple idea to fix the problem that plagues games past "middle" MMR that will make the game way more fun for good players. I won't be typing it here today however.

I'm at a point in the game where most of the survivors in my lobby are 2,500 hour to 10,000 hours played. Most of the time I get either : 2x 2 man swf, 3x swf or 4x swf. If you look like a 3/4 man swf and have lots of items I pick a different lobby. That's just too much of an advantage to overcome unless I feel "in the mood".

When I play a game as killer one of two things happen.

A) I tunnel one player out of the game quickly and the survivors struggle.

B) I am unable to tunnel for some reason and then I struggle to play vs 4 people.

Generally speaking my repeating kill pattern is something like : 4k , 2k, 4k, 0k.

The games at either end of this extreme are not fun for anyone. On the left side I tunnel one player out very quickly (maybe one gen is done and I stil have a very strong 3 gen). On the right side I might only have 2 hooks so the survivors didn't even have the possibility to pip.

The 2k game is still extremely frustrating for everyone because I'm still camping slugging and tunneling. It just so happens that the outcome is close. Reasons for that include : the survivors were in a 3 man that looked like a 2 man swf because their bro logged in on xbox instead of pc, the survivors had a boon, the survivors had reassurance, the game was held on an extremely stupid/unfair map like forsaken boneyard, what I thought were 3 brown medkits were in fact purple medkits or insta heals, the surv team had a clutch deliverance/unbreakable.

The fun game is the 4k before the 0k. And even though I killed all four players (or one got out via hatch) the match was nearly completed usually several times by the remaining three survivors. To be clear here: this game isn't fun because I won. The game is fun because it's close. There were good chases, good gen pressure but in the end I had an edge because all the super annoying things from the 2k game weren't there. I will mention breifly that I do not play Nurse or Blight anymore (and return to this later).

Inside the A and B options there are also some predictable flow chart patterns.

Let's consider the A path first.

1) If I hook a survivor and three gens pop the only way I am going to come back is if I hook the downed survivor next to a 3 gen and literally camp them to death (or stage two and immediately tunnel them down). If that happens the game just ended in my favor - but nobody knows it yet.

2) If the tunneling process is long due to a perk/good teamplay then I might be left with 3 gens that are hard to defend. I will have to down one player (slug them) and injure at least one of the other two players and then I can potentially keep the last player off the gens. If the survivors do not have a boon active then I can still possibly win this - but just barely.

3) If three people are alive and I have what my friend calls a "Y gen" (inverted 3 gen) then the gens are impossible to defend and I just need to down one person whenever I can and accept the 2k. The only way to come back from this is if any of the survivors become timid (want to escape and stop playing), or as killer I have strong 4v1 potential : Pinhead/Nemesis/ maybe pig on the right day.

The B path ends with three or four players escaping, Tbagging at the gate and name calling.

Question : If I win 3/4 game via tunneling then why should I do anything but tunnel?

Followup Question : Since I only seem to win something like 33% of games where I don't tunnel then why should I not tunnel?


I don't play Blight or Nurse because I believe the game should be in a state where every killer is viable and the difference between the best and worst killer is something like 15% "chase power". To quantify that you can look at doctor and sometimes with perfect play a doctor needs 5 or 6 shocks to get a m1 hit. With nurse you just blink twice and if your range was correct then you cannot miss.

The difference between those two killers in terms of lethality in a chase is close to 55% at my estimation in terms of effectiveness. That number is my opinion and completely arbitrary but you get the point. If we had a machine perfect killer that had wallacks and 0 ping you could see even with perfection the doctor would look terrible by comparison.

The only time I would have a chance at winning the 0k game is if I played Nurse or Blight every game. And in all the other scenarios I would not need to tunnel to win. But if I did tunnel with Blight/Nurse the game would be a complete joke (as can be seen by people who wanted to get 100-200-500 nurse game wins in a row).



  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    The proper question is: When should I tunnel? (or camp or slug)

    It is a tactical decision. There are times when it is absolutely necessary to tunnel if you want to have a chance at winning like if 4 survivors are still alive that only have 1 gen left to complete and the gens are not defendable. Or if you put up the appearance of tunneling you pull survivors off gens who then try to help their friend. There are also times when you really don't want to tunnel when the survivor has DH, DS and OTR. Sometimes the survivor forces your hand and makes tunneling the correct decision like when they bodyblock with BT.

    I don't have any qualms about tunneling when it is tactically called for.

    I also like to get 2 hook everyone if I'm stomping a group of survivors who can't get a gen done before the dying begins.

    I try not to tunnel until it becomes a necessity.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You're right, but the only people going to understand this are those that play killer at high mmr.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    The thing for me is I have kind of a sliding scale based on gens left vs hook states achieved.

    As an example if I have lost 3 gens and dont have 6 hookstates and gens are spread out and going to hard to defend based on my build/killer played, this is gonna trigger me tunnelling someone out to catch up in the game because If I dont I will guarenteed lose.

    Another example is in a game where the matchmaking screws me over and puts me against even 2 much stronger survivors out of 4 that I have trouble catching because they are too good for me to get in a regular chase, I will target the weaker players to set up a trap so I can try and catch the stronger ones at a disadvantage. When the unhooked survivor then body blocks with BT messing up my plan, I have to down them again and reset my trap so I can get the stronger survivors.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I get you. I only tunnel if absolutely necessary to win. Usually at 3 gens down I’ll get somebody out of the game.

    The weird thing to me is killers that HARD tunnel right off at 5 gens. That is not necessary.

    I’m a blight main, currently doing a win streak (just hit 50th win in a row) and majority of the games I didn’t have to tunnel at all just because blight can keep constant crippling pressure at the level I’m at with him. But there were a few 4 man swfs I had to end up tunneling a bit to avoid losing my streak. (4 brand new parts, 4x DH, 4xAdrenaline, boons, etc)

    Outside of that, I don’t feel the need to purposefully tunnel. Especially once I hit iri 1 and don’t feel the need to win every game.

  • proxy_taxfraud
    proxy_taxfraud Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 153

    As a Bubba main, I usually run lethal so I can immediately start slugging all 4 survivors. I then proceed to tunnel the ones who have unbreakable. It's a pretty effective combo. Kills = Skills

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Well if you want to have every game sweaty and not fun you should. But if you want easier games and play for fun and go for multiple hooks you will lose a lot but eventually it gets better as your mmr drops at least try this sometimes. Then when you feel you're good mmr range go for 2-3 kill and aim 10-11 hooks games will be more fun and you don't face gen rushing sweaty swf every game. That is what im going to do I got too high mmr while I won 30 games a row with wraith now though without camping. If you want to tunnel and sweat every game that is fine but then you also face teams who rush gens as fast as possible.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    I tunnel (and camp, and slug) as needed (but not all the time) because my opponents are trying their hardest to win, so why would I limit myself just to make them happy?

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I only tunnel if they're getting in the way

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    There isn't any reason not to. It's the easiest and sometimes smartest choice.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485
    edited December 2022

    The only way to end tunnelling would be to make it almost impossible to do


    Once again, I ask: If Survivors can do gens as efficiently as possible; Why should Killers be punished for doing the same?

    The only reply I ever see is 'because it's not fun to be knocked out fast/early'. And that's not a valid reason. It's like people don't understand that the Killer's goal is to knock people out of the match.

    Survivors need to stop thinking the game, or Killers, owe them some arbitrary amount of game time, or arbitrary 'fun' quota, before they can be killed.

    Bottom line is: If Survivors can try their hardest to win; So can Killers. And Survivors need to get out of this mindset that losing 'too fast' is some flaw. It's a PvP game, and no one is going to want to play Killer if the game starts taking away control, or forcing sub-optimal plays, for their opponent's 'fun'.

    Lord knows I'd uninstall and never look back if I lost because the game 'punished' me for 'tunneling' someone just because I found them most frequently and thus could not kill someone and thus could not slow down gen speeds.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Or, and bear with me on this, Survivors can accept that their opponent has the same right to win that they have and stop whining about how 'unfun' and 'unfair' it is to lose to 'cheap tactics'?

    The only ones who will leave are the ones who invent any excuse to avoid admitting they got out played, and the player base as a whole will become healthier for it.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Youa re correct; If you can't find fun in losing as well as winning; Perhaps PvP games are not for you?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    "If Survivors can do gens as efficiently as possible; Why should Killers be punished for doing the same?"

    What options do survivors have to do gens 'inefficiently'?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    De-incentivize then, if you want to get pedantic.

    It's something that needs to be handled mechanically. That said:

    Watching the Community Cup has been an interesting experience because wow, do killers struggle, even when tactically camping, slugging and tunneling - especially when they don't have the option of playing a top tier monster.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    There isn't really anything wrong with tunnelling, especially if, like me, you find chases interesting and generators boring.

    However, not everybody feels the same.

    As far as I'm concerned, I'll try to only use an efficient tactic as an answer to another efficient one.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,908
    edited December 2022

    If you're determined to tunnel, that's your prerogative. It's not against the rules, so no one can stop you.

    But the sentiment that you have to tunnel to win is waaaay overstated, and based on the misapprehension that many people have that they are always facing SWFs or comp teams. The reality is that regardless of how high your MMR is (and it isn't as high as you think; it never is), most of the teams you face aren't going to be all that great. Your opposition isn't as consistently good as you (or anyone) think it is.

    So the out of the gate tunneling just isn't necessary like 90% of the time. It's just overkill, and inconsiderate of other players.

    If I knew out of the gate I was facing a high tier SWF (and in a spicy mood, or had money on the line), then I might consider tunneling the first surv I see. But I don't know, and don't do that. If I am getting my ass handed to me midmatch, then yeah, I might remove someone. But I don't care that much, especially in an imbalanced mess like DBD, which is about as far from being geared toward direct comp as a multiplayer game could be.

    Give the match some time so you can gauge how good the survs actually are before you go full sweatlord.

    If you're invested in that 4K, so terrified at the prospect of losing that you are going to come out of the chute in every match laser focused on the most efficient route to winning, then my advice would be to chill the hell out.

    The same applies to survs, who can be just as bound up about that escape as any killer is about their 4K. Winning in DBD really isn't all that important.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Sounds like a skill issue.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I agree but no one truly knows that ? It's a high possiblity but as far as I'm aware of,it hasn't been given a chance

    But instead of making this an everyone problem there's multiple solutions but maybe harder to code.

    Idea: at a higher MMR like the minimum of high mmr there should be system in place that makes gen speeds slower this gives all players or killers time to hunt get in chases and avoid camping and tunneling because most killers who play high MMR play pretty fair but because of gen speeds in higher MMR their most likely to tunnel one player out of the game because it's the only way to slow down survivor's if you don't run into gens before friends group but they just rotate deaths.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Well yeah if you can only win a 3v1 then I guess you have no choice.

    Bit embarrassing tho.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    I want to know what your "simple idea to fix the problem is..." This game has a lot of fundamental issues and even if they never get resolved the conversations about potential solutions are fun, especially if the contributors make an attempt at bias control, which I feel you have.

    I must admit that I usually just throw the match when I encounter one of the SWF groups that would require tunneling. I just don't find the hatred worth the effort anymore.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,914

    Well it was either one or the other. Leave the game in the current state pre perk reworks and have the game bleed of what killer players there were at the time or switch it around and slightly drip survivor players out.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,914

    Well a 4v1 at 5 gens is manageable. But a 4v1 when after the first chase 3 gens or about 3 gens are done... not really manageable without full slowdown or a top 3 killer.

  • wakwak
    wakwak Member Posts: 9

    Like I said, it's understandable at times, but if you are determined going into every game that you are going to tunnel someone, regardless of how the game is progressing, I think you are a bad player.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,914

    Winning a 4v1 is... nearly impossible. Even with the perk reworks trying to 4v1 on 80% of maps just isn't possible. And I want to be able to play someone other than a top 3 killer or full slowdown with good addons.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    I'm not saying punish tunnelling, I'm saying make it an ineffective strategy completely, as in make it more difficult to do. If people want to tunnel they should have to waste time trying to find that specific survivor. I also said that killers should be offered a buff which balances this out

    Killers might not have to care about the fun of the other people in their games, but the devs should. If something isn't fun, it shouldn't be in a game, we don't play this as our job.

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    Skill issue, some people have no issue winning 4v1.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    Tunneling is a strategy and has nothing to do with skill. Same with camping and slugging. Knowing which situation to employ each is a skill, as are using the mechanics of a killers power to the best of your ability. You can be an amazing player and camp, or the worst player in the game and camp.

    Old red ranks you would expect to get tunneled every game, because 3 gens would pop for the first chase. What is the killer supposed to do there, exactly? If they were M1 you could easily run them for minutes at a time just dropping safe pallets. That's why everyone had DS.

    Now you don't even need to hit a skill check, you come off the hook full health with OTR every time. How many lives do you need lmao?

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Winning isn’t important…..to you. I was with you until you decided to make judgements about people who don’t share your mentality.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176
    edited December 2022

    Well, there is a noticable difference between survivors who split up to four gens at the start and stick to them, no matter what, or those that roam around, some doing gens, some cleansing totems, some opening chests etc.

    With the latter I usually get into a chase, down the survivor and on gen pops, or maybe I am lucky and interrupt a gent being repaired at 90%. In this case I will get into the chase with the new survivor and usually hook follows hook and gen follows gen.

    In the first case though I down my fist survivor and then 3 gens pop in unison or in a machine gun manner. Now the gloves come off and I play as scummy and "unfun" as possible, tunneling, slugging and showing no mercy.

    As crazy as it may sound, but the way survivors tackle gens dictates a lot of the killers options and behaviour. If you take away all the options they are backed against the wall and will lash out.

    The problem is that both sides will encounter the so called "unfun" playstyles and after one genrushing/tunneling n camping game too much might change their loadout to a full genrushing // Eruption/CoB/Overload build themselves, just because they feel they need to do this.

    BHVR never imposed many restrictions on players loadouts, besides the shared exhaustion timer for exhaustion perks, but maybe its time to implement a coupld of restrictions or caps on slowdown, regression and rushing power, ideally with diminishing returns if certain perks are chosen multiple times, but also informing the players what is at hand.

    By taking the hyperefficiency out of the game, the game will be more fun for everyone. But people play hyperefficient builds, because they feel like they have been backed into a corner.

    One thing that a lot of people seem to overlook since patch 6.1 is BBQ. Many survivors stated that they hated seeing BBQ every match, but it was actually one of, if not the most healthy perk in the game. Nearly every killer had it equipped for the BP bonus, and as if on accident it also showed every killer all kind of opportunites after hooking someone, peeling them away from the hook without forcing them. Yes, camping occured back then too, but BBQ gave a killer a new target, showed them opportunity and thus kept the game going.

    I would propose to find some way to punish killers for camping and tunneling, but also giving them a snol BBQ basekit, ie show them the aura of one survivor when hooking someone and giving them a speedboost of +15% as long as they are moving in the general direction of that survivor, outside of a chase and 16m away from their targeted survivor. This would give killers a big incentive to go hunting instead of camping and even allow slow non-mobility killers to do so without hurting themselves.

    Also, maybe we could give killers a one time score event when they hook all four survivors, making this a sort of secondary objective like back in the old days of BP BBQ, and maaaaybe give them a small 15s Entity blocks all gens once every survivor is hooked once and another time once everyone is hooked twice with everyone being still alive, rewarding the killer for spreading the love instead of focusing one down.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,474

    You can play however you want, everyone is different. I play survivor more than killer, but when I play killer I dont tunnel or camp. That, combined with the fact that I don't play it often, means I'm not getting great results. But I'm okay with it taking longer for me to become good. I'm not fussed about 4king because I'm still learning. The way I always look at it is - someone who has never played this game before can pick it up today and camp or tunnel their way to a kill. I don't want to play on the same level a new killer can play on. I won't ever get into high MMR as I don't play the game seriously enough for that, but I try to emulate those killers I sometimes get who one hook everyone, then two hook everyone, and then go for the kill. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't, but that's the sorta of goal I've set myself. That's the confidence I want.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    Of course it's subjective, but people's opinions about what is fun or not matter. Just because something is based on a subjective feeling doesn't mean it's unimportant.

    If enough people share the same opinion about tunnelling then it should be changed. Personally, it isn't fun for me when I or one of my teammates is getting tunnelled out of a game, that's my opinion.

    We're all here on the forums to share what we think.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Sir have you ever played killer at higher MMR and have gotten to face death sqauds or bully squad's

    Death Sqauds are the most efficient gen rushers you'll encounter they want nothing to do but destroy you and your MMR and pips.They come in doesn't matter what you run .You'll chase a survivor only thing is he's in place for you to chase him , always in the perfect position.They'll lead you on to think you are in control you were never in control of the chase.When you realize just how good they are it would already have been to late, they have split your gens across the map 3 gens down 2 left.The next chase you're desperately trying to get a down, making mistakes hits that normally would register.You get the down one hook thank God ,run to your precious gen ,the gen is sky high,I mean loaded as wolf .You go for a hit only to have a gen pop right in face.You know the game is over so you chase the survivor that did the rescue as soon as you left there already on the last gen


    Bully Sqauds want nothing more to cause as much irritation as possible.There not the elite's at looping but they usually have one are two members who can loop optimally and run tiles.Your chases end in flashlight stuns by the supporting looper, who's always near they go down flashlight stun,you break a pallet flashlight stun you get a hook flashlight stun,if they run by a locker head on stun.The best baiters, you try to punch them at the pallet,they teleport to the pallet and stun you these are the most miserable matches you'll have.

    The only thing about camping a survivor sucks the killer's in low MMR,who are so bad your ashamed they caught you are smurfs that some how seem like you're their target or they have some personal interest in you

    People camp in all kinds of games as it can secure victory,you are not forced to leave your standing grounds, because it becomes more bait for the opponent if they are impatient,this is also a thing in boxing,war etc you can bring your opponent to you and make them fight your own your terms instead of theirs.Thats exactly why barrowed time shouldn't be basekit but that's also why scum shouldn't be allowed to just tunnel,it gives players who play fairly or fair use a bad reputation but I think most survivor's I talk to who claim I tunneled or camped ,they say it's understandable once I explain it to them if they're new to DBD and Vet's already know the deal.You gen rush ,we tunnel no words are ever spoken pass gg wp

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,857
    edited December 2022

    100% this.

    If you need to tunnel and camp otherwise you don't win the vast majority of your games as killer in public matches, you are just plain bad at the game - period.

    I never tunnel, never camp and I never run unfun things like full regression builds or Eruption at all. I have 3k hours on both killer and survivor (though admittedly more survivor) so I think I have a pretty good game sense at this stage and I am a decent if not amazing killer.

    So if I win most of my games playing 'nice' then I don't buy the excuses people make for just being plain unpleasant to others. I think as Scott Jund (who I am no fan of tbh) rightly pointed out in a recent vid, some people seem to feel entitled to win 100% of matches as killer and if they lose a match they cry about how the game is imbalanced (which it is) and survivor sided etc.

    Hopefully we will see more done to address tunnelling in the new year as this combined with oppressive gen builds/Eruption are killing the game rapidly.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,629

    this is pure bs and every expert player will tell you otherwise... in order to win YOU HAVE TO TUNNEL AND CAMP, otherwise you'll struggle even with mediocre survivors that are still able to press m1 on gens. It's pure and simple logic: you can't be in 4 places at once as killer, and while you are chasing/searching for a survivor, the others have all the time needed to work on generators, meaning that 1simple chase can cost you easily 3 gen without even doing mistakes (add also perks, maps like garden of joy with the infinite present in the central building or the huge quantity of safe pallets present in the game for example and you'll have the general picture of dbd right now)

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    This game IS survivor sided, there's no denying it. There's a reason why all of the tournaments come with severe handicaps for survivor builds considering how extremely efficient these veteran groups can be. Tunneling is the only choice if you want to stand a chance against these sweat squads. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably at low MMR or mains Nurse.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,857
    edited December 2022

    You don't have to in public matches, this is just making excuses for playing badly/being outplayed and sometimes just getting plain rotten RNG that puts the match in survivors favour.

    Unless you catch a survivor out-positioned, get lucky or play Nurse or Blight well, you will lose 2 gens pretty quickly and I don't panic if I have only 3 gens left before I get my first hook. Once you get the first hook you now have pressure and momentum and how you use that determines whether you win or lose. Also know when to drop chase, if your first chase does not result in a down after 30 seconds, change targets immediately.

    Camping is just plain stupid and tunnelling off hook is just plain scummy and I guarantee we will see more heavy punishments baked into the core game in the new year as its really hurting the game at this point.

    If you feel you need to camp and tunnel off hook (in public matches) you have a losers mentality, it is the same as running NOED - you only run NOED if you are expecting you will lose all gens otherwise why would you run it? That is not a personal insult to anyone either but expecting failure and playing your match as if you expect to fail is a losing attitude