Will We Ever Get More Dynamic Weather?

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,610
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I honestly think it would be more interesting if DBD had a more dynamic weather system. Keep in mind, to an extent, we do have weather -the rain of Mother's Dwelling, and the distance blizzard and heavy winds of Ormand - but what if DBD had more weather.

Imagine this...

  • Coldwind Farm but night time and raining.
  • The Macmillion Estate but daytime and with tons of fog and mist.
  • Lery's but the windows are shattered as heavy winds and snow come from the windows and entrance ways.

A new weather system can apply snow, rain, heavy fog and mist, damped or wet surroundings, daytime, nighttime, etc. to the maps we all play on, providing a diverse set of weather to each map that amplifies the experience. And with this weather system, new offerings can come with it, which all alter the weather effects.

Post edited by Rizzo on
