Will We Ever Get More Dynamic Weather?

I honestly think it would be more interesting if DBD had a more dynamic weather system. Keep in mind, to an extent, we do have weather -the rain of Mother's Dwelling, and the distance blizzard and heavy winds of Ormand - but what if DBD had more weather.
Imagine this...
- Coldwind Farm but night time and raining.
- The Macmillion Estate but daytime and with tons of fog and mist.
- Lery's but the windows are shattered as heavy winds and snow come from the windows and entrance ways.
A new weather system can apply snow, rain, heavy fog and mist, damped or wet surroundings, daytime, nighttime, etc. to the maps we all play on, providing a diverse set of weather to each map that amplifies the experience. And with this weather system, new offerings can come with it, which all alter the weather effects.
Because if they do they would have to optimize it and you know how that goes already...
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Console would explode (again) if that were to happen.
But if BHVR were to optimize it properly, I would absolutely love to have it in the game, just something to make each match feel more unique than the last.
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You've been playing Friday the 13th or PUBG ?
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Nope, at least not recently.
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I'm all for it particularly heavy rain at night would bring some horror back into this game
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Only in our dreams, I'm afraid.
Could you imagine the bugs?
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I've wanted weather in DBD for a while but if console DBD can't handle more than two zombies no shot it's handling dynamic weather effects.
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Long overdue tbh. Sadly bhvr is too greedy to drop money on it.
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While we’re at it, fog! It used to be so good! For a game that uses the tagline “see you in the fog”, it’s honestly kinda weak at the moment. Buff the fog!
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Been asking for this for years. Would make the maps feel a lot more alive.
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The prior fog caused way too many performance issues, stemming from a combination of the game's rough optimization and even rougher coding.
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You’re not wrong. But still, I stand by my post. They need to fix the coding so that they can fix the fog. As it stands, “see you in the fog” should be “see your ankle in the dust mote”.
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Prolly in DBD2, should that ever be made. Just like any new game modes and replay abilities I would imagine. All that most likely needs to be coded from scratch, and cannot be piled onto the spaghetti 🍝
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They took out moonlight offerings because they caused too much trouble, so dynamic weather/time of day is very unlikely.
i guess a DbD 2 if that ever is considered would do, only that wouldn’t on last gen consoles and Switch etc.