We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Something I don't understand about survivors

99% of survivors claim to love going against the Hillbilly. How he's the most fun to play against because he has so much counter play, etc.They praise Hillbilly mains for playing such a dying breed and such. Then those same survivors bully the absolute ######### out of any Hillbilly they play against. Along with doing all strategies that take the fun out of both sides in the name of counter play (jumping in lockers, pre-dropping pallets, holding W away from loops, etc).

I think survivors love playing against Hillbilly because he is so weak and feels so easy to loop and counter any Hillbilly that uses their chainsaw even a little.

Just some observations after watching my solo queue team bully the crap out of any Billy we play against, along with getting stomped as Billy a few times.


  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,156

    I noticed this too. A lot of survivors complain about people not playing killers that are traditionally “fun” to play against like Hillbilly or Huntress, but whenever I do play them they only pre-drop, camp pallets, or play extremely stealthy.

  • Grindixer
    Grindixer Member Posts: 19

    Watch any tierlist video on youtube. Kinda have to be living under a rock not to know people like to play against Hillbilly.

    Little gave my own first person experience of survivors stomping Hillbillies I play against?

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I mean it's just dbd syndrome. The vast majority of matches are a landslide one way or the other. And other team will usually accuse survs of bullying/genrushing and killers of tunneling etc.

    The game is just inherently unbalanced and close matches are pretty rare.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited December 2022

    Hillbilly because he is so weak and feels so easy to loop and counter any Hillbilly that uses their chainsaw even a little

    Bad Hillbillies feel weak and feel easy to loop when they use their chainsaw a little (same as bad Nurses, Blights or Huntresses), good Hillbillies will tear you asunder and will mostly use only chainsaw except on very concrete situations against very strong loops where they actually have to M1 to force the Survivor out.

    Good Hillbillies arent a dying bred, they were never a bred to begin with, they were excedingly rare before the nerfs as they are now because most people abused instasaw addons and were mostly clueless about anything else outside of "get really close, rev up in less than 1 second get an instadown", plus Hillbilly had an increased chance of getting Ebony Moris so he could always get someone out of the game very very fast.

    Forget about Nurse, Hillbilly is the hardest Killer in the game by a long stretch and if you are not really good the Survivors can dab you easily but once you get really good at him he is a beast to contend with, altough few people are willing to put the time and effort it takes to become that good when they can get good at Nurse or Blight with less hours and effort.

    Youtubers and streamers are only the voice of themselves, they dont represent the comunity in any way.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294
    edited December 2022

    Now, Billys who can curve and who still manage to consistently land chainsaw hits have, i think, universal respect - simply because everyone knows how difficult that is.

    That does not mean that encountering a Billy means meme-time or sth.

    Personally, if I go against a skilled Billy I don't last v long; I see too few of them to learn how to deal with them. If I have a baby Billy the whole trying to dodge the chainsaw thing is just really fun - and not quite as scary as dodging Bubsi's chainsaw. I wouldn't call making yourself a target and then trying to dodge bullying. If anything it's practise.

    Now, if t-bagging, clicking and the likes come into play that's a different story ---- but I'm fairly certain the people who do that to Billy do that to everyone if they get the chance.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,798

    Idk why people feel the need to throw out completely made up, obviously not true statistics out to falsely bolster their opinions.

    I don't "love" going against Hillbilly. He's fine. Like any killer, if I went against him all the time my opinion would change and he would be annoying.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,292

    Billy is hard to play really well. Pre-dropping, holding W, etc, won't work against a really good Billy. A good Billy is going to back rev and zone on most pre-drops. They'll either get a curve or force the survivor into a really bad spot on the pallet break. Add Lo-Pro chains into the equation and pre-dropping is really dicey.

    It's not really a problem with survivor attitudes. A less skilled Billy is easy to beat. A good Billy is tough.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,519


    Its fun to verse a good Billy who knows what theyre doing

    An experienced Hillbilly might as well be any other M1 killer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,711

    You realize that’s not actually 99% of the survivor playerbase though? Not even anywhere close to a majority.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,552

    I think most survs find any killer fun when they are better.

    When the killer is better he is just "boring" and unfun.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I find Billy fun because it's always exciting to try to dodge a chainsaw hit. Also Billies are so rare nowadays that it's just nice to see one for the sake of variety. Also, Billy is still a strong killer with an instadown and great mobility so it is more likely that they might not be running the latest gen kick meta because he doesn't necessarily need it to get good results unlike many M1 killers.

    Billies don't have to be curving Billies to be good either. It is not necessary for a Billy to run double Engravings and curve. A Billy can get good results with back-revving, high mobility and a few mindgames. A lot of people think Billy has a high skill floor to be good, but he really doesn't. Curving does give him a high skill ceiling though.

    I have a lot of fun playing Billy. Mostly because I usually don't play Billy too seriously and my choice build is rather hilarious.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267

    It's not "bullying" they're trying to interact with the killer, so they bring the tools to interact with the killer. They don't play that way because they hate the killer player, they want to interact with the killer as much as they can.