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Nerf boon (ideas)

Telgin Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

Hey, i think that boon is a bit too strong for suv. i mean with it every survivor can heal themself whats in my opinion too strong and doesnt fit in the rest of the game.

My Nerf ideas (not all at the same time)

  • If the killer destroys the boon totem the totem gets destroyed
  • If a suv uses the boon totem to heal himself it gets back to a normal dull totem
  • If a suv uses the boon totem to heal himself it gets destroyed.
  • The killer can corrupt the boon totem, changed the healing effect to 0%. If a suv tries to heal himself on the totem the totem gets destroyed/back to dull totem and a loud sound notifices the killer


  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 972
    edited December 2022

    Honestly, the amount of matches I play where there is one boon up for the entire match and the killer still gets 8 hooks and multiple kills is pretty sizeable. I doubt it will be nerfed any more than it has been, nor do I think it should be.

    The only change I would make at this point is that only one Hex of each type should be allowed at any one time. This would mean for part of the match some survivors could have a wasted perk slot, but that's the risk you take bringing it. I've actively showed the killer where Boons were before now because there were three of them up at the same time covering pretty much two thirds of the map and I felt it was unfair and unbalanced for the killer (Who was playing very fairly too).

    I think having CoH actually makes survivors a bit more complacent and easier to track because you can guarantee they'll immediately race back to where the totem is to heal, often more than one of them too in order to get the boost to team healing and I see a lot of survivors go down this way. Killers have adapted now and I see a lot of them leave boons up despite knowing they're there and I suspect it's to do the above.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The other boons are fine but CoH is an issue. It takes less time to self heal than it does to get the hit. One CoH in the game makes the hit and run pressure play style unviable and basically tells the killer he’s gonna have to tunnel each person out one at a time since just an injure is meaningless. It’s current state encourages the exact behavior from killers that survivors don’t want.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 366

    I honestly have seen more people with med-kits than CoH and that's fine, when I play survivor I've faced a lot of killers with Franklin's and/or sloppy butcher and Coulrophobia and not being able to heal is awful, especially if you're playing againts Legion.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,269

    Imo CoH is fine. - If anything totem spawn locations have to be reworked since some spawns are just not viable in terms of removing the boon. - Who tf walks all the way up in IWOM just to snuff the boon? Sure, if you're already up there might as well do it - but just for the sake of the boon it's a massive detour. These "god spots" for boons are also not all equally good "god spawns" for hexes. If your hex is up in IWOM you probs won't be able to keep it for long.

    Killers seem to often forget that the whole finding a totem, setting up the boon and getting back to work takes time. - Survs often having to cross the entire map to get to the boon to heal is also not exactly inexpensive in terms of time. - And time is an important resource. It does get a bit ridiculous when two or more people bring a boon --- but at the same time you can be almost certain these people are either solo (and thus generally not as oppressive to begin with) or would find other ways to pull off whatever little game they've come up with.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    This. Most killers see 21s to heal. In practice healing with boon takes anyhting between 21s and 3 minutes. On average I would say it's one minute. Sometimes you will never heal with boon. Boons are high risk high reward. I saw many games lost by boons instead of going for gens (I especially love people that boon against plague or legion).

    But I get it. Killer does not directly sees it. That's why nemesis zombies are totally useless even when they hard-harass gens and slow down their progression by several minutes (if they don't get stuck). But killer will not see it so zombies are just as useless as boons are OP...

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    I think maybe they should have a CD after being snuffed, so "shattered hope" keeps its use. Tho they could change SH i guess.

  • Telgin
    Telgin Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2022

    Thats not a good argument. You cannot say "as long as the killer gets 8 hooks boon is too weak". CoH is way stronger as other perks of survivor and it doesnt fits in the game. The idea is that every hit is very powerful, with Boon it doesnt matter because people can heal themself infinite times full.

    Since with Boon everything below a down is only a timedelay because everyone can heal themself full again it forces the killer to tunnel surv. out. There is pretty mutch no use in a chase to hit multiple survivors.

    If no Boon is in play, as killer i know that they only can heal themself with medpacks a finite amount of time, OR they need help with it. What means (if no boon are in play) hurting 1 player, makes 2 players busy for a time. With boon in play knockdown the suv. matters way more.

    SH is way to weak for that, i would need the same timeinvestment as the suv. to find one special hex totem. The perkplace is just to valueable for it. How i said, when i see boon is in play i can also just tunnel suv. down.

    tunneling counters boon pretty hard, but I dont think its a very good play to have a perk in the game that motivates the killer to tunnel.

    I guess than we are playing on totaly different levels. I think i never saw Franklins in play. and coulrophobia only very rarly too. I dont say something against healing, i just think healing yourself should be limited.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 814

    CoH boon should gives 33% healing speed at tier 3, not 50%. Just because with additional 50% healing speed that this boon provides, its already 75% of healing. I would changed that to 50% by decreasing basic healing from CoH itself. If someone wants to self heal at the rate of 75%, then they should bring self-heal also.

    This is my nerf for CoH, rest of the boons are quite okay