In my opinion,Dead By Daylight is survivor sided.

I have been wanting the write this post for quite some time, since DBD has gone trough alot of changes and they can't seem to balance the game properly. I have played alot of both modes and i genuinely think this game is survivor sided. My main reason first, is you can't do anything on a match. By the time it takes for you to get a down and a hook they rush gens with proves or toolboxes. Even if you try to play defensively and patrol the gens, it won't do as much. Good survivors sometimes tend to solo gen. Imagine you are chasing a survivor, meanwhile the other 3 are alone each one in a gen. Imagine you have pain res, you hook. The gen regresses, you'll check or try to find more survivors. A gen pop. I feel like this type of coordination makes the matches alot harder for killer. Secondly, the current meta feels very unhealthy. I have played some matches and analyzed what perks are meta. So we got:
Adrenaline- A perk that heals you from downed to injured. From injured to healthy. On top of that speed.
Off The Record- A perk that gives you a free health state for 80 seconds if you don't do any Conspicuous actions.
Prove Thyself- 15% of extra gen speed stackable for each survivor 4 meters close.
Boon Circle Of Healing- Allows self-healing for everyone in the range of 24 meters and increases the healing speed by 50%.
Dead Hard- Endurance for 0.5 seconds.
Lithes- 3 seconds 150% speed after fast vaulting a window.
Sprint Burst- 3 seconds 150% speed when you start to run.
Windows Of Opportunity- Windows, pallets and breakable walls auras in the range of 32 meters.
I don't think necessarily that Windows is a problem, but the rest feels very strong for survivors.
Eruption- Inflicts the Incapacited status effect for 25 seconds on the gens the killer kicked when a survivor is downed along with a 10% insta regression.
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance- 15% of insta regression and keeps regressing if not touched.
Call Of Brine- 200% Regression Speed after damaged. You are warned if they perform good skill checks on that map.
Overcharge- Regression speed from 75% to 200% over a course of 30 seconds. Also a skill check that if failed insta regresses 5%. No bonus if you hit the skill check.
I do think that the killer meta isn't healthy, Eruption seems like a massive problem as well. And CoB and Overcharge makes the gens regress very fast. However, i still think with a good team with any of the survivor perks i said above. I think for a killer it's very hard to do anything. I think at the best, you can get a 1 or a 2K. Or yes, if you try to slug alot. You might be lucky and get a 4K. And yes the survivors do have quite some maps on their sides which makes it easier for them. I have mentioned them in a previous post. I don't want to create any drama here, as i said it's my personal opinion based on what i have seen and played at this game. You are free to express your own personal views and opinions.
If you factor in every single killer vs an optimal team then yes it is, but you're forgetting that not every survivor is playing optimally, so you can't say that the game is sided in either direction, also rng tiles and maps can completely change the game. Try playing Nurse in Lery's vs stealthy survivors, literally the worst experience I've ever had playing a video game, now try playing survivor with 3 solo queue teammates vs 4 slowdown Wesker, also a very bad experience.
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At high MMR, all you will find is good teams. And it's a pain to killers.
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If you play solo queue, all you will find is stacked killers and bad teammates, it's the nature of the game, if you want to be competitive, then you have to bring the strongest stuff, this means getting a SWF together, or playing Blight/Nurse.
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The difference in the killers is too high.
If u compare a good Blight with a good Trapper, its a huge difference.
Thats one major issue in the game besides the map-design.
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Solo < Killer < SWF.
As it's always been.
Previously, it was more like Solo < Killer <<< SWF. Now it's more like Solo << Killer << SWF.
Eh...not really. I've been playing a bit of solo queue recently, and I usually run with either a duo or trio. It's luck of the draw.
One game it'll be a David that goes down almost instantly, then suicides. The next it'll be a Feng that loops the killer for 4 gens and still gets away. Then it'll be a Dwight that does nothing but look for a glyph he needs, before going AFK in a snowman. Then it'll be a Haddie that manages to do 5 unhooks and 3 gens by herself.
However, one thing you come to realize is that so, so much of how things play out on the survivor side of things is determined by the killer and map.
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Nope, it's in favor of the tryharder SwF.
SoloQ < Chill Killer < Chill SwF < Sweaty Killer < Sweaty SwF
And since SoloQ represents the largest catchment area of the game and also considering the abominable state it is currently in, unless you have skill deficiencies, the current killer experience is much better than in the not too distant past.
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It tends to be whoever wants to win the hardest sided.
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Most players are average skillled on both sides.
You'll rarely see super strong survivor teams in mid mmr (not even touching on low). Some teams will feel super strong but they're most likely outplaying you (and I say this as a Hag player that a lot of survivors have mopped the floor with at intermediate level, without objectively being a top SWF).
Is the game survivor sided in general ? No.
Is it survivor sided on some specific brackets ? Maybe ! Or at least sweaty-SWf-sided. But that's nothing new as the game is also killer sided on other brackets, namely low mmr.
I think a user above me described it well. People who want to win the hardest will usually do. "Scummy" tactics are well rewarded in this game, so if you want to win that bad as to disregard the fun of your opponents (which you don't owe them) or good sportsmanship, nothing is stopping you and you'll most likely rise to the top.
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With a SWF, against every killer except Nurse, yes.
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Survivor meta won't change significantly until core gameplay changes are made. That may never happen, tbf, but there are limited options for survivors in some scenarios.
For example, in any game, at any time you could be tunneled off hook. If you want to have a chance at avoiding that, your options effectively are: off the record, decisive strike, renewal, or hoping that your teammates brings bt. OTR is the most versatile of these, and isn't hard countered by either a laughable 2s head start (ds), or the killer being able to count to 10 (renewal and base endurance off hook).
Similar argument applies for exhaustion perks, except you're guaranteed to be in chase at some point.
The biggest problem on the survivor side is items. There's too much speed increase associated with toolboxes and medkits specifically. Imo, they should significantly increase the charges, but cap the speed increase to no more than like 10%. BNP needs a rework, and I liked the idea that instead of granting progress, it could be consumed to instead lock in a gen's progress. So that gen couldn't regress below a set value like 40% or something.
Honestly gen speeds need a cap for both repair and regression rates. That would normalize game speeds and add perk variety at a minimum. And it would discourage 'quad slowdown', which is also unhealthy for the game.
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I would say there are more than just Chill and Sweaty, there is also Skill or unskilled.
Chill unskilled Solo ; Chill skilled Solo ; Sweaty unskilled Solo ; Sweaty skilled Solo.
And even that, many unskilled Solo use multiple 2nd chances not because of sweaty, but because they dont want to get tunneled out of the game in 5min.
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Even in the highest level of play it's not that survivor sided anymore, most tourneys end up in 2k 2 escape now, it's arguably the healthiest it's been for a while, aside from a poor killer meta.
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You really dont
Its like saying all you saw was sweaty teams back when Ranks were used for matchmaking. MMR might as well be the same
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It's only really the top percentage of survs that really cause this problem. And that is the reward for skill. Even when i play with my usual swf, (we aren't amazing, but competent) 4ks are the norm. The occasional 3k when one of us gets lucky and finds hatch.
Killer really has the power to control the match. My killer matches, if I put mind to it, I'll almost always be able to get a potential 4k. Potential because after downing them I'll usually let final surv go.
Example, if I run demo with iri add ons and mori offering. And i sweat it out, I've not had a bad game with that build. Even against teams that clearly have mad good loopers and serious team work. Their skill level doesn't matter, the build is so powerful that hey barely have any chance. But when I switch to a killer I'm not familiar with then i get ######### on. Even then if I resort to cheap tactics like face camping and tunneling I'll often secure kills on players much better than myself.
It's so easy to the point that unless I'm sweating an adept I never go for the 4k. Because it's boring and I feel like I'm ruining other player's game experience.
Game definitely isn't survivor sided.
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Survivors should die on first hook and they should repair all 7 generators to escape
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How do you assess that you are high MMR?
Im curious.
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The game is so survivor sided that they win most of their matches... wait...