Extra chance perks

I'm honestly tired of the combinations of perks survivors can stack in this game . Stiptic, dead hard, off the record , medkits w/boons, adrenaline, and SWF teamwork make this ######### impossible for newer players just trying to have fun and not get destroyed .
Me too feel the same when using meme builds trying to have fun and get tunneled.
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When survivors tunnel gens, killers tunnel the first survivor they hooked.
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I kinda wish builds weren't so meaningful in this game. It's hard to tell how good the team I am going against is when they are running quad med-kits and full meta. Especially when they start pre-throwing, a bot could preform game play like that too bad it's such a good strat on most maps.
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This is why I sorely wish there were new game modes in DBD. You have some people that are just looking to have fun and maybe run some meme builds, and then you have others that play this game like their life depended on it. After six long years, dead by daylight's one and only game mode has definitely grown stale.
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People heard a random killer main say "Survivors like to tunnel gens" and everyone ran with it.
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Seriously. The conversation shifted from 'folks stacking BNPs, Prove Thyself, Hyperfocus and Stakeout force me to tunnel' to 'a survivor doing a gen forces me to tunnel'.
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Well survivor hate to see stacked anti gen perks all the time but that's what DBD has devolved to, maximum efficiency on both sides.
That's the way it goes with every major pvp game in this day and age of social media and YouTube were the best strategy crystallizes and spreads in a matter of days.
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Because it perfectly illustrates how stupid the "tunnelling" argument is.
When you get on a gen, do you ever stop at 50% and go "I should leave this and go find another gen, to keep things more fair, ya know?"
You hit that gen until it pops and it is out of the game.
That is what killers do. They find a survivor and hit it until it pops and it is out of the game.
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not doing A gen, doing gens ONLY (what i understand, its the only true objective).
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Any time I see the phrase 'TuNnEl GeNs' I'm instantly certain that player has no idea what 'gen pressure' is. Also probably can't fathom why ruin/undying used to be meta because those perks 'do nothing.'
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You can simply put 4 slowdown and still win with first kill at 9th hook.
I main Trapper and I use Plaything, Penti as slowdown. Much more fun than quad Gens.
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I know that. It depends on the survivor-team nonetheless. If I face Plaything, I never cleanse it, because I assume Penti is the follow.
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and the killers only true objective is really to kill you so whats your point?
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Exactly. Thats why all these Tunneling-Complains are not the correct discussion. The correct discussion would be, in my opinion: "How should the devs change the game so that tunneling isnt the best strategy to win games as killer anymore?".
With that, u wouldnt see 2nd chance perks as often as now, because the meta would really shift.
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Endurance stacking isn't a thing unless your letting survivors mend in your face. So not sure why you brought up syptics, off the record and dead hard as if survivors could do all 3 after each other.
Medkits with boons is BS I agree. Adrenaline. I mean it does it's job. Not sure what you want done about it.
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I sure do hate second chance hand holding perks too!
Like eruption, NOED, call of brine+Overcharge, 4 slowdowns holding a three gen all game.. they should really nerf these, they make the game too easy!
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Which is, survivors can either rush Gen and risk of free hit, or be safe by doing Hexes.
play against fair play killers with plaything, Penti as slowdown is the most fun to me as survivors (thats why I play like that). Some survivors are entitled to escape, bully killers. But most survivors just want to have fun, die in the end doesnt matter.
Thing is, too many killers just want 4K, which already against the nature of game balance. Youre supposed to have 5 kills per 8 survivors, which is 4k-1k or 3k-2k. But many killers here dont want that but 3k-4k.
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tunneling gens is my favorite activity, camping them is a close second
whenever im feeling extra quirky as well, I might even slug them 👀
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But..... these things don't stack because once you enter the mending state, you can't use any of those?????
Is this an old post from 2019 or something you had saved in the drafts???
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How are you as a new player going up against that stuff? You MMR must have sky-rocketed.
Anyway, time to adapt fast. There is no way bHVR will remove them now.
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I started in middle of July, by October I was getting 4 man SWFs and still am to this day.
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I literally started this year in July so idk.
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Ummmm...... Did you mean 3 slowdowns or do you not know what NOED does
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Yesterday I had some of the sweatiest games I ever played, it was just crazy. I had really good and short chases, but each of my first three chases one gen popped. So when I sat at 2 gens remaining with 3 hooks, I HAD to shift gears and tunneled the last survivor off the hook and hooked them near one of the last remaining gens, proxy camping them while roaming around the others. After that one tunnel, I got a breather but still ignored one of the remaining survivors and just focused on the other two, who both had one hook each. The game ended with a 3K+hatch, but it was one of this games that leave you breathless and feeling empty, rather then fulfilled and think "yeah, I got those!".
Another of those games I played that night I chased one survivor around the Eyrie, made a slight mistake that extended the chase for a good portion, and when I finally got them, 3 gens popped one after the other. With this hyper efficiency there is really nothing you can do, it feels like you either get tunneled on the survivors side or get genrushed sooo hard on the killers side, that there is nothing in between, no fun game where the tension rises, because your gens get slowly whittled down, then its 2 gens remaining, but you also hooked everyone and got another two on death hook and now you are in the chase that can kill one, ya know, the "usual" way or at least that what I would want to think was the usual way this game plays.
Both sides probably experienced getting stomped and s*** on in post game chat a couple of times to often and now we are in this ever decending spiral of escalating warfare into oblivion. And just "relaxing and losing a couple of games" isn't the solution. Everyone is bunched up at the MMR softcap. Every game is a gamble and you either sweat or stomp right from the start with the survivors having no chance for a comeback. I can lose a couple of games and drop down MMR, but once out of the softcap, I just stomp everyone, even when not trying or have to purposefully "play dumb".
Mechanically the game is probably at one of the best spots it ever has been, but the culture on both sides in the game has evolved in some pretty uncool ways and something has (should) be done to aleviate the situation, like systems in place that prohibit hyper efficiency. And don't be afraid to implement some sort of game director like in Left4Dead, which could be The Entity directly influencing the games outcome, ie if the survivors slam gens hard, then The Entity blocks some gen or knocks it down a bit or damages it in a way that the survivors have to find some parts on the map to repair it, and if the killer is stomping, then maybe a destroyed palette respawns or a survivor stumbles over a medkit or toolbox on the ground that "wasn't there the last time" or erase scratch marks during a given chase, while also briefly showing them the killers aura.
People always balk at such a catchup and manipulation system, stating "why should I be punished for playing good?", but maybe we need such a system, because players at both sides have just gotten too damn good at playing the game, and you can't have decent queue times without having players with vastly different skillsets and ceilings playing in the same game, making hitting that sweetspot not a question of some hidden number, but acknowledging that the games system is straining under the stress we put it under.
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I was referencing different scenarios here as sarcasm.
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Do you even play survivor?????????????? This happens even if no survivors are on gens, lol. I even see killers doing this even though someone disconnected at the beginning of the game.
Edit- Tunneling someone out early is in almost every game I play (usually starting at 5 gens left). It's usually not because survivors tunnel gens (whatever that means). It's because the game becomes much easier when you get someone out early.
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Sorry, no good team will ever lose to a trapper, unless they seriously ######### up (which can happen, but its up to luck more than skill).
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I’m honestly tired of a killer who has struggled all match getting multiple kills because of NOED and slugging in end game. But, here we are.
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killers tunnel the first survivor they hooked* fixed that.
Many times i see killers tunneling at 5/4 gens in matches where ppl don't even repair them fast.
I don't think is ok comparing someone doing a gen to removing a person from the match at the minimum mistake barely getting BP, even worse if paired with camping.
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I play both roles 50/50.
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Yes, depends on how much do you want to play against good team. Which most of killers dont want to, just like me.
The difference is I decide to stay at mid MMR.
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Unfortunately its the symptoms of an old game. At the start, people DID meme around for the most part. As time goes on, people get better and their opponents adapt to it. The problem with new players is that there is no safety net to help new players learn the ropes, especially on survivor. Having bots will help a lot in this regard, but until then the new player experience will be awful on both sides.
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probably truetalent
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What exactly is the point of this post? Like what's the point in complaint post #6540 about why I don't like insert whatever? How about we stop making threads about whining for what the other side is doing?
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Cause it's a ######### forum
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To be fair don't killers get a lot of extra chance perks? NOED and No way out for example?
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Doesn't mean you need to cope Mald and seethe over complaint post #6509
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This is the biggest lie killer mains spread. I have over 3k hours in this game and I see my inexperienced teammates with no second chance getting hard tunneled at five gens EVERY DAY.
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Newer players typically go up against newer players. In the newbie vs newbie match, the killer is MASSIVELY advantaged. Survivor has a higher skill floor than killer as a whole. Every second the survivors aren't on gen or in chase is a second wasted and no one wastes them better than newbies that don't know any better. You get all the time in the world to slaughter new survivors. It's very easy to run someone down, M1, and hook them when they have no idea what looping even is.
You're not talking about newer players. You're talking about once they slaughter enough newer players to start going against people hat know what they're doing somewhat. Most of what you're talking about has counters. Styptic? Use Franklins and they won't have the medkit when they get injured to use it. Dead hard? Same as before, wait it out. Off the record? Stop tunneling. Medkits? Franklins and/or Sloppy Butcher. Boons? You have Shattered Hope as an option if they bother you so much. Adrenaline? It's a single use at the last minute and you have NOED which and quickly bring that survivor back down before they know it's even there. SWF teamwork... really? So your opponents working together is considered an 'extra chance perk'. Come on now...
Most second chance perks are there as bandaids to prevent bad killer behaviors. Don't camp. Don't tunnel. Don't slug. Do these things and most of those perks become worthless. They aren't even the meta anymore aside from Dead Hard. Which is an exhaustion perk, not a 'second chance'. They just get to choose when to extend the chase instead of showing it to you early. The 'meta' is now all gen speed stuff with an exhaustion perk.
If you're at a point where you're getting destroyed game after game, then it's because you owned too many games and killed enough people that you're facing difficult teams now. Once you lose some, you'll be back to slaughtering. If you want easy games, then don't play sweaty. Don't kill everyone and your MMR won't go up. Shoot for no more than 2 kills ever. Focus on hooks instead of kills. The thing about an MMR system is that you really do have control over how hard you want your games to be. Play how you want and you'll get the challenge it deserves.
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Except the generators don't have feelings and aren't going to be upset to be removed from the game right away. That generator doesn't care that it's been completed. It sucks to see gens start to fly as the killer, sure, but the game isn't actually over until those gates are open and people have left. Up until that moment, you can and absolutely will be able to still get kills. It's just that most people don't want to keep trying when they aren't getting a blowout victory as a killer.
Here's a hint: Stop playing sweaty. Play for fun, lose until your MMR is back to where you can play for fun and still get kills. The harder you play, the harder your games will be.
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The "feelings" argument goes out the window at Mach 4 as soon as you remember Survivors don't care about Killer feelings.
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Killer is the already more stressful role since the pace of the game isn't in your control, only the ability to try and slow the pace and you have to micromanaged on a whole different scale vs 4 people.
Keeping the feelings and fun of the survivors in mind always comes at the own detriment and more stress. Never saw survivor care for that only when 5 gens where done and the gates 99% primed, then they suddenly have all the time in the world to play for survivor-killer-interaction and won't finish the game unless in danger of getting downed/killed.
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I would've loved to know if you would've made the same fuzz about a thread aimed at killer perks/characters/stuff.
But don't bother to tell me now, i wouldn't believe you anyway.
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I haven't actually. Unlike someone of your level of petty and salt I don't need to make posts about killers and survivors. Also don't ask a question of you don't want an answer. Better yet, don't respond period.
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Plus I have evidence anyway about the 2 threads I've created so I don't think you want to go there
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Damn, someone seems triggered 😂
Also where did i say anything about any threads you created?
I asked if you would've complained the same about complain thread 6509# if it would have been from a survivor biased person about killer perks.
I remember your acc name and associate it with a certain amount of bias, so i found your complaint about the complaining thread aimed at survivor simply hypocritical and pointed it out.
And since anyone can claim they would've done anything in retrospect, i preemptively told you to not bother to try and tell me different since i wouldn't believe you anyway.
But it seems you took that far more personal than anticipated.
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Trust me, your personal nonsense isn't a personal thing to me. Plus if I were you I wouldn't be talking with such a high and mighty attitude considering the fact I've seen a lot of your biased posts. Often times you attacking people for having an opinion. So let's not
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2nd chance has alot of meaning.
Survivors' 2nd chance is clearly the perk that keep them up instead of dying. In other word, they increase the time of being alive in match.
Killers' 2nd chance is the whole slowdown perk set, your goal is to down a survivor in 30sec, and you cant? Okay so I - slowdown #1 give you 15sec more to down them. And still fail? Slowdown #2 give you another 25sec more to down them.