Changes for Trapper

Every one can unanimously agree that trapper is one of the weakest killers in dbd. The changes i’ll suggest would slightly buff him. These are not my original ideas but I agree with them.
- Let Trapper start with all his traps base-kit with no downside. Most Trapper games it’s impossible to go for a trap on the other side of the map without throwing the game so you won’t even have all of your power. This is unnecessary and shouldn’t be the case.
- Remove the ability to see traps on map items. Trapper is the only where this happens and it renders the trap useless for the whole game. It’s a very simple change that would help him a lot.
- When stepping on a trap injured, you should either be put in deep wound or downed. Unless you are freed, if you step in a trap injured you should be punished. This is basically making on of his add ons base kit but still a nice buff.
- These changes have been suggested many times before but I want to suggest them again as they are very crucial to put trapper on the same level as other killers.
I would change addon "tar bottle", which makes traps being darker (on some maps it means those are like lighthouse), to makes those actually share textures with enviroment the traps was placed (still maintaining shape and casting shadow, so still being able to be spotted). So traps on wooden stairs looks like wood, placed on snow are white and snowy etc.
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that would be a great change but I don’t think bhvr would do that simply because of the amount of work it would take just for one add on
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Why? Make it transparent with this addon and viola!
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i’m not sure i just feel like it would take too long to do but if they were ever to do that i would not complain
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He needs all those things for sure. He’d still be weak though. Make both his ultra rares base kit as well and give him new ones, now we’re getting there. Currently Trapper running both those ultra rares doesn’t even get him into A tier so that seems reasonable. With how easy it is to just follow him around disarming his traps there needs to be some kind of repercussion. Tbh his trap setting should be silent as well. If he got all this I’d add a further blocked range for putting traps around a hooked target to lower his ability to trap them to death in exchange. What he really needs is a lot more ground foliage on maps for his traps well but that’s too much work and probably not going to happen, it really limits his trap placement creativity though.
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i’m not sure i would agree with that. i feel like you shouldn’t be injured from deactivating a trap basekit as there has to be some form of disabling his trap when you go against a basement trapper to make it not impossible to unhook. the trap resetting one seems a bit over the top as well because there are some traps you can place by gens that would make it literally impossible to do the gen.
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That’s why I also added the caveat that he would now also have an increased range that he would be able to place traps near hooks to prevent those situations. Also the trap on gen is a bit unrealistic, most gens have multiple sides and he wouldn’t be able to have traps at every side on multiple gens, not to mention he’d now have zero traps to actually catch people at loops. Finally without something to punish trap disarms he’s left defenseless. I can literally just follow him around disarming everything while my team pumps gens. It’s too punishing and he has no real counter play there.
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if he had the increased distance between traps and hooks i think it would be a great addition for him. And yes while the situation i mentioned is slightly unrealistic on some maps such as lerys or badham there are gens where only one person can use.
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I’d rather balance around 99% of matches than the 1% that can happen. It’s a low enough chance to get that map and those specific gen rng layouts to be of relevance.
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"these are not my original ideas but i agree with them" h m ok
- Fair, but having limitations on how much the trapper can full loadout on a 3gen is important
- Not true, blocking off escape routes is almost as good as actually trapping a survivor, limiting a survivors movement is just a good a use as catching them by surprise. Good sentiment, i get it
- Deep wound is fair, but gotta keep the newbies in mind, unrelenting punishment for a basekit killer whose counter is expert perception and experience is a liiiiitle hmm especially for greenies.
Trapper is hard to get a handle on, but if youre clever, he's definitely on par with other killers, ESPECIALLY once you get used to and can memorize all the maps. He's extremely unique in being able to injure survivors without actually having to directly interact with him, and if BHVR tried their hand in making more killers with that ability i would be super SUPER excited about it.
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Trapper definitely has the potential to snowball. If i’m being honest most of the time I play trapper I win. But I disagree with the fact that he’s on the same level as some of the other low tier killers.
- For the 3 gen situation I don't think it would be too crazy as hag can do something quite similar and people still manage to defeat her. Also if you’re coordinated and you’re careful you should be able to fight back.
- It might not be a problem of balance but map items ruin all creativity and promotes people to place hard choke traps such as ones on pallets or windows instead of interesting and otherwise impossible to know trap spots.
- I was going back and forth between it but overall I agree with only deep wound. Newer players struggle with trapper a lot and going down would only make it worse. However I think there shouldn’t be no punishment for stepping on a trap injured.
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Honestly, his traps should be semi-transparent at 5-15 meters, fully visible within 5, and invisible outside of 15 meters. (Numbers can be changed; I'm not quite solid on how far a 'meter' is in game)
This would achieve many things:
- Survivors that are running blindly would risk stepping in it.
- Survivors that are moving slowly and being careful would see it before stepping in it.
- The traps will not stick out on different maps
- They also cannot be seen by the SWF hive mind from atop a hill 50 miles away from the trap itself.
This change would, in itself, make Trapper playable on every map, current or future.