Can we please do something about CoH?

Seriously, the Perk is not fine.
And I mean the Perk and as a Boon.
Ok, let's just say this:
A Perk that grants entire team a "double-buffed" Self-Care, due to it using 50% Self-Care instead of 35% one, that grants a Healing boost similar to Botany Knowledge, stacks with Med-Kits, unlike Botany, it doesn't have efficiency penalty.
Would've been more managable if it was one-time use, right? So why do I say it also fails as a Boon and also... Everything around Shattered Hope.
Let's just look at other Boons.
Boon Perk is meant to be placed closer to action between Killer and Survivors. It takes time, timing and some other knowledge to set-up. In addition, they don't grant any big time-saving buffs.
Normal Boon Perk:
Needs some skill expression and can put on "negative" time gained.
Circle of Healing:
You don't need nearly as much skill to use it and almost always gives you time neutral or positive when used.
Yeah, don't worry, it's so fine...
"But whatabout Shattered Hope?"
Just before anything, Perk is fine.
Reminder, you place Circle of Healing far from action so Survivor can run into the corner for very quick heal.
So Killer still has to go out of the way to destroy it, could be Blessed few more times, that's still additional work to just counter 1-2 Perks out of potential 16.
Don't forget, some maps are bigger or have harder to access Totem spots.
So for Shattered Hope to counter CoH, the Killer has to mobile Killer who can still put decent pressure all-around, who can dedicate time to Snuff it. Huh, I wonder which Killer fits all these perfectly...
"So what if instead of trying to split pressure, Killer could just commit to chases? Then CoH wouldn't do as much, right?"
I shouldn't probably point out how many Maps are actually quite bonkers for Survivors and even if you fear you might not get a good map... Just use Map/Realm Offering. I'm sure you still have plenty of these.
"It was already nerfed few times."
Just look at the Nurse's history. Yeah, go figure.
"It's just funny."
Yeah, no. I don't think even certain Survivors have fun using it. I sincerely doubt it.
What was previously a way for Killers to pressure Survivors if Maps were bad? Split the damage. Now you cannot do that for over a year.
Now what's left? Playing high-Tier Killers who would care less about CoH?
Playing with 3-Gen Perks and don't even bother doing any real chase?
Seriously, real question: Can we finally do something about Circle of Healing? It really creates issues rather than fixes any in my opinion. And it has been like that before 6.1.0 happened. It was literally untouched from that update. Not even changing the base Self-Care speed from 50% to 35%.
Bahh it's really the only boon that is usable. And tbh it's pretty easy to find because of the sound boons make. I never see people run any of the other boons except mayyybe shadow step along with CoH.
As killer I really don't mind it, easy to find, thunderstrike sound to let you know someone has dropped it, and a practical air raid siren to help you find it. And if you don't snuff the boon makes great bait, injure someone, drop chase and then cut them off when they run for the boon zone.
The only time it irks me as killer is when I'm trying to hold down a 3 gen and don't have time to sniff out the boon. But tbh survs need an advantage in 3 gen situations. They suffer enough towards the end of the trial anyway.
If I was going to nerf it in any way maaaaybe drop the buff to speed healing other survs, but that's not really a big issue.
Tbh all hex/boons are a bit weak except CoH
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"They are not as good" meaning mostly they are not as broken as CoH?
Seriously, a lot of other Totem-related Perks are balanced.
Just saying, it took 2 separate big bugs in order to kill-switch Inner Healing because only then it became stronger than CoH.
And btw, it's not even just defending 3-Gen, it's cases like "You Injure 2 people, down 3rd guy quickly, hook them" moments.
Normally? They need to spend time now recovering the Health States.
With it up? They are pretty much already Healthy by the time you gain control after Hooking.
Really, matches without and with it in play are vastly different most of the time.
Dark Theory: It's more of "Boon: Resilience" where usually it doesn't matter but shines on narrow stuff.
Exponential: Isn't used much because slugging isn't really a thing currently. And it is given entire team so...
Shadow Step: When Healthy? No Aura-read and Scratch Marks? With some pathing you can break chase against Killer and go away.
When Injured, obviously, it's a bit weaker but again, it's not bad.
Again, Circle of Healing just completely says no, we are just gonna give insane Healing boosts, mostly on Self-Heals so you can even, after Unhook, run towards it, heal there and Unhooker can just do Gens in that time or whatever. There's just almost really no excuse for this Perk to exist.
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We receive:
- Self care pre nerf
- Botany pre nerf
- Pharmacy pre nerf
You receive:
- Coh further nerf
They literally nerf the whole healing perks set while buffing Haemorrhage.
I dont use Coh so I feel unjustified when other healing perks get nerfed.
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The other boons straight up suck. I can tell because I virtually never see them and would not use them myself. I haven't seen anyone run exponential in months, I've literally never seen anyone run dark theory. I see shadow step on the odd occasion but always with CoH.
I'm certainly not saying CoH isn't good, it's a damn good perk. Certainly one of the best surv perks. But it isn't OP to the point of being broken. It has counter play, screw shattered hope, that perk sucks ass. Sloppy butcher turns it into self care (which is a god awful perk because it takes so long), and/or nurses calling lets you catch the survs who are self healing. And that's just perks, I've already detailed conventional tactics to beat it.
Tbf killers have it so easy, survs need an effective way to be able to heal when they can't find one another. Nothing worse than getting caught out while injured because you couldn't find a team mate Nd didn't want to cripple your team by running self care.
A perk being meta doesn't make it broken. If it's impossible to counterplay for killer, that makes it broken, and there are numerous ways to counter play CoH.
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I feel the only thing I'd change with Boons is I wouldn't let it stack with items but overall I feel that's an issue unrelated to CoH with how strong items are. Personally when I play killer I'm fine with one CoH existing because it means a survivor typically will run out of their way to go to this area and I always know where they're at. It only really gets out of control when they're able to full heal in like 12 seconds because either a medkit or something else and then I'm forced to go out of my way to stomp it and tunnel the perk holder. I do feel the perk is a bit strong when there are multiple boons but that's also a huge time investment from the whole time to do this.
If anything to me CoH in its current state is beneficial to me. Yeah a survivor may go to it to heal but I know exactly when it will happen usually and I can take advantage of a survivor mispositioning to heal.
I've actually started running Shattered Hope also and I'll intentionally leave a CoH if it's in a dangerous or out of the way position on the map but I'll destroy ones near objectives I won't be able to defend. I know that's not really a solution to your problem with the perk but that's just my viewpoint on it as a killer.
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Its really not that bad of a perk, also CoH does unlock Self Healing without a medkit, meaning it is kind of the same as Self Care. The reason why its faster is because of the 50% bonus to healing.
Also once you really think about it, the amount of time wasted thanks to it is astonishing. As you mentioned, its the only Boon where you dont want to set up in the midst of where all the action is taking place. This has more of a benefit to you since Survivors have to take the time to run over to the Boon, heal, and then run back. Which at that point they might as well just run Self Care since at least they can get back into the play area sooner.
There are several games that Ive won simply because Survivors wasted WAY too much time healing rather than doing gens.
With all that being said, healing in general as a mechanic needs to be looked at (especially the speed). When CoH first came out it was an issue since it gave you 100% bonus healing instead of just 50%. You also have medkits which have always been the strongest item. Being able to heal yourself 3+ times thanks to add ons and/or perks at the same speed as if another survivor is healing you (or even faster) anywhere on the map is just dumb.
My solution to that? Healing takes 2 additional charges for each heal (with a cap)
1st heal: 16
2nd heal: 18
3rd heal and so on: 20
This mainly hurts medkits, as the additional charges needed makes them not able to heal as much as before
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I'd agree to this in a heartbeat.
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Do you really want self care back? Like... really?
Now people at least bring med kits. But previously?
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Boons are not so easily found and managed with the Killers time that they warrant bypassing so many other Survivor perks.
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The perk has already been nerfed several times...