I want to enjoy playing Killer, but...

(Before I start, note that this isn't a post to whine about Survivors--okay, maybe a little about some subtypes--because I play survivor mainly 4/5 of the time. This post is about why the ratio isn't more even.)

So, this has been building for a while, but every now and then, you just have one of THOSE nights. Levelled up the Clown today, thought he seemed fun to give a try. Brand new killer.

Game 1: Obvious SWF, spent most of it stunned and blinded while I was trying to figure out the mechanics and how to aim the bottles.

Game 2: No-interaction genrush squad, couldn't find anyone, didn't get to do anything.

Game 3: No-interaction genrush squad, chased the designated looper, two gens popped while I was in pallet hell, I just quit at that point.

Then I took the hint, gave up on learning this character for the time being, and went to play some survivor matches.

And this isn't the least bit atypical when I occasionally forget the accumulated trauma and frustration and think "hey, let's play Killer". My experience is maybe 50% matches like the ones above, 40% matches where I go in loaded for bear against a team of rookies and feel bad about myself afterwards, and 10% the matches where it feels like a genuine battle of wits where my decisions matter.

I like the mechanics of the Killers, I think they're mostly well done. Survivor experiences can be a bit samey, so I love how the game can change wildly in feel depending if I'm playing as Sadako, Wesker, Myers, Plague or Executioner. But to break down why I like playing as Killer in theory, but so often find matches an exercise in frustration:

1: With survivors, I'm free to try weird builds or focus on something eclectic ("how many benefits can I get from cleansing one totem?"), and that's what I like doing--nothing is more boring to me than finding a Best build and never wavering from it. With a Killer, my builds are very samey, because they HAVE to be. I need two intel perks, or I get a game where I never see anyone, just see gens pop off in the distance. I need a regression perk, or every time I kick a gen and walk off, it'll pop ten seconds later. That fourth slot usually goes to a chase perk, or maybe one of the dozens of other cool perks I'm not actually using.

2: I wouldn't say Survivor matchmaking is that much better. Clown car teammates, or a Killer who knows where everyone is at all times with no intel perks, that's pretty common. But thing is, if I have a rotten Survivor match, I'm usually out of it pretty fast, and into a new game. If I have a bad match as a Killer, I'm stranded there even when it's super obvious I can't win, and have to wait till the endgame timer is at 3 seconds--because heaven forbid we miss a chance to teabag or force the killer to push us out the door!

3: It's harder to practice with Killer mechanics. Bot matches FINALLY coming into play make this a bit easier, but it still doesn't reflect actual matches where you're often (even with a totally new killer) being pitted against people who know your character better than you do. Survivors are fairly similar mechanically, so testing out a new perk or build takes much less time there--you don't have to suffer through five matches of antifun before you know it well enough to pull it off consistently.

4: SWF's. We all know they're a problem. We all know the game is impossible to balance around them. But sweet criminy, that's no excuse for not even TRYING to do so. I don't know what the solution is, but I do know you can't balance the game around a team of four solos having 16 perks in one game, and a team on comms having 16 perks + 8-16 free intel perks in the next.

5: Non-SWF's. Whenever I get frustrated, go full sweat and tunnel, it turns out I just clubbed some baby seals and it's a pretty rotten feeling. Would be nice to have an indicator of how hard I need to go, even though I know it's not the least bit practical to do so.

6: Stealth genrush squads. At least with bully squads, you interact with them and can sometimes punish hubris. With these guys? Why are you even playing the game? Is this somehow FUN for you?

7: It legitimately, and with no exaggeration, feels like I cannot win against even a moderately skilled and coordinated team unless I go full unfun sweatbox (mass regression, 3gen from the start). If one super-looper takes me on a guided tour of Pallet City, that's a gen gone by the time I realise there's no point in chasing this guy and should keep looking for a weaker link. If they're all good at looping or hiding, then it simply seems impossible to do anything against them without the kind of tactics I hate seeing as a survivor and don't want to inflict on anyone else (camping, tunnelling) but which are undeniably effective. Of course, many killers have anti-loop powers, but mastering them is grinding and unfun because of point 3.

8: The exit teabagging dance. You're safe. Game's done. We all know it, but you're still going to stand right on the edge and teabag till the last moment. Why?

To summarise most of the above points, I find playing Killer stressful. That doesn't necessarily mean unfun, and it's a greater rush when I get a close game (doesn't have to be a 4K, a 2K or even 1K can feel equally awesome) where it feels like my choices mattered, and I know I wasn't carried by anyone else. But so often, it seems to boil over into the nasty kind of stressful, the sort where I just think "I may as well have not shown up", or when I'm stuck in a match where it's been proven I can't win against this particular team, and continuing is entirely pointless....but I still have to be there.

OK, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Right now, this is mainly me venting, but I am open to advice on how to have a good time while still actually trying to win and not use cheap tactics that I know are noxious for the other team. If I'm not having fun, that doesn't mean I want to drag others down with me, I'd sooner just stop playing Killer.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited December 2022

    I feel you, but at the same time, I think one major issue might be matchmaking being super lenient. For instance, this was my second game ever as Clown :

    (At least they were super nice, both during and after the game, which is fortunately common enough for me. I'm also pretty sure the Nea gave me the kill, since I was patrolling the gate on The Game and she had all the time in the world to find hatch)

    I think matchmaking being lenient is the first thing to adress to deal with squad SWFs without harming casual SWFs that aren't that good. Because if a SWF really is very good, escapes a lot more than they would if they were not in a group, then logically matchmaking takes care of that and puts them in front of killers who can handle them.

    The problem is not the SWF (BM notwithstanding), it's the fact that they're matched with killers who are not ready to handle them.

    When I SWF with my friend, we're chatting about other stuff, and we die like 70% of the time. We're not a danger to anyone, so a better matchmaking would not affect us negatively. However, if Mark, Tim and Jen are a tight team that have designated roles and call out killer position at all time, have 3E and 4Es often and still find time to gloat at the gate, then clearly they we can skip a couple of mmr levels and put them directly in front of killers that are more experienced than the ones they're facing.

    Maybe make gaining mmr cumulative, and if you're on a winstreak you win increasingly more mmr ?

    That way, there is no need to be bulk nerfs to SWF, only buffs to average and lower tier killers so that they can compete on higher mmr brackets. Hopefully, buffs directly at their power and not in sheer numbers, so that it becomes more interesting. I'd love for the Clown's yellow bottles to be easier to use, or for Nemesis's zombies to finally have a working AI or collision failsafes when they're glitched into a bush.


    Food for thought !

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    This moment when all escaped survivors with 7.500 BPs for escaping are still coming in behind the dead survivor 🤣

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    Very long post so didn’t read all, but why don’t you practice a new killer in a custom match with bots? That’s what it is there for.

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Well... take each match as it's own... Don't let the losses pile on... Focus on one thing at a time

    But what kind of advise do you want??? How too's on playing Killer cause you did bring up Clown...

    I may be wrong cause it's all about you as a player

    Clown: Yes... paying attention to the arc of the bottles is important but treat it like a molotov (If you have played a game with them)

    Either use them as a "no-go" zone or to push Survivors into a zone you want

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    Why are you so offended with my suggestion? I read the first half where you said you were wanting to learn a new killer but you can’t properly learn because of the “Obvious SWF” and “Genrush Squad” survivors you faced.

    I will ask again, why not go into a custom match with bots so that you can… learn a new killer?

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    Like I said, I'm not sure I do want advice, I just want to vent a bit. Right now, it feels like my choice is either to not play killer, go full scumbag or to constantly lose and get taunted. Not a good choice.

    It wouldn't be half as bad if I didn't get teams of potatoes when I switched to playing survivor (my definition of "potato" being that I'm doing the most objectives out of the whole team), and I'm like "where were you guys in my last killer game"?

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    I addressed that in the part of my post you didn't read. If you want to discuss that, we can.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    He actually mentioned that exact fact if you read his whole post

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    I will admit, it's clear that I'm missing some things, mainly when it comes to just finding people. Hacking aside, I'm constantly confused by how other killers seem to be able to constantly get on top of my teammates when I play survivor and never have any spans where they're just trying to find people....especially when post-game shows they have no intel perks,

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Well... for you you might want to run Whispers

    But for those Killers it might be a person that knows spawn points on a given map (But IDK)

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    I definitely feel you on the 'okay, I'll take this game seriously, oh no, I clubbed to death baby seals'. I don't have problems with soloQ unorganized teams or SWF, I just wish I knew what I was getting into from the start of the match.

    I think the thing that stands out for me is your difficulty locating survivors (which you seem to point out later in this thread). If you're having to run perks to help find them I see how it can be a problem. I honestly have no idea how you get better at that.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I really wish there was a button to wait for a more accurate match. I know most people wouldn't click it even high level swfs who win most games, but I would. Although my big issue with that is it would probably just result in squads running 4 med-kits with anti-hems instead of their skill level actually improving too much. I've been gloating in forums for the past month about 12:00-4AM on NA having pretty accurate matches but all of a sudden I guess due to Christmas break, I feel myself going against players not up to me. So that check box for accurate matches would make me play more for sure.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Same ! I genuinely wouldn't mind waiting longer to find a match if it's to have opponent(s) well suited to my level. =)

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited December 2022

    Yeah, that's always funny !

    To be fair, it was during the Halloween event, and since I didn't want to be looped all game (only a reasonable amount) I did leave Nea alone for a good part of the game to go pressure the others, so she had a lot of time to do gens and place her void energy in the rifts, which the others didn't have as much time to do.

    I still gave her attention halfway through so that her game was not too boring either and she could get chase points as well. I figured a high prestige like this gets dodged a lot (she didnt switch last second, went into it upfront that she was P93, which I respect), so I still wanted it to be worth her while. I know not everyone is content just slamming gens, especially if they've got a flashlight on (never clicked either).

    It was very informative and that's about all I expected from that game. Seeing them be so well mannered in win was a nice bonus !

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    I would hit that button so hard my keyboard would break.