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Disconnected from host



  • Anser_M_02
    Anser_M_02 Member Posts: 1

    Меня выкидывает из игры. Пишут что я отключился от Playstation network. И дают временный бан. Но я не отключаюсь.

  • RatMilkOwO
    RatMilkOwO Member Posts: 76

    After I contacted my isp asked for a diagnostic after 24 hours reset the internet it seems to have let me play again

  • RatMilkOwO
    RatMilkOwO Member Posts: 76

    so after all that it happened again

  • RatMilkOwO
    RatMilkOwO Member Posts: 76

    recognize this

  • entititties
    entititties Member Posts: 8

    My friend is having this same issue. He is hardwired in and has a great connection.

    Its so frustrating because he is now at a 24 hour ban because he keeps getting disconnected from host.


    He is fine everywhere else and in everything else!

    BHVR PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE THIS ISSUE! So many people need help in this topic. People who have spent a lot of time and money in this game! Its unreal that you cannot get a reply to this.

  • CaptainSoftspot
    CaptainSoftspot Member Posts: 2

    im at a 48hr ban now. this is so dumb. and there is no way to speak with anyone about it we all just have to sit around and wait. I'm so aggravated.

  • CaptainSoftspot
    CaptainSoftspot Member Posts: 2

    The escalation to this for me now is gonna be a week ban- if i dare to play and get dc'd again thats WILD. Where is support on this? Liek tehy just dropped the new christmas sweaters and I almost bought one and was liek wait a minute- liek am i just gonna but one of these and they get perma banned? like not even a "hey guys working on it" nothing? this feels crazy to me.

  • eisenbuns
    eisenbuns Member Posts: 105

    Also having this issue after years playing this game. :/ Not an internet issue on my end, no packets lost. Just DBD kicking me out, saying the killer DCed, hitting me with the escalating ban.

  • Meow_Meow
    Meow_Meow Member Posts: 10

    I’m glad I’m not alone on this! I’ve also have been having DC issues on mobile, PS4, PS5, and Switch. I’ve only had this issue since the recent update using wireless. I tried using the Ethernet cable method but I I still keep DC’ing! :(

  • satyr
    satyr Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    I'm having same issue on PS5. Disconnected twice tonight and get the initialization error after restarting game.

  • Meow_Meow
    Meow_Meow Member Posts: 10

    I noticed it mainly happened with the latest patch update. I have no issue disconnecting from other game servers. I’m not sure if this is a console issue

  • satyr
    satyr Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    This is the first time I've seen this problem in 3 yrs of DBD on ps. Nvr even seen the initialization error till now. Last year I've been on the PS5. Even had someone play a few games with their account on my network last night with no problems. I also have no problems with other games. Seems like it has something to do with my DBD account only

  • rhodd
    rhodd Member Posts: 10

    bump again, still having the issue

  • RatMilkOwO
    RatMilkOwO Member Posts: 76


  • midirams
    midirams Member Posts: 10


  • Meow_Meow
    Meow_Meow Member Posts: 10

    Since the latest update I’ve noticed I’ve had poor connection with quite a few killers and lag so bad to the point if I do any action I’m scared I could disconnect. Is anyone else been having this issue? I’ve played other games and it seems that DBD has been the only trouble maker for me.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I have suddenly started getting this issue happen a lot playing killer. Have had it occasionally for years but it is getting more frequent lately for some reason

  • RatMilkOwO
    RatMilkOwO Member Posts: 76

    instead of ignoring us who have the issue try fixing this

  • RatMilkOwO
    RatMilkOwO Member Posts: 76

    i fixed it my wifi was connected through WIFI 1 and WIFI 2 causing it to use double the internet and i connected it to only 1 of them and it stopped dcing me