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fat shaming spots for killer multiple maps ps5

ps5, i found two spots on suffocation pit and multiple on other maps below- one at shack where a survivor can pass through but not the killer and the second one is near the rock where the survivor could not pass through but the killer could
i need to add dead dawg and asylum to the mix here
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adding the new map and asylum again, new spot....sheesh, what happened to these maps guys???
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Got some of these spots too.
They increased object spawn number in some kind.
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Dude why is there so much crap on every single map?! You can't loop as killer because you can't get through a tree right next to shack, or random barrels right next to a TL, and god forbid you can do anything else, without getting stuck on random crap on the maps. LOVE this games jfc, How garbage can a single update be????
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adding one more...this one is ps4 though and is on preschool V