Bleed out faster button

I'm sick of the same scenarios : killers gets 2k, downs the 3rd, slugs and looks for the 4th.

Just give us a "Give up" button or something to die faster while on the ground.

Nobody wants to get revived and downed every 30 seconds because the killer can't catch up.

We get it, you won.


  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    So far, I've seen on these forums:

    1. Killer cannot slug
    2. Cannot camp
    3. Cannot tunnel
    4. Cannot use NoED or other 'crutch perks'
    5. Nurse and Blight need nerfs because 'crutch'
    6. Move the exit gates so Killers can't easily patrol them
    7. Move gens so they can't 3-gen

    And now add a 'give up button' so Survivors can quit & give their friend the hatch. Because Killers don't deserve a 4K if it makes Survivors sad.

    So, basically, Killers should not play the game. 🙃

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I agree that after say, 50% of the bleed out timer is gone there should be an option to expedite the remaining time.

    But why add in the dig toward killer players at the end of your post? Is that really necessary? It's an idea with merit poisoned by pointless us vs. them invective.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322

    Two of the things on your list are worthy of being discussed as problems (and a further third is categorically true, just without the strawman reasoning you tacked on), so that doesn't really help your point all that much, and it's not as though OP is asking for the killer to be unable to slug them- they just want to accept that the killer won and move on. That's hardly being salty or entitled, it's not as though they could do anything to turn the match around.

    Slugging for the 4K, while obviously fine, is hardly a necessary component of killer gameplay. It's still a win for you if the last guy gets hatch. What exactly makes this topic so absurd it can't be discussed? I wouldn't view it as super necessary myself, but I hardly think it's a case of salty crying. It's not exactly fun to sit on the ground for up to four minutes knowing you've already lost, I can see why someone would want to hasten that along.

    And to head it off, yes, I play killer more than I play survivor, this take isn't easy to toss out because of bias.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485
    edited December 2022

    Some reactions are why I roll my eyes. Nothing but insults and rage screeching if Survivors THINK someone is Slugging.

    More on topic: Killers would not slug for the 4K if Survivors could not hasten hook death (and changing that would ALSO remove hook-DCing). They have every right to try for a 4K, and most these ideas are 'I want to give my friend the hatch. Let me die quicker'

    It seems allot of 'I need a give up button' comments also pair with 'Be happy with the 3K' (which shames Killers for 'sweating for the 4K') and, of course, impotent rage-screeching from some Survivors, who get insanely offended if Killers break any made-up rules of conduct.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,079

    You've added basically nothing to the conversation here tho. You don't even seem to recognize that a player having to lay on the floor and bleed out for four minutes, with literally no way to end that scenario in their own, is even a problem.

    Do you see this as bad, or even flawed, game design? Having a player forced to idle for four minutes with no agency to change that situation is the definition of unengaging.

    Is that not the exact kind of situation that game developers should be looking to avoid and/or change? It seems like having a conversation about it, in front of the devs on their own forum, is not a bad thing here. And having ideas that aren't 'infinite unbreakable' are worth discussing constructively, since I generally think BHVR's PTB experiment was a poor solution that has awful consequences for the rest of the game.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    While we're at it, can we please expedite the 3rd survivor dying to prevent the killer wasting EVERYONE's time slugging for a 4k, because they're afraid they might lose the hatch race??

    Bad enough that solo q teammates will EASILY turn against you, rat out your position with the free aura reading they get while carried, in hopes of a free escape...

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    It's part of the game. And, as I said; slugging for the 4K not be needed if hooks were reworked to deny speedy deaths. Plus the rework would prevent hook-DCing.

    Plus, it always devolves to:

    This. 'Let me die faster to deny the Killer points'.

    It's spiteful and exists solely to flip the bird to the opponent. How DARE the Killer want a 4K and more BP! Survivor time is too important! Survivors aren't happy, so they want a mechanic exclusively to shaft the Killer!

    Hence why I don't say much. Because this is the motive behind it.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    This just proves the problem with hatch being bad design for both sides. It incentivizes survivors to hide and do nothing till everyone else dies, which is against the rules and can be bannable. And it incentivizes killer to slug out the third, because that’s the smartest strategy to get the fourth kill.

    Rework hatch entirely.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Honestly, hatch would be somewhat OK if they reworked hooks so Survivors could not kill themselves quicker.

    This would sole hook-DCing and render slugging for the 4K unneeded.

    But we need something like the hatch, or the 4th Survivor will just immerse for an hour, every game.