Awful games today

The past 5 games summed up:
Game one: Camped out
Game two: Camped out
Game three: Camped out
Game four: Teammate disconnected early
Game five: Hard tunnelled.
Just a little rant, it feels horrendous to go through this game after game. I know a lot of killers will say tunnelling/camping's an effective strategy, but should it really be this effective for what it is? I play almost exclusively solo and it just feels awful. When I do play swf it feels a lot better, but then we just steamroll the killer and that isn't fun either. It's like there's absolutely no middle ground. Where has the fun in this game gone? I'm not even surprised by the amount of disconnects anymore on both sides.
Well you play solo so there's no reason to play the game if you care about winning.
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It's not even the winning, I don't mind losing. It's the hopelessness of it all, like there's no chance to even get decent points or a few fun chases if you're getting camped.
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Well I don't have the same experience as you as I don't really get camped a lot, probably because I make it a point not to go down first. Maybe you need to change your playstyle up a bit to prevent being a target. I feel for you though as going down first and being camped/tunneled right away is probably the most annoying thing in the game, and that says a lot given how ######### this game is.
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I see you don't care about people Dcing then
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I mostly play solo q and today has been a legit sweatfest. As soon as I see that killer is using personal (sometimes even non-personal) blood points increase, I know it's going to be a bad game. Wraith's and Nurses going haam and leaving with 15-23k because the game ended that early. What a waste.
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Yeah when it happens in a few successive matches it feels particularly bad. Maybe a couple games playing it stealthy at the beginning of the match will cheer me up a little.
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Not sure what you mean. I will say DCing along with match making and not being able to communicate makes playing solo survivor kind of a joke.
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I wish I had you for a teammate <3 if we ever meet in game I promise to do gens while you're juicing.
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Weird, I played about 7-8 games of solo during lunch time and it was a 4 man escape all but 2 which were 3 man outs. The teams I was getting were all very competent.
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I know a lot of killers will say tunnelling/camping's an effective strategy, but should it really be this effective for what it is?
No it shouldn't but it's just the way the game is. The developers could do something about it but they choose not to, there is ideas that would work but they just don't think it's worth it.
If you are a logical and rational gamer and you play this game enough it will likely make you miserable because the game is unhealthy and the community is toxic.
I still really love this game though but i do admit that the average quality of a match is #########.
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It's a shame they don't think it's a priority, I know a lot of people who have been put off the game because of things like tunnelling.
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You really have no idea what it like for normal killers out there. Dependend on the hour of the day, you get matches that you get completely destroyed. You have no solid explanation how things went, that the only reason you come up with are subtle cheaters.
And the game its in the worst state it has ever been with subtle cheaters. Its insane, thats the reason ppl have to play with camping and tunneling just to prevent that cheater epidemic.
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Well DBD is a game playing around snowball potential for killer.
And you gave the reason for the (seemingly) average killer behaviour yourself, in your swf you steamroll over killer. The killer player doesn't know if they go against swf or solos and have to try hard from the get go to not get left behind.
It's the same with the "it's boring to only see the strongest perk on the other side all the time" discussions, people that want to win will have to anticipate the worst and prepare/play accordingly.
DBDs nonexistent matchmaking is another reason. You never know what quality of opponenslts you will get in your next trial, so people stay on edge all the time and the casuals suffer for it.
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I feel you, yesterday was particularly horrible for me and while today has been better, it hasn't been that much better.
I usually get to Iri 1 for survivor (and killer) by now but for survivor I have been stuck at Iri 3 all week and I have to admit with the current tunnelling epidemic I am really struggling and its frustrating as I get penalised for running the killer for a long time but not being able to do gens or get saves as the second I get unhooked they are back on my ass
It may be time to take another long break for me personally as at this stage I am not having fun most matches
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I don't believe people when they say all they get is hard tunneled and camped. I just don't believe them. For starters, it's mathematically impossible for it to happen to EVERYONE. If even one person gets this treatment, that means 3 other people didn't.
Second of all, people exaggerate. A killer hooking you, then leaving to kick the gen the next tile over, then come back when someone unhooks you isn't camping. Likewise a killer that downs you twice in a row because you ran somewhere less smart than your unhooker and nobody tried to help you isn't hard tunnelling. Hard tunneling is where you literally ignoring EVERYHING else, from bodyblocks to gens about to pop, even throwing the game, to make sure one person dies at all costs. THAT is hard tunnelling.
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Well, it’s true. Would you like video evidence?
I have personally watched a killer tunnel someone they had hooked and got unhooked until something came about, they literally ignored everything else. They just committed to tunneling that person out and it’s been happening quite frequently since before the new chapter.
Camping as well, I have also been going against killers that will just camp hook at the start and won’t leave hook, or will camp someone they downed until they bleed out or decide to hook. It isn’t happening every game, but it’s becoming frequent
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"Frequent" isn't "every game", which is the hyperbolic claim being thrown around these forums almost daily.
When someone says something like "I was hooked and camped to death on first hook ten games in a row", I 100% do not believe them.
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Other 3 people don't have forum accounts :D
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It doesn't happen every time to me but it happens often enough to make playing the game pretty miserable. It is just the icing on the cake when you have other miserable tactics every other match, such as the game I just played where it was a Blight who ran... you guessed it; Eruption, Overcharge and COB and just camped 3 gens...
BHVR have some serious changes to make asap when they are back from the holidays as the current meta and the frequency of very unfun games is not sustainable as people will just leave the game
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You could have just stopped at "Blight". He's an anti-fun killer regardless of build.
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Yeah I am inclined to agree with you there, I think he is too strong for the average public lobby if the player is half decent with him. That is before I even mention certain addons that make him even less fun...
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Does it rhyme with Malcom Mist Sing?
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Weirdly yes, as do so many things of course so I wont give it away other than that :P
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This, right here, is one of my core gripes of playing survivor.
You get downed and camped - there's zero reason to stick around to help your team, because you get almost no reward - you're going to depip either way, and earn almost no BP.
What would be smart is for folks on the hook to be treated like being in chase - so you get BP for stuff everyone else accomplishes while you stick it out.
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It doesn't happen every game of course not, but yesterday was an example that some days can just be horrendous, it was just one after another.
And you can forget about getting body blocks in solo queue for one thing. Whether you want to believe it or not, hard tunnelling and camping happen a lot, it's just usually you have a fair game in between to make it feel less terrible.
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Yes I agree with you, I'm not blaming the players for it. It's the game's fault for being unbalanced. It still doesn't feel good though.