No Escape chance vs a decent nurse or decent blight in solo que

title says it all. doesnt matter how good you play. in the end its a fight you cant win.
Skill issue. Also you have this weird misconception every Nurse/Blight player is super good.
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If you treat the game as a 1v1 then yes. If you actually play as a team then no.
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For normal players - no.
If you are lucky and got a real good looper sometimes we get some out.
And if the Nurse or Blight is not good.
But as the titel says - if they are decent - in SoloQ - you usually die.
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Part of it isn’t a skill issue and OP never said all blights and nurse players are “super good”. If you read the title you’d know they clearly stated if the player was decent at the killer.
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One part is skill issue. Another part is matchmaking. The last part is solo queue lack of information. That's it.
Also, the initial claim is blatantly false regardless. "doesnt matter how good you play. in the end its a fight you cant win." People do just fine versus good Nurse or Blight players if they're equally good, even in solo.
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What does decent mean? Since we have no idea how mmr works and where we stand in relation to everyone else in the match we cannot possibly form any coherent idea of what this "decent" even means.
There is a definite difference between really good soloQ players and ones that are not.
Just like you won't be facing an elder-god nurse player every game, you won't get a team that plays well together.
it's not a 1v1. If you play this game as a 1v1 at any point in time you are doing it wrong and you will lose versus a decent nurse.
Now, if your mmr is garbage you can't expect teammates with a good mmr rating. That would simply be unfair for those players who have it. And at low mmr players usually have no sense of a 1v4, they mostly see a 1v1 and even then often don't have the skill to extend chases in a meaningful way.
Again, we cannot quantify what OPs mystical "decent" means so any discussion is bogus in the first place.
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I disagree, nurse is a little tougher but mostly because of teammates giving up. You can absolutely win, it's just difficult sometimes especially with some of their addons.
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I’ve got 1k hours in blight and I will admit that I do not run into many survivors that can’t loop blight well or know his counterplay. Most games are ended at 2-4 gens left. To try and even it out, I’ll run only shadowborn and BBQ.
The issue isn’t blight, as he has a lot of counterplay, but rather it’s that survivors won’t learn his counterplay. You cannot just hold W or loop him like normal on most tiles.
Now a good nurse… yea it’s prolly ggs 90% of the time. 🫡
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On the contrary, a good nurse and blight aren’t common. Many people try them once, get bullied, and never use them again.
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Your whole comment is just wrong.
First it is not a skill issue. If e.g. a nurse and evenly skilled survivors play against each other (to be exact here: the nurse player knows how to use her power and not some first time pick VS evenly inexperienced survivors) nurse will win hands down.
Blight is a bit behind nurse in terms of raw pressure.
Second I never stated that I assume every nurse or blight player as good. I wonder why you made that up.
Besides that both killers are not that easy compared to someone like trapper for example, that's absolutely true. But if you run into a good nurse... There is just not that much you can do.
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Sure there is a chance, you just have to draw three good teammates.
Admittedly, you're lucky if that happens once or twice a week.
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Being equally skilled means knowing how to play against Nurse to the same degree the Nurse knows to play against survivors. Get better.
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And in all the cases you get bad teammates, just take the L and move on.
That's literally what every M1 killer in high mmr does when he gets map offered.
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Yeah, pretty much. For like half the killer roster having a map offering (at least the ones that are typically used) is pretty much an auto loss.
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Ehhh, that's very situational. I can run a decent Nurse or Blight and I'm not the strongest looper, but I've also been playing for almost 5 years. If you get a team that knows how to look out for eachother, draw aggro and do gens, they're not as strong as everyone makes em out to be. They are absolutely the strongest killers in the game, but it's nowhere near an immediate death sentence.
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Decent Blight’s aren’t impossible unless they are stacking max regression and the strongest add ons. And from my experience Blights don’t tend to use a lot of regression unless they are bad in which case it’s pretty easy to win if your team isn’t useless. I kinda like playing against Blight though so maybe I’m biased.
Nurse… I‘ve got nothing. Even if you can loop the Nurse well your teammates probably still won’t last more than 5 seconds so you’re still kind of screwed.
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Yeah, I pretty much accept it's ggs when I get a good Nurse or Blight. You need to change your perspective around those two once you load in. Accept that you're probably going to die, so take the time to get some bp and look at it like a chance to get some chase practice in
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A good solo team isn't supposed to win vs. a good nurse. And a good solo team can still get a draw vs. a good blight.
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To be fair if we turn that around and look from a killer perspective you don't have a chance against a actual team of decent survivor with m1 killers
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Imagine if killer players were allowed to hide behind their "bad" players; like survivors do behind "solo" they already falsely associate with "bad".
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I think for Blight a significant part of "any decent Blight is a 4k" comes from the fact that there are so few Blights in low and early mid mmr. I think I've only ever seen 5 of them. For contrast, I've seen 4 Hags and 5 Twins. In 200h of playing survivor (not much I know, but I did specify which brackets I was talking about).
So there's not a lot of time to learn to play against them until you're against really good ones
For Nurse, there are some very harsh builds possible on her. But otherwise, she's actually really fun to chase against, regardless of the result. She's possible to chase, it's just very different from looping other killers.
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So I've escaped against decent Blights and Nurses before so I'm ready to be proclaimed as your God when you're ready.
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I think this is probably accurate. I’ll go against survivors who are otherwise amazing, but they make really dumb moves against me as blight, such as trying to just hold W, or standing still at the end of the truck pallet while I’m setting up a moonrush. 🤣
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To be fair, matchmaking is horrible (increasingly so since 6.1.0, imo), and if you're a good player matched against a good killer but you draw a potato teammate (or two or three), you really are kind of screwed.
The problem often is that people aren't are that willing (or able) to recognize when it is they who are the potato. Dunning-Kruger effect and all that. A lot of Spider-Man meme style finger pointing.
But yeah, surv main copium comes in layers like an onion, from the often legit (terrible matchmaking) to pathetic straw grasping ("surv requires Omega skill and killer is OP, therefore you suck and I am better than you even though I am dead").
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I think the issue is that it's hard to learn Blights counter play without outside influence and most survivors won't put in the effort for it even if they are struggling against blight a lot. At the very least everyone should know not to shift w but if they want to learn more than that they would have to get tips from friends, watch Lilith or even play blight themselves. I truly wish more survivors knew how to play vs blight well, I have only run into 5 survivors ever who I would consider amazing playing against blight. It disappoints me running into 2-5k hour players who just shift w and pre throw, when the two best players have had under 2k hours. Although hours are a little over rated in this games populace.
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People need to stop equating lack of knowledge on how to play against a killer or bad matchmaking to something being unbalanced.
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Exactly. I learned and got into blight by watching lilith. Then it just took off, learning just how high blight’s skill ceiling is. Thus also learning how to counter him. I absolutely love playing against blight, and I appreciate when I run into the few survivors who know how to effectively loop me. Makes the chases interesting.
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Heh. Im not even contesting that matchmaking just isnt accurate.
But check the forums and notice the usage of "solo" instead of "bad". And that kinda people then turn around and treat nurse like the average nurse skill level is "marth"
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Oh for sure, there are lots of very good solo players. In the past, I've had very good runs of having very competent solo teammates.
And as I alluded to, quite often the teammates people are complaining about are better than they are. It's kind of like people whinging about console players, regardless of how good those players actually are.
Generally speaking, when trying to deflect blame they'll pick the most obvious differentiator, which in DBD is either that they're in solo, or on another platform. It's just convenient when trying to make someone else responsible for your own failure.
As far as Nurse goes, I do feel like once a Nurse player hits that tipping point from "baby nurse" to having a good feel for her mechanics, they have a distinct advantage over all other killers. She has a high skill floor, but once you reach it, you're a real problem for survs. A Nurse doesn't have to be Supaalf to be an issue.
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You have it backwards. Nurse is what it should be. Directly rewards skill and outmindgaming the survivor, and not screwed over by dumb RNG. While all killers are viable in basically everything outside of comp, the majority are handicapped and need to go way above and beyond just to achieve the same result. Which is a problem with them, not Nurse. A high skilled killer player SHOULD be a problem for survivors. Just like how good survivors are a problem for killers.
A standard M1 on a long wall jungle gym will never ever have an even starting ground ever against a decent survivor. Likewise, a survivor against a M1 in a complete dead zone will also start way disadvantaged. Regardless of personal skill, the map RNG has played a tremendous factor in how anything will play out there.
Nurse can’t brute force a tile because she can’t just walk up to a survivor, so she has to win a mindgame to land said hit. But on the other hand, she also isn’t auto screwed over just because of a strong tile. It comes down exclusively to mindgaming, which is personal player skill.
It shouldn’t just be "Oh I got to this tile so I’m guaranteed safe for next 30+ seconds" or "This is a dead zone so I auto-go down and I can do nothing about it." The problem is the majority of people don’t know how to play against Nurse, and the game doesn’t give any help really in teaching how to do so.
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Community survivor bias in a nutshell:
Buff "soloQ" (survivor, bit often used for "bad players") to "swf" (still survivor, but used for "good players", often with third party voicechat), but nerf top killers down.
Fairness would either be buffing weak killers up to par with strong killers ( the solo-swf mentality) or nerfing the survivor character ( the "nerf nurse despite noobs sucking with her" -mentality). But this community isnt unbiased lol.