How on Earth is it possible to get Trickster adept?
I absolutely despise the killer but I want the achievement so I can put him away and never play him again.
However I am finding his power very lacklustre and with nothing to slow gens I am really struggling to complete this adept.
Any suggestions on how to do this please?!
Best Answer
Trickster is very hard to play effectively, it takes time and dedication or foolish Survivors.
I recommend you use Killing Part Chords and Caged Heart Shoes for speed while you in the initial throw state.
Trickster has a speed curve to ride on when he throws, when you raise your arms to throw knives you start at 3.86 m/s, as you throw knives your speed curves down to 3.66 m/s after 30knives. if you glide in and out of throw mode, you dont lose as much speed vs. you keeping in throw mode for long time as your movement speed is faster than the throw state. (I think that's how it works.)
Maybe Trickster gets tired in his arms after throwing, lazy popstar attitude.
Keep in mind your limitations too.
I used to hate playing Trickster, little annoying twerp, but he grew on me and now hes my comfort pick.
Huehuehue herre comes the Knife twerp.
Thanks for reply... I think I will just give up at this point as I am not having fun at all and no achievement is worth this frustration
They really need to make it like Scott Jund said, a 4k for killer adepts and escape for survivor. The current requirement is a relic of a DBD that does not exist anymore and you cant have piss weak killers like this without something to slow gens.
Reality is I don't want to master him, I just want the achievement and preferably to level him to P3 so I can fully unlock his perks then never touch him again.
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I thought I would not be a quitter and maybe give it another try or two... this was what happened lol
First survivor went down really fast and second survivor hid in a bush very close to hook I put survivor on... of course being adept I had Starstruck on so survivor in bush went down instantly... both DC.
Sigh... I give up
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I understand your pain, I have played to get all the Adepts aswell.
Playing with the Adept goal is not the way tho friend, You need to relax and just play a Killer and enjoy them, once you get better at it. Merciless victories come by themselves.
Being a lil Knife Goblin is fun.
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Yeah you are so right there and the silly thing is I know this having gone through several painful adepts already.
As with so much in life, it usually all falls together when you let go and just go with it rather than trying to force it. Cheers!
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Wait until rank reset ( lower requirement), dont do it when incentive is 100% on either side (better chance of accurate matchmaking survivors), and try to play at a time when population is high (NA central for me early evening from 7pm to 10 pm tends to have more lower mmr survivors playing) I pretty much just went pure M1 with him and it took 3 matches
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Thats the spirit buddy. 👍️
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Yeah I usually do but I always switch roles depending on where the incentive is. But I think I will have to wait this one out for rank reset for sure!
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Getting killer adept challenges is ridiculously difficult. Since everything relies on the emblem system, you can either be rewarded or punished for using a certain killer's power. For example, using bubba's chainsaw is obviously a one-hit kill, but if you use his chainsaw you'll get a horrible chaser emblem, which will prevent you from being able to get the adept challenge.
Not to mention if a player disconnects, there goes the required hook states that are required to get an iridescent emblem for objectives.
Simply put, the adept challenges need to be reworked to just require a 3/4 K game, because right now it's too much of a headache.
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Yeah me too, adepts aside the dc's make it hard too. Trickster is a very annoying killer to go against and its hard to not be annoying and also play well enough without them saying nope and leaving
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Yeah I agree
I am no fan of this guy but I think he is right on here regardless of what I think of the person
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Not being able to get everyone sick as Plague in order to be able to complete the adept challenge is completely bonkers. How has BHVR not reworked this yet? I get that adept challenges is probably low on the list of things to do, but it's been like this for 6 years. I think we've waited long enough.
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It's really easy, you only have to get 4 iridescent emblems with only his teachables, i hope i've helped you :D
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Adepts should be reworked into getting a 3/4k
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If people manage to somehow die to non condemned sadako and trapper, then by mere chance you should be able to get matched with survivors so bad you can do a 12 hook game as trickster, now the issue is not make them DC early because then you will get no adept.
So try to act dumb or play baddly at the start, because about half the survivors will DC in the first chase if the killer is not completely bad at the game, do try to act dumb to then win.
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Yes but not be limited to 3 teachables as with some killers that is a pretty much guaranteed loss. I am sure I could pull it off with Trickster if I had some way to slow gens a bit. But with his teachables... yeah, absolute nightmare
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Honestly easier said than done with Trickster...
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The killer is one of the weakest in the game and although his perks are good (at least compared to the majority) his power still sucks.
I would suggest running a MacMilliam offering (so you may get Shelter Woods) and praying that you get bad survivors.
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I really disagree with him and most people on this.
I recently went through and did all the adepts and I'm admittedly a lower/mid mmr killer and I understand it being harder at higher MMR, however other than Pig (9 matches, one of my mains, higher MMR) I was able to get all of them in 5 games or less. Sure on some killers you have to moderate how you use their power a bit but you can also do things to manipulate the emblem system in your favor for those situations by slugging to make up for insta down powers to get extra hits in and stuff like that.
I see zero issue with the difficulty of these achievements, there is nothing wrong with difficult achievements. Personally I think the bigger issue is that survivor adepts are basically participation trophies. A better example would be the generalist/power moves achievement, 8 escapes while repairing the equivalent of 1 full gen, would make them alot more interesting. Most of the achievements in DBD are already very easy having some that fall on the more difficult side is good overall.
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if you can aim you can get it easily, his lethality is insane and thats his pressure without gen perks.
send yourself to a map like dead dawg or midwich and use addons that help you the most if you miss a lot use more knives addons or double movement speed while in throw mode.
and who knows maybe you won't despise him too much if you try and get better he's a ton of fun imo.
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I gave up on getting this adept long long ago. I cannot get downs fast enough with his power, no matter the map or even the skill of the survs.
His inconsistent and unpredictable recoil when throwing is just a nightmare with a controller on console.
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Killer adepts are nearly close to impossible get. Especially to low/mid level killer players.
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Yeah I don't feel his lethality is insane at all, his power is underwhelming at best and worse he is very limited in mobility and has no map pressure. Now I don't mind that in general as I really dislike going against Trickster as survivor so I would rather he not be super viable to keep his pick rate low. But it does make actually trying to get his adept REALLY difficult
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wait for rank reset if you're iri. the system they use for adept works off of the grade system, so it's much much easier to do if you're a low grade.
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think that i did his achievement when he was still bugged, right after his release (his power didn't counted as hit in the brutality category, so i was FORCED to use a m1 killer at 4,4 speed without power, not to mention that he was so slow when using his knifes that even in the case i used his knifes to get downs it was literally impossible if they were looping in jungle gyms, places with objects/walls around or the killer shack)... now it's a lot more manageable than before (mind you, it still sucks due to the low ms and no gen regression perks, but now at least you can catch someone if they aren't tryharding)... i suggest you to tunnel someone out asap, then prioritize targets who are out of position (safe zones are too much timewasting to even think about doing chases in those parts of the map)
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regarding addons the best ones are Fizz-Spin Soda paired with Ji-Woon's Autograph or Caged Heart Shoes (or if you want try something more peculiar Edge of Revival Album paired with Cut Thru U Single)
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This is why I don't play Trickster as much anymore, either people run me in circles when I'm not trying to sweat or I down them easily so they throw a tantrum and leave. So I'm left just holding my knives and making sad noises while I debate if it's worth DC-ing myself or just memeing with the remaining survivors.
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Well thankfully I finally got the adept achievement just now so that concludes my Trickster achievements thankfully so I don't have to play him again.
I think he needs a complete redesign as his power is incredibly annoying and I cant blame people for not wanting to play against it
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Thank you for this, thankfully I finally got it now so I don't have to play him again
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Trickster really needs some QoL changes, because overall I think he is fine.
The biggest downsides are the BS recoil (why he recoils upwards like an SMG is beyond me), his incredibly annoying low movement speed during his power (seriously he should speed up not slow down, to match the excitement in his voice lines (heck his low mobility makes him near impossible on larger maps)) and his power needs to be available to activate whenever the player wants and not when it's dependant on knives. If they were worried about players camping with it, then just make it like Artists's crows in that it can't be activated while near the hook.
He's only annoying if you don't know how to deal with him.
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I disagree about him being annoying, it isn't that I don't know how to deal with him, it is that his power of spamming knives is extremely irritating to play against. It would appear others share this sentiment quite frequently as one of my biggest issues was the DCing against him.
Either way, thank god that is done and I don't have to play him again
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oh yeah that's totally fair playing him on console isn't worth it which is sad he's not accessible to a huge number of the playerbase.
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Dont forget to use map offerings as well,, some of the auto haven maps, yamaoka perhaps could be really helpful
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Thanks, I got it in the end as I got lucky and got less sweaty survivors so thankfully it wasn't too bad. But against good survivors this killer/adept is a nightmare