When BHVR is going to realize how stupid streamer mode is?

I know they had good intentions with this to avoid snipping with streamers, but with this is IMPOSSIBLE to report cheaters on Steam for the simple fact we can't open their profile anymore. Is it so hard to change the streamer mode and show all nicknames after the match ends at least?!
You can still report people in-game, which gives BHVR their steam ID.
And if BHVR finds that they were cheating; they will still get a ban on their steam profile.
So it seems to work fine to me.
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Steam ID field is optional. Just fill in the ticket without it.
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reporting them In-Game is the best way to report someone
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You don't need their steamID, it has been said several times on here that as long as you report in game and add any other required evidence (like video for most non-chat offenses) they can figure it out.
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At least they try different things to improve the game. Other companies throw in 2 patches and abandon the game.
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Have to add that submitting a ticket with actual evidence is required if you want your in-game report to do anything.
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Sometimes it pays to check the site that very obviously says optional before so confidently being incorrect.