Submit your own perks... Be Serious!

TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

For any Moderator! PLEASE Let the General Discussion people submit/comment for at least the next 24 hours before pushing this to the Suggestions and Feedback Queue!

Here are mine so far:

Killer Perks:

Scourge Hook: Territorial Dominance

Your shrines of Sacrifice Mark unsafe ground for your victims to tread.

At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

Up to 3 used/down palettes within 16/24/32 meters of All Scourge hooks are Destroyed.

If no used/down pallet is Available, Then the closest 1 unused/Upright pallet within 16/24/32 meters of the Scourge Hook you hook a survivor on is destroyed instead.

Undeterred Rage:

The Survivors struggles against you have finally reached their limit, and now you will show them why it's unwise to agitate you any further.

Every 4/3/2 times you are stunned or blinded by survivors, Undeterred Rage activates.

Performing a Lunge attack at a down pallet or breakable wall will instantly destroy it and extend your Lunges range by 50%.

Missed and Successful Lunge attack recovery Speed after breaking a pallet or breakable wall is 50% longer.

Basically, if you get stunned or blinded enough you can just charge through the next dropped pallet or breakable wall and try to get a hit. It's like Billy's Lopro Chains add-on, but only applies to basic attacks and requires taking a bit of a beating to charge up.

Scourge Hook: Empathic Agony

The Agony of facing ones mortality takes it's toll on your victims, crippling their ability to press on.

At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

Scourge Hook: Empathic Agony Gains 1 token, and for every 4/3/2 tokens gained all survivors suffer from a persisting status effect for the remainder of the trial. (maximum of 8 tokens)

2 tokens: All survivors suffer Hemorrhage when injured.

4 tokens: All survivors suffer Blindness.

6 tokens: All survivors suffer Oblivious.

8 tokens: All survivors suffer Exposed.

All tokens and status effects are Lost if you Hook the same survivor Twice in a row on any hook.

Catastrophic Interference:

Your experience in knowing when and where to strike in order to cause the most damage has resulted in your presence becoming highly detrimental to the survivors means of escape.

For All Survivors within your Terror Radius the following effects Apply:

Increases the rotation speed of Repair Skill checks 10-50% depending upon your proximity to any survivors repairing a generator (closer = faster).

Survivors who fail Repair skill checks lose an additional 6% progress.

Whenever you successfully Grab a survivor off of a generator, the generator will explode and lose 25/50/75% of it's total gained progress.

Survivor Perks:

On the Edge:

Coming closer to death instills urgency in your survival instincts pushing you to your limits.

When rescued from your Second Hook Phase, On the Edge Activates, and you gain a 7% bonus to Vaulting, Dropping Pallets, Opening, Repair, Searching action speeds, as well as a 25/50/75% bonus to Medkit healing efficiency when self healing or being healed by a teammate.

When injured while On the Edge is active, you gain a 10% Haste status effect for 25 seconds.

Devilish Deal:

Your desperation to survive against insurmountable odds has lead you to striking up a precarious deal with the Entity.

Whenever you are suffering from the Exposed status effect, Devilish Deal Activates and you gain the Endurance status for the same duration as Exposed. If struck by the Killers Basic Attack during this time, Devilish Deal will Mark and Disable 1 of your other Perks at random for the remainder of the trial.

Being struck while Protected by Devilish Deal does not trigger The Deep Wound State.

Devilish Deal can Mark one of your other Perks up to a maximum of 1/2/3 time(s) per Trial.

If Devilish Deal has Marked its maximum amount of Perks while you are in the Exposed state, the Endurance status no longer applies, and any damage inflicted that would normally apply it will put you in the dying state instead.

If Devilish Deal has Marked its maximum amount of Perks when you are Hooked, You will be Sacrificed regardless of which hook phase you would normally enter.

Basically It's a trade off for survival against Killers using Abilities or Perks that Expose you, wherein you sacrifice your Other perks and risk a 1 hook sacrifice, but don't have to fear the Exposed status as much, and like Mettle of Man, don't have to spend any time Mending.

Aural Conveyance:

Your connection with other survivors is strengthened by your innate need to ensure their survival.

Unlocks the Aura Broadcasting ability.

Every Killer or Survivor aura you see is now visible for up to 1/2/3 other survivors whenever you perceive them.

This effect does not apply to Objects.


Your willingness to sacrifice your aides pleases the Entity.

You may purposely drop and destroy an item you are carrying during a chase to gain the Endurance Status Effect for the next 10/15/20 seconds.

The destroyed item must contain at least 100/75/50% of its remaining charges to activate Bribe.

Dropping any Item with Less than the required amount of charges During a chase will not destroy the item, but will inflict you with the Exposed Status for 20 seconds.

Tools of the Trade: 

When supplies are low you have a keen instinct for finding the right tools for the job.

While carrying a Flashlight or Toolbox item of Common/Uncommon/Rare or lower quality during a trial, any chest you open will be a guaranteed Match or Upgraded rarity item of the same type.

This does not apply to add-ons.

Post edited by TWiXT on


  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited December 2022

    I actually had something for this in one of my original killer concepts...

    Hex: Times Up

    A Hex rooting its power in Time, it commands the end of a trial.

    Once a gate has opened, Hex: Times Up activates on a dull totem (if any are still standing) and survivors have 90/60/30 seconds to leave the trial grounds, otherwise the gates will slam shut and can’t be opened again until Hex: Times Up is cleansed.

    Any survivors trapped behind the doors when they slam shut, that have not escaped, are automatically sacrificed.

    The End Game Collapse Continues to count down during this time.

    All survivors still in the trial grounds automatically Escape if You get trapped behind the doors when they slam shut, hooked or not.

    Although the original concept was made before the EGC era, I've adjusted it since then. Does that sound like a decent enough alternative?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for punishing T-baggers at the gate, but also want to give them the chance to "Just Leave"

    Here's a link to the original concept if you care to read it:

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298
    edited December 2022

    I kinda wished there were most really basic effect perks like iron will or enduring. I would like to see some stuff like..

    You pallet stun the killer for longer

    You do slow/mid actions faster (slow/mid vault/slow enter locker)

    a basic hit recovery perk for killer (that doesn't stack with stbfl)

    Action speed for doing killer power related interactions (pigbox/plague pool/ wesker and nem injection etc)

    a misc action speed perk for killer (hooking, stomping boons/hatch/dropping survivors)

    An exhaustion perk that gives you massive action speed for a few seconds (like say 100% action speed for 3 seconds)

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited December 2022

    OOOH that is nasty!

    I Love it! totally a way to throw off a killer to the direction you actually went! Add Blinding to it, because that would raise it from an Ok perk to a "Tactical must have" for our flashlight and flashbang enthusiasts!

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367
    edited December 2022


    You love to show off!! the more watching the better.

    When the killer within 20 meters of u with a clear line of sight your crouching speed increase by 80%.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367

    nodding off

    Drunk off power! your fuel by the suffering of others.

    Gain 50% increase in head nodding while the survivor is in the struggle state on hook

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited December 2022
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    My old idea of reworking Dead hard:

    • Can be used while healthy, Run and press E to Dead hard toward killer, you will stun them for 5sec and you will be in dying state. This would be the ultimate counter tunneling perk.

    Stomping the ground:

    • Press ability button to perform an action, scratch marks will appears in 8m radius around you.


    • If you die, you gain the BP that equal to all player combined.
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Oh man that's evil.

    I'd probably say:

    - Killer-

    Just One Of Those Days

    If you select Demogorgon, The Pig or The Cannibal, you are immediately sent to the Garden of Joy

    Podcast Audience

    After sacrificing two survivors, spawn an Ash and a Meg in random lockers and grant them immunity from AFK crows.


    Final Girl

    After two survivors are sacrificed, spawn a Claudette in a random bush avoiding AFK crows.

    Chain Reaction

    If you are hooked within the first 5 minutes of a game starting, another survivor will disconnect.

    Look At Me!

    While in the exit gates, it is impossible to leave before the killer is within 5m of you.

    Dem Bones

    At the start of the match, spawn a Meg who does nothing but cleanse totems.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Well I made two entire killer concepts once. So I'll just post the perks from there

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Hex decay: While this Hex totem is active all survivors who are in a chase suffer from the exhaustion status effects . Once the totem is broken all survivors suffer from exhaustion for 60 seconds

    Hex afterlife: while this hex is active gain a token up to 4 for every time you get pallet stunned or blinded. Each token grants a 10% increased lunge distance and 5% pallet stun time reduction.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897


    Primal Awareness:

    You never allow the thrill of the hunt to dull your ability to be aware of your surroundings.

    Whenever you injure a survivor the auras of all survivors within 12/16/20 meters are revealed to you for 4 seconds.

    Primal Focus:

    You're heightened senses make tracking even the most elusive prey a breeze.

    Survivor footsteps are 50/75/100% louder.

    Ambush Predator:

    You've mastered the art of remaining silent while hunting your prey.

    After hooking a survivor you gain the undetectable status effect for 15/20/25 seconds.


    The more survivors attempt to thwart you the more your rage builds.

    Whenever you are stunned by a pallet or blinded by a survivor you gain a token up to a maximum of three tokens. For each token you have you recover from the blind or stun 10/15/20% faster. You lose a token each time you injure a survivor.


    Pass Without A Trace:

    You've mastered the art of going unnoticed whenever you need.

    For every 15 seconds you spend in the killers terror radius without being in chase you gain a token up to a maximum of 3 tokens. Press the ability button to expend a token. By doing so you leave no scratch marks and your footsteps make no noise for 10/15/20 seconds.

    Keeping Tabs:

    You know the key to success is knowing what is happening around you.

    Whenever you hit a great skill check the auras of all other survivors are revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds.

    Grease Monkey:

    You've spent a big part of your life fixing things. Naturally you can always find the right tool for the job.

    Whenever you search a chest you will always find a toolbox of uncommon rarity or higher.


    Your earliest memories are of adventures to unknown areas.

    When you search a chest for the first time you will find a green map. The map will mark everything within a 8 meter range of you. Including pallets, windows, and all killer possessions.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    Killer perk:

    After maintaing chase for more than 7 seconds, the survivors aura will be revaled to you for 1, 2, 3 seconds once every 10, 7, 5 seconds.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Boon: One more Time

    Boon disables permanently after getting cleansed by the killer. Boon effect is map wide.

    As long as the boon as active, one time use perks don´t consume charges.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited September 2023

    Boon: Ring of Warding

    A boon that protects loved ones from Malediction.

    Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a boon Totem

    Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres.

    Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:

    Nullifies Curse Status Effects caused by Hexes.

    Reduces the active time of negative status effects by 30/40/50%, if they are temporary effects caused by the Killers Perks and Add-ons.

    Does not Null or Reduce Effects caused by a Killers Power.

    Hexes cannot activate within this boons range.

    Boon: Ring of Warding benefits from its own effect.

    Boon: Ring of Warding does not stack with other instances of itself.

    You can only bless one Totem at a time.

    All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.

    Basically, If there's a Hex effecting anyone, the effects are gone as long as they remain within this boons range, that means no Exposed from Devour Hope, No gen regression from Ruin if the gen is within the boons field, and no Blood Favor blocking windows in range of the boon. However, if you leave the boons range all the curse effects apply again. Furthermore, if the killer is using a perk like Make your choice, you can remove 50% of its current Exposed time by entering the boons range, or do the same for blindness, hindered, etc effects caused by a killers add-ons.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited December 2022

    Love both your scourge Hook perks. Both would be good enough to consider in a build.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,957

    Boon: Watching Ward

    [whole boon spiel]

    Whenever the killer is within range of the Boon Totem, the Boon Totem’s aura turns red. Any survivor within range of the Boon Totem when this happens hears a sound cue, and the UI and ambient VFX will turn red.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited September 2023

    Survivor Perks:

    Boon: Sigil of Revelation

    A boon that provides information against those that mean you harm.

    Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a boon Totem

    Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres.

    Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:

    The killers aura is revealed for 4/8/12 seconds.

    Undetectable Killers entering the radius trigger a sound notification revealing their position of entry to the Boon Totems Range for 3 seconds.

    Boon: Sigil of Revelation benefits from its own effect.

    Boon: Sigil of Revelation does not stack with other instances of itself.

    You can only bless one Totem at a time.

    All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.

    Boon: Calming incense

    A boon with fragrance that Calms even the most savage beast.

    Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a boon Totem

    Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres.

    Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:

    Reduces the chance of triggering skill checks by 10%.

    Skill check success zones are increased by 10/15/20%.

    Killers who enter the boons range have their movement speed slowed by 5% over 10 seconds.

    Killers can see the Aura of the Boon when within 8 meters of it.

    Boon: Calming Incense benefits from its own effect.

    Boon: Calming Incense does not stack with other instances of itself.

    You can only bless one Totem at a time.

    All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.

    Boon: Safe and Silent

    A boon that provides the comforts of quiet.

    Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a boon Totem

    Soft chimes ring out within a radius of 24 metres.

    Survivors inside the Boon Totem's range benefit from the following effects:

    Reduces Sounds made from Pained Grunting, Breathing, Footsteps, Vaulting, Sabotage, Cleansing, Opening, Lockers, and Generator Repair by 50/75/100%.

    Loud Noises no longer provide an alert notification to the killer.

    Boon: Safe and Silent benefits from its own effect.

    Boon: Safe and Silent does not stack with other instances of itself.

    You can only bless one Totem at a time.

    All equipped Boon Perks are active on the same Boon Totem.

    Killer Perks:

    Hex: Repugnant Emanation

    A Hex rooting it's power in the scent of the most repugnant odors.

    Survivors within 12/24/32 meters of you loudly vomit every 15-5 seconds depending upon your proximity to them.

    Vomiting interrupts Repairing, Healing, Rescuing, Pallet Dropping, and Vaulting actions.

    Vomiting takes 1.5 seconds to finish.

    Injured Survivors Vomit 50% louder.

    Head of the House:

    Your previous encounters with survivors have awakened your sense of preparation in the trial grounds.

    Up to 4/5/6 Randomly Chosen Pallets in the trial grounds are revealed to you in White.

    Whenever a survivor drops any of these pallets, they are instantly destroyed.

    You are Stunned for the full duration if one of these pallets is dropped on you.


    Putting a survivor into the dying state now has some added weight.

    Upon putting a survivor in the dying state, Anchor Activates.

    The most recent survivor put into the dying state cannot crawl or begin recovery for 25/35/45 seconds.

    Other survivors can still help a survivor in the dying state affected by Anchor recover.

    Only 1 survivor can be affected by Anchor at a time.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited December 2022

    Scourge Hook: Serrated and Barbed

    Your Hooks have been modified to inflict lasting pain.

    At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

    The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

    Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

    Survivors Rescued from a Scourge Hook are Afflicted with the Broken Status for 20/30/40 seconds.

    Survivors Rescued from a Scourge Hook Suffer the Mangled and Hemorrhage status until healed.

    Survivors who self escape a Scourge Hook suffer the incapacitated status for 60 seconds.

    Accelerates the Sacrifice process by 5%.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    Hex: Call Me Daddy

    After successfully hitting a hooked survivor, all other survivors scream and suffer the exposed status effect for 2/3/4 seconds

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,138


    When in chase with a survivor for 60/50/40 seconds you get a 15% haste boost 8 seconds after leaving chase.

    Upon re-entering chase within those 8 seconds will not activate the perk instead it will act like you never left chase.

    While under this perks specific haste effects your terror radius is increased by 14/12/10 meters

    This perks effects disappears when you injure a survivor (mainly for huntress, trickster and twins), enter a new chase after the 8 seconds grace period, kick a gen or picking up a dying survivor while the haste is active.

    Note: Kicking a gen at all will disable this perks effects but the same does not apply to picking up a dying survivor which will not disable the perk if the action happens during the grace period.

    Idk if this would even be good for the state of dbd right now because of map generation and strong perks that effect gen speeds/slowdown but I would imagine this perk being used more on M1's with passive slowdown and not much mobility especially m1's against exhaustion perks.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 545
    edited December 2022
  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,959

    Boon: you can’t hide forever

    When the killer enters the boon radius his aura is revealed to you for as long as he’s in the boon radius. The aura read lingers for 2/3/4 seconds when he leaves the radius. When the killer snuffs the totem there aura is revealed to everyone for 6 seconds.

    Boon: Resupply

    When you enter the boons radius with a item in hand, every 1 second spent in the boons radius without being in a chase replenishes item charges by 1 charge. The effect lingers for 2/3/4 seconds when leaving the radius.

  • StickyB
    StickyB Member Posts: 96

    Rising Anger:

    Each time you down a survivor gain a stack to a maximum of 8 stacks, each stack increases your terror radius by 1,2,3m

    Scare Factor:

    Every 30,25,20 seconds, each survivor in your terror radius gets a difficult skill check.

    Wounded return home:

    When you injure a survivor, all survivor's auras within 16m of the survivor are revealed for 10 seconds

    (Aura reading would follow the survivor for the 10 seconds)

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited January 2023


    Suppressed Presence:

    You've mastered the art of stalking survivors in silence.

    Refraining from Entering a Chase or Injuring a survivor for 25/20/15 seconds activates Suppressed Presence and lowers your Breathing, Lullaby Radius, Footstep, Breaking, Vaulting and Movement sounds by 100% after 4 seconds.

    Suppressed Presence automatically Activates if you are Undetectable.

    Suppressed Presence has a cooldown of 30 seconds whenever Deactivated by Entering a Chase or Injuring a Survivor.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Boon: Blessed day

    Whilst in the boon radius:

    • Survivors are not affected by the Haemorrhage, Blindness, Mangled, Oblivious, Hindered and Incapacitated status effects.
    • Prevents the entity from depleting item charges from dropped items.
    • Slows down the timer for Endurance and Haste status effects by 20/25/30%.
    • Increases luck by 3%.

    If it's too good, remove one or two status effects that survivors are not affected by :) 🤝

  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394

    Boon: Everyone Escapes Death.

    At the start of the match a random totem is blessed. If that totem has not been snuffed by the time the last gen is completed any survivor that would be put in the dying state is instead fully healed and gains haste, this effect repeats until escape or the boon is snuffed. Just snuff boons.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107


    Your desperation allows you to cheat the entity, if only for a time.

    Upon reaching the third hook state, automatically escape the hook, with a 15/22.5/30 second timer. Running and being in the killers terror radius will drain it at 1s/s (not stacking), while doing objectives will refill it (at 0.5s/s)

    If this timer reaches 0, or the survivor enters the dying state by any means, they are instantly sacrificed to the entity (using the same animation as EGC).

    Note: Maybe a survivor suffering from this glows like the ground in the EGC to other survivors?

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    Hex: Hunter's Fuel

    The Entity, with its blessing, has heightened your senses, you can smell the fear of your prey, and it fuels your hunt.

    At the start of the Trial, two Hex Totems spawn with Hex: Hunter's Fuel effect applied to them, a token is granted for each Hex Totem still active within the Trial.

    • 1 Token: Survivors who heal one another are afflicted with the Oblivious status and are marked with Killer's Instinct for the duration of the heal. Once the healing action stops, this effect lingers for 3 seconds before going away.
    • 2 Tokens: Survivors within 8 meters of a Generators stop hearing the Terror Radius normally. Survivors with this effect will intermediately hear the Terror Radius approach and move away. This effect will apply any perks that involve the Terror Radius.
  • clowninabout
    clowninabout Member Posts: 133

    Killer perk


    Equiping this perk requires 4 perk slots

    When equiped it calls upon the entity to remove all survivor perks and refund all their items + add ons.

    Once every 20 seconds the auras of all survivors are revealed for 2/3/4 seconds.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023

    Killer Perk:

    • When a survivor is hooked for the first time, this perk gains a token.
    • When a survivor is killed or sacrificed, this perk loses a token.
    • Kicking a generator applies an additional 2% regression for each token this perk has.

    This means hooking each survivor gives gen kicks 10.5% base regression. Great way to scale regression against remaining survivors, thereby dissuading against tunnelling, and 10.5% base regression is powerful enough to make it a fairly meta slowdown perk.

    And in a similar vein:

    • When a survivor is hooked for the first time, this perk gains a token.
    • When a survivor is killed or sacrificed, this perk loses a token.
    • Gain a permanent stackable 1% Haste effect for each token this perk has.

    With four survivors hooked but still alive, basically permanent Bloodlust Tier 1, or 1 stack of PWYF.

    Both powerful perks, both dissuade tunnelling, and both encourage killers to leave the hook because they're better at chase and applying pressure, so anti-camp too.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Hex: Omnipresence

    Everytime you damage a survivor for the first time gain a token

    Upon reaching 4 tokens Hex: Omnipresence activates

    All remaining dull totems on the map turn into hex totems

    All hex totems have a 24/28/32m terror radius

    When all totems that were changed by Hex: Omnipresence are cleansed the effect ends, any other totem that were cleansed while Hex:Omnipresence was active reignite

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2023

    Fatal arrogance: if a survivor will crouch/point at the killer/emote to follow him/her while in a chase for 3 times in a short window of time, this perk will activate and the killer can instadown and kill on the spot said survivor

    Military Camocloak: once unhooked this perk will activate, making you INVISIBLE to the killer (also you won't leave scratch marks, pools of blood or make any noise). This perk will auto deactivate once you are 24 meter far from the killer, you start repairing gens/healing others/yourself/do a totem/search a chest and if only 2 survivors remain in the match (to avoid situations where survivors can keep the game hostage)

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited January 2023

    I had a perk idea similar to this which I called Running Interference

    For every time you stun the killer, gain a token. You can gain up to three tokens per trial.

    Whilst in the killer's terror radius, but not in their line of sight, press the secondary ability button to send a line of hatch-marks visible to you and the killer in the direction you are facing.

    When Running Interference activates, You do not leave hatchmarks or pools of blood for the next 1/2/3 seconds.

    Running interference consumes one token on use, up to three tokens per trial after which it deactivates.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    What is the actual effect? You seem to have missed it out

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023

    Totems have a Terror Radius, plus it protects other Hex totems by reigniting them after Hex: Omnipresent is cleansed.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Let Me Live Or Let Me Die:

    Once the Survivor dies all other Survivors gain 15 seconds of 25% Gen progression

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    Killer perk:

    Cruel Tactics:

    Your experience from past hunts has tought you how to strike where it hurts.

    Each time a survivor loses a health state Cruel Tactics gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 6 Tokens. Hitting a survivor with a basic attack consumes all Tokens and the survivor is inflicted with Exhaustion and the Broken Status Effect for 3/4/5 seconds for each Token.

    It might be a bit mean on Blight but I would still like to see something like this on other killers to motivate them to use their powers even when it might be difficult.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    As the other person said

    Terror radiuses everywhere which make it more difficult to pinpoint the killers location and work with perks/powers and as a protection for your other hex perks as they will come back.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    Oh sorry my eyes completely overlooked the word terror and just saw radius..

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well it could be a new starting point for Boon(ish) and Hex perks. Since they can be cleansed permanently, they should be strong. Not what we have right now as Hex perks.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited January 2023

    "False tracks

    You know how to trick your pursuers.

    After standing still for 2 seconds, press the secondary action button to generate scratchmarks in a straight line in front of you for 6/7/8 meters. For the next 3 seconds you don't generate scratchmarks.

    The perk has a cooldown of 60 seconds"

    I imagine a short animation of the survivor picking up some dirt or similar and throwing it. I think it could be great, especially in combo with other perks, to make the killer lose you.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    Killer perk idea

    Hex: Manifested Pain

    Your malevolent presence forces survivors into a state of panic at the beginning of the trial.

    All survivors begin the trial suffering from the injured and broken status effects for as long as the totem remains active. The totem's aura is revealed to survivors within a 4-meter range, gradually increasing to a 24-meter range over the course of 60 seconds.

    Survivor perk idea

    Let's Do This

    You'll do whatever it takes to make sure your friends survive the trial.

    Pressing the active ability button within 8 meters of a hooked survivor allows you to sacrifice your own hook state for them. Can only be used once per trial.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Hex: Blackout: This Hex spawns at the beginning of the trial. After 100 seconds all generators are blocked for 60 seconds or until this hex is cleansed and survivor auras are revealed for 5/6/7 seconds. After this perk deactivates the hex totem becomes a dull totem.

    Boon: Uneven Terrain: Increase the wiggle progression while being carried in the boon radius by 9%/12%/15%.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    I would like a survivor decoy I think it would be good for mind games

  • Dededbybots
    Dededbybots Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    There should be a perk called something like “return fire” as an anti-slug it should activate if you’ve been slugged for =>10 seconds and should if the killer is to hit you within a certain amount of time after being picked up they should be inflicted with an effect which stops them from using their power for 5-10 seconds. There should also be a short cool-down so the perk cannot be abused

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Here's a nice one

    Surivor perks, slim build

    Your slow vaulting and entering and exiting lockers are 15 20 25%faster and are silent

    Surivor perk comfort zone

    When in a locker grunts of pain are reduced by 50 75 100% regardless of exuastion

    Surivor perk escape plan

    When performing a rushed action the noise is delayed by 2 3 4s

    Killer perk hex external darkness

    All Survivors get the blindness effect after 4 3 2s after seeing any aura

    Killer perk crushing blow hitting a surivor with a basic attack will give survivors the knock visual effect for 10s