What if we bring back old DBD?

Old maps, old keys, old Moris, old animations, old perks, old meta, old items charges, old Sabotage, old offerings, old insta-heals, old killers, old atmosphere.
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Survivors would have a field day against anyone not playing nurse
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I'd burst into tears of joy.
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I just want old fog/moonlight.
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Sounds like it'd be new people complaining about old things.
But hey, there wouldn't be so many threads about tunneling if survivors could get mori'd all the time lol
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Would be nice. Then Killers would not call the current state of the game unplayable or too hard. Would open some eyes I guess.
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Would be safe to say that rarely anyone would play killer despite old moris being a thing.
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Just imagine all the now more experienced nurse players and returning veterans with instant Mori vs the looping experienced survivors abusing every last infinite plus recoverable exhaustion perks and instant heals. 🤮
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Some people don't know how good they got it with modern DbD.
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would be pretty neat to get a time capsule event. Tho new dbd is waaay less BS than old dbd, nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
What patch would you guys pick if you were in charge of making a time capsule event for dbd.
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A couple weeks ago I was on YouTube looking up old DBD gameplay. It really did seem like a totally different game. One of my favourites was an old Tru3 video. It surprised the heck out of me watching him be stealthy around the edges of the map, and giving advice on being careful with scratch marks etc. You watch him and other streamers now and they're just running and scratch-marking all over the place lol
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I just wanna play Old Freddy again :(
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Nostalgic it would be, it was broken as F. I’m solid. It would be a cool event though.
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I would then become an original nurse main with on down moris every game
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Old DbD worked because of the inexperience of its players
With everything the average player knows now, anything older than 2.0.0, or hell even 1.9.X, it just wouldn't work.
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A lot of people would realize very quickly that nostalgia is a hell of a drug
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Oh yeah, sure. Let's see new players go against an Omega Nurse so they understand what "OP" actually means.
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It would be cute to have it as a goofy game mode. Not for regular matches though, it would be frustrating as hell.
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Name fits.
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Better idea, how about we don't do that?
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To be fair, Stealth is not really viable anymore. The Maps are so bright that it is hard to hide and most cosmetics which get released are also not really viable for Stealth. And those which were have been nerfed in that regard (mostly Claudettes Cosmetics).
And to be honest, the old feel and looks of the Maps was way better.
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Honestly I would love for old DBD to come back. As long as old BNPs and insta heals don't come back with it
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They could just make a dbd classic like how World of Warcraft did.
And it can show how really REALLY unbalanced dbd was in it’s original version.
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Which is funny because stealth is how this game is intended to be played I'm pretty sure. Nowadays every game feels like a race so sneaking is a waste of time. If you're not getting chased you should be on a gen because you'll quickly run out of resources and/or lose a survivor. IIRC prolonging chases and looping are not seen as trademarks of a good or skillful player (according to devs) and the game is not designed with that in mind. Updates seem to be aimed at restricting a survivor's ability to juice. So if you can't sneak and it's damn near impossible to juice a decent killer, what can ya do?
I would love something closer to old DbD than what we have now. I had way more fun as a solo survivor back then. I feel like the game has been so over-saturated with new content without taking a necessary step-back to re-evaluate, remove/ tweak things that don't work, and ensure the feel of the game and what people love about it remains. Adding more perks to combat the current meta issues is not the move imo
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Only thing I want from old DBD is the atmosphere. The maps now are too bright and pretty.
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Yeah, I definitely agree regarding stealth. I actually said as such in another post yesterday on that topic. Survivors can be tracked via scratch marks, injury noises (Iron Will is pretty useless), pools of blood, footsteps, plus killers seem to get more and more aura perks with every release. It was just an interesting comparison, because there are some streamers that I never would have imagined I'd see playing stealthy in the first place lol
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Might have been intended once upon a time but definitely not anymore. I'm sure there's not many players who don't groan when they get a team mate with a combo of like Spine Chill and Urban Evasion and Iron Will or whatever. Or when you get downed or hooked and see that team mate just crouched in the corner the entire time, making no move to come unhook or do a gen. Dark clothing is just the icing on the cake. Because as you said - time is way too important to waste in this game now. Anyone playing stealthy is more of a liability than an asset to the team.
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Cherish the current Swamp maps before they're inevitably reworked and gone forever! They still have some resemblance of old DBD! For example, Grim Pantry is the only map that can spawn an old jungle gym with 2 windows open. Albeit only 1 pallet spawns, whereas there would've probably been 2 back then, it's close enough! Pretty cool!
Another variation of Grim Pantry can also spawn these interesting old long walls, with both long walls having a window too. (I'm 99.9% sure this can also spawn in The Pale Rose). Nowadays all other maps with long walls only have 1 long wall that has a window whilst another one has a hole. But again, only 1 pallet spawns, whereas years ago there was probably 2.
Edit: Maybe The Pale Rose can also spawn an old(ish) jungle gym but I honestly don't remember and can't check right now.
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I'd probably play a couple of matches for nostalgia sake and then go back to the current version and apreciate all the changes that much more.
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The only old thing we need back are the pallet models.
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The patch just before the flashlight brightness change just to be mean to people
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Let them also revisit old BNP and insta heals. I actiwant people to just implode atp
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Remember old Saboteur?
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I'd become that one Spirit main with silent phase just to be an ###
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So much suffering in perspective.
The Cenobite would be proud.
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Felt this in my core
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Not going to lie, I kind of preferred the old animations. You could nod, and move your head up/down while crouching, walking, and running. Since they changed the animations the characters head only moves up and down when you're standing still.
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Old atmosphere? Sure.
Everything else - hell no.
Old DbD was a gigantic broken buggy mess. I know that even 2 years ago, every map had at least one spot where you couldn't pick survivors up.
Just because things were worse at x time doesn't mean that things are perfect now.
For example - Haddonfield being reworked doesn't mean that it's okay for Garden of Joy to have a pseudo-infinite.
I think I started in 2019, and the game was pretty awful. I mean, why would you want that? Basically every second match had a survivor immediately running to x doodad where you couldn't pick them up or couldn't reach them.
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Only old lighting and fog, everything else is a no.