SWF (thoughts)

I understand SWF is a part of DBD that many people find fun, and won’t ever be removed from the game. However, I feel after you reach a certain MMR/kill rate/hours played..however you wanna call it, it can be really unfun to have SWF after SWF matches…
I feel that while it’s an option to play SWF, killers should also have the option to decide when/if they wanna go against SWFs.
Like maybe some kind of notification that lets you know it’s a SWF and you can accept or decline the match…or maybe a SWF/solo option, similar to being able to turn cross play on and off…?
The level of dodging that suggestion would create would be insane. No killers, including me, would ever knowingly go against SWF groups no matter the incentive.
Those groups simply would never ever get matches.
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What killer is going to opt to go against a SWF? I’m sorry but it’s just a bad idea. SWF would absolutely never get matches. Lots of players like easy games, so most killers would just decline. Hell, most killers will still dodge NOW if they even remotely suspect a SWF.
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I just avoid playing killer during peak times when it’s constant matches against sweaty SWF teams with thousands of hours each. Playing killer during morning or afternoon (US eastern time zone) is so much more relaxing.
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Just the fact that we can all agree that 90% of killers would all dodge swf lobbies if they could should in and of itself make it blatantly obvious that there’s a serious issue needing to be addressed with swf.
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Yes, SWF is a serious issue that breaks the balance of the game, but if BHVR nerfed it, they would lose a ton of the player base. I don’t blame people for wanting to play with their friends. I don’t play SWF very often, but it’s definitely fun. If you have halfway competent teammates, it’s easy escapes and the killer can be bullied all game long. So while I don’t blame people for wanting to play with their friends, I also don’t blame killers for wanting to avoid being matches against SWF because of how unfun it is on the killer side. Nobody enjoys being a punching bag, which is what you are as killer against most SWF teams.
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SWFs can be incredibly annoying, but at the end of the day it's just another match. Personally, I really don't care who I'm goin against. I just adjust my playstyle to however they're playin. My only win condition in this game is gettin some bloodpoints and havin some fun while I do it. That mindset has done wonders for my sanity lol
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Bad take, always has been, always will
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Not the same topic. I didn’t say we should be notified of each specific character of survivor or the perks they’re running.
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I disagree. I would still accept mag he’s against swfs..when I feel like it. Not back to back to back.
And playing against solo’s is not a guaranteed win. I’ve definitely faced solo survs that played so well together, you would think they were a SWF.
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I disagree, but I understand why you would feel that way. I just think if they have the option of playing together w coms, we should have the option of not playing them.
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I'm certainly not one who likes to sweat while playing killer, but if killer players were allowed to dodge lobbies of SWF players, like many others have stated it would increase the queue times exponentially.
Having said that, I feel that SWF having constant communication on where the killer is at and what they're doing at all times is too strong. It can make playing stealth killers downright frustrating, especially since there is no killer sided equivalent to having access to so much information at all times.
Survivors have also seen borrowed time added to their base kit, and BHVR have already teased unbreakable possibly getting the same treatment. Because of this I don't think adding Corrupt Intervention to the killer base kit is asking too much. Just give it the same treatment as borrowed time. Have it last for only a short while unless you run the perk itself.
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I only was saying the OP's suggestion is not the way to go.
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This is a good idea, you shouldn't be forcing people to play in a way they don't like.
SWF should have separate matches anyway, its a very different sort of game when they play seriously with coms, and if the killer approaches it in a relaxed fashion, the SWF doesn't get much of a game either. Even if due to que times for SWF players they don't implement something like this, a solution that addresses the issue would clearly be welcome.
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You can disagree, but you’re in denial. Sure, some people would accept SWF, but it can pretty much be called FACT that MOST killers would never accept SWF matches. Your suggestion would break the game entirely.
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I do however think we should be allowed to see who was a swf in post game lobby so we can at least correctly gauge how well we should have done.
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This would be cool
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Swf is unfair to the killer as it negates certain factors of the game.
1: Pallet Freddy. Against solos you can get a few surprises on them. A swf just calls out, Fake Pallets guys throw early.
2: Survivor on a gen hears heartbeat. Better move incase. Swf, he is on me stay on the gen.
3: Killer runs knockout. Survivors just say, down at killer shack come get me.
Just some examples of how swf is an advantage.
The killer is givin nothing to compensate for the communication and coordination the swf gets. Now, I admit not every swf is a sweat squad or on comms. However, we have to assume most are.
I don't think separate ques are the way to go. I just wish they would do something. As it stands, swf IS an advantage. The killer is just expected to deal with it.
Just my 2 cents.
Have fun in the fog!
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I personally know people who enjoy destroying SWF’s, so no…I’m not in denial.
But thank you for trying to tell me how I feel.
I don’t mind playing swfs sometimes, and I think other killers may feel the same..I don’t enjoy playing them back to back to back…I think it would be more fair to have the option to choose and to know.
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I didn’t say how you’re feeling. I’m saying you’re in denial. And as I already said… yes, I’m sure some killers would take SWF’s on. But the overwhelming majority would dodge every SWF lobby if they had a choice.
Next topic please and have a good night.
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People need to get over themselves. SWF doesn’t inherently mean good, and you can also use the fact they have communication against them by misleading them. It also makes them way more predictable than solo queue players who might do just about anything. Get better at playing against coordinated players, or don’t queue for killer. Or just accept you aren’t that good and accept that you’ll lose matches.
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You really jumped to conclusions lol I do win most of my matches. And not all swfs are good, but a lot are.
I simply wanted to see if others felt the same as me. No need to be rude. Just because people don’t like swfs, doesn’t mean they’re not good killers. I’ll custom match you anytime, and we’ll see who’s good and who “isn’t that good.” 😉
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It is actually shocking that the devs haven't made this very simple change to SWF's - no stacking perks or items.
That would eliminate 4 toolboxes or 4 medkit games. There wouldn't be four of the same exhaustion perk.
I'm sure there are some other changes that could reduce the power of SWF in a fair way while also not nerfing solo queue which is in a dire state right now. Devs don't seem too bothered, though.
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Not the 1v1 shack...
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swf definitely has the advantage because of to much information but solo q is disadvantage cause of the lack of info given.(yin yang)
kinda balance itself out. Besides... swf is the only place i can go to excape the wasteland known as "solol q" lol
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From their moves and changed thus far, the dev's plan seems to be to get solos more info and possibilities of coordination. And not to impose crazy tourney limitations, so players can run what they like.
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If a killer is so unenjoyable to face that most people would rather do anything else, your game has a problem. So, yes, they should be allowed to dodge that killer, permanently.
I like facing nurse, she has other types of counter play and if the nurse isn't amazing, there is fun to be had. I might wish they would change some of her add-ons, but thats not enough to make me refuse a match with her.
SWF isn't really the same thing. If they want to play with coms and coordinated, its like a different game. I would bring different stuff, and most importantly a different mind set.
Maybe both types of matches belong only in league play.
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more than deserved imo... SWF should be available only in custom matches
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Changes I would make to swfs: 1. No stacking perks or addons 2. Must select loadout before queuing 3. Show who was together in the post match screen
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Playerbase is dwindling, I don’t think splitting it even more would be a good idea.
SWFs are going to exist as long as the game exists.
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100 % would dodge, no sane person would let himself be in disadvantage before a match starts. Maybe 10k slugging nurse, and still...
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I wouldn't change anything about queues or pregame when it comes to SWF. But I would give a BP bonus to the killer based on the type of SWF (4, 2+2, 3+1), as well as show who was in a SWF on the postgame scoreboard.
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Suggesting killers being able to see who's in a swf, has the same energy as people suggesting survivors should see the killer they are going against. Which would result in unnecessarily long queues for everyone.
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This is prolly the sanest approach
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Do you know what that would do to queue times? For everyone? With the current loss of players, that idea would indeed kill off this game.
And custom has no progression or BP or anything. It is what it is meant to be, practice grounds.
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Simple Solution:
Matchmaking only allows a maximum of 2 Survivors Premade. The other 2 must be Random.
If you queue up as a 4 Man, you only get to use every surv Once, every Perk/Item/addon Once and the Loadout must be selected before queuing.
If you get the advantage of communication, you lose the advantage of soloQ Players.
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Unless you’re playing a really weak killer swf isn’t impossible to beat. You just have to get better
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I agree but at the same time I havent heard a single suggestion as to how this could be implemented without players dodging too much...
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1st of all you can't be sure of the outcome: it could kill or it could be a healthy decision since solo would be buffed properly without SWF (i'm more for the 2nd choice). i know that this will never happen, don't worry, it was just in a eventual case of a proper balanced game (which dbd isn't obviously). i know that custom won't give you any kind of progress, but that's the point: if you wanna play with your friends, custom matches have all the perks unlocked by default in order to make funny build/try new stuff/messing around... regular queue shouldn't have SWF implemented cause it's a gamebreaking feature (too many advantages from it). this game isn't supposed to be played with VC (perks like emphaty, kindred, dark sense, small game, etc etc are a valid example)
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My suggestion would be a higher MMR value based in how many are in a SWF but you would need an accurate MMR system for that to be relevant
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Not me. I see SWFs as a chance to improve my skill. And destroying a good SWF feels awesome.
Now, if I have a lobby where I suspect an SWF, I might switch to an ultra-sweaty build that I keep holstered on the side for the occasion...
Yeah, but "just about anything" means "spend the first five minutes searching for dull totems and looting the basement chest" half the time, or just doing dailies.
But yeah, bad SWFs are easy to stomp. I realized that the only reason people think that facecamping is an effective strategy is these types of groups. They'd rather let everyone in their team get hook traded to death rather than leave someone on hook for longer than two minutes. Others will follow you around with flashlights and toolboxes all game instead of doing gens.
But really good SWFs know how to chain all the loops in the map into one giant mega-structure while the others slam out gens and then hide if they hear you coming. Heal immediately. Know exactly when and how to use DH, to the point where it's almost as awful as it ever was. Can multi-stack Hyperfocus while running a BNP and Prove Thyself.
I can handle a lot of SWFs even as an M1 killer main, but those types are hard. Thankfully, I don't run into them often.
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Characters in a SWF together should have their names matching in color in the lobby.
So you know who is paired with who. This tells you the duos, the three mans, and the four mans.
And to anyone saying "This is not fair to SWFs", I find that horribly ironic and hypocritical.
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The game is balanced around the killer beating solo survivors but being beaten by swf, because of the power difference between solo and swf. So you basicly asking the killer if he want an easy match, or a hard one. Guess what most killers would choose?
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Thank goodness none of y’all are devs… I mean holy… I’m starting to see the issue, and it’s skill. Some of y’all can’t beat SWF and it shows. Y’all can’t beat something; you want it removed.
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If you win most of your matches are SWFs really that big of a problem? 🤔
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SWF is really strong and get a huge amount of information that should not receive, so need to increase the level of information for all survivors (adding kindred to the base) and after that buff m1 killers
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idk i feel like i win 90% of my games easily right now as killer and playing against swf is much more enjoyable than solo queue. the only frustrating thing is playing against a very competent swf on a map that also favors them.
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No. I didn’t say, let us see what characters we’re going against. I didn’t say let killer see if there’s three Megs and a Feng. I said give option yes or no to playing with swfs.
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I said “thoughts.” Meaning, what do others bring about that?
Its not a “problem,” it’s annoying at times and I personally think, it should be an option. I started a topic on it, seeing what other people “thought” about it, to see how other people felt about SWF teams.
You survivors literally pick everything apart. People can’t even have opinions or ask what other people think, without being insulted..”iF yoU wiN moSt oF yOuR maTcheS…”
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And with that logic we would have to address why playing in a swf is more recommended then solos