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I was 100% right about Sadako and you all were 100% wrong!



  • at best she's C tier Don't forget She's a m1 killer like the rest If you play against Swf you're obviously done like the rest of Killers

    Maybe you can get a kill or 2 in solo q but still That doesn't mean she's good I'm a killer main myself and i been playing Killer since 2019 and unfortunately She's Not that good

    I love sadako myself She's unique but the fact is that she's weak

  • I understand your Point But i'm not Saying this based on my opinion It's a rather general opinion

    For example I'm a knight main and i want to do my best with him and i will do always but i cannot possibly ignore the fact that knight is weak

  • Well you see mate that's problem It is what it is doesn't cut it

    We're playing a game made by a company that claims they care about their community right? so we have this right To Ask for Stuff Like this

  • I doubt if anyone would get any value out of current version of Knight

    Reworking in dbd history meant only One thing and that's nerf killers technically

    Killers cannot be possibly OP cuz the gen speed is too much that only if you make a killer who has basekit noed with extra speed Can possibly Have Fun and be Op tho there's always a chance to lose a game

    BHVR already Lost The game They Lost many Perfect candidates for Streaming the game and possibly Make value a lot more than now overall as a player this game isn't going in a right direction They lost many High potential streamers and many famous ones

    Only by making the game survivor sided. i think people who are honest and played Killer would Notice. that this game is in the favor of survivors big time

    Look at the maps. Does Killer benefits from pallets? Windows? Jungle gym? Most of breakable walls? Even Killer shack is in favor of survivors

    and then there's Gen speed. it's too much that when you try to reach from a side of map to another in a map like cornfields you'd most likely lose a gen by just holding W and trying to reach the other side. So this isn't healthy at all

    Nevertheless i'm just a simple player Like any other out there if i was a dev and what i would do is a different Matter but at the least i would make both side enjoy what they do

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Maybe but realistically every killers kill rate would be higher at that point. Still would be nice info to have

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,441

    How does a team of people who are not new/throwing manage to get pressured by an m1? Its like managing to get looped while playing nurse, you have to be incredibly bad to achieve such thing.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528
    edited December 2022

    I know I am restating what everyone else said, but its common knowledge if you've played the killer.

    Sadako is low B tier at max.

    She has an M1, a teleport, and small mind game ability though demanifastation, thats it.

    She is easily looped by confident survivors and doesnt have any way to get across the map quick enough, without waiting 100 seconds for her TVs to turn back on.

    She is only really viable if you are running the condemnation strategy.

    Post edited by GensByDaylight on
  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    How many times do we have to go over this specific point in debate? Kill rates aren't the sole factor in determining if a killer is S tier. Why do you think Nurse has a lower kill rates/pick rate despite being the strongest killer? Oh wait you guys can't answer that point at all. Interesting.

    Sadako is only strong via the condemned playstyle. The devs themselves said she wasn't supposed to even be able to get free moris off of people as a main method of getting kills. That's why it takes so much set up with the playstyle just to make it effective.

    Let's stop using biased data to fuel weird statements and act as if people clearly see the problems when addressing kill rate

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    She has separate cooldowns per tv not none at all

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited December 2022

    Can Sadako still moonwalk survivors to death?

    I haven't played her nearly as much since the meta changes, but I don't think this is accurate. The condemnation strategy is overrated. Her real strengths are exactly what OP pointed out: she has undetectable and can teleport rapidly. If you know how to use this to your advantage, you can, with the right build, take gens out just as fast as survivors are able to get them going.

    She's absolutely vicious in a three-gen situation, and her power lets her treat the last three gens as a functional three-gen no matter where on the map they happen to end up.

    I never run anything on her other than her brown and yellow cooldown add-ons (maybe the iri one on occasion).

    Either way, you can still check every gen on the map in rapid succession. You may occasionally have to walk to one instead of teleporting, but unlike her weaker cousin Dredge, hooks near her teleport locations aren't blocked, so you can happily hook someone, run over to a gen and kick it with Pop (actually still a decent perk on Sadako), then teleport back as someone is going for the save.

    (Playing with a scumbag works well with her, too, even more than it does with most killers. If you're not above proxy camping and tunneling, she can pull some pretty mean tricks.)

    I've heard lots about Sadako's supposed mindgame abilities, but I've never been able to figure out how to get that to work myself, and I'm beginning to think it's mostly bunk. I think it's a little strange to argue that Clown has worse anti-chase when that's his whole kit. Ending chases is the only thing Clown is good at. Sadako, not so much, but your first hit is usually free with her.

    Before streamers starting making these condemned videos in the past few months, it was "Oh, condemned isn't even a mechanic. You can just ignore it the entire game and waltz on out the gates." (Not wrong.)

    People just parrot whatever is popular on the forums and in YouTube videos. I seriously doubt that Sadako's high killrate is carried exclusively by a niche playstyle, and I doubt even more that most of the people saying she's weak have spent any time playing as her or trying out different playstyles to see what works.. Playing for condemned isn't easy, and it's easy to counter if you switch up your strategy.

    Hot take: condemned still sucks unless you spend all of your time practicing on how to play for it, and her strongest playstyle is slowdown + tunneling.

    It works on more people than you'd think, especially if they're on gens.

    Manifesting and demanifesting in chase wastes precious seconds and is bad, whatever anyone here on the forums says, but manifesting just as you're running up to a gen will actually get you some nice hits.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,896

    Yeah if the people are genuinely clueless. Anyone that is actually paying attention which in higher mmr they'll hear the lullaby and be running after hearing it for 2 consistent seconds.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Kill rates are a horrible judge of a killer's design, at best it is good for detecting when a killers underperforms.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 629
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2023

    I find her extremely underwhelming and could use significant buffs. Even her only “somewhat” playable style of slug/condemning honestly only works against solos and average or below one’s at that, decent survivors this stuff doesn’t generally work. It’s more meme than anything and is easily countered. Not sure why she never got her post release improvements and was just left in this horrible state. Personally I think her condemn needs serious buffs/improvements to where survivors actually need to be messing with the tapes. Also, I think they could massively buff the intermittent phasing to make that her skill based antiloop/mind game. Why do they get told when she’s demanifested and near them again? Makes zero sense and defeats its entire point. She feels forgotten.

  • In theory, yeah. In practice, it works a lot better than it should.

    I mean, the logical parts of my brain agree with you, but my personal experience has been that there are a lot of times when survivors just either don't hear it coming or ignore it. This happens even in situations where it absolutely shouldn't (and I'm not in the lowest MMR brackets anymore). Nurse's is a very good perk on her.

    I was one of the biggest complainers here about her "useless" stealth, but it works a lot better ingame than it does on paper.

    Maybe I'll play a few games today and see how much I can get out of it and report back.

  • Forza
    Forza Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2023

    honestly, i don't really think sadako is a strong killer. i think she's only strong now because of eruption/call of brine/overcharge meta. all killers who can patrol gens effeciently (ex: blight, spirit, wraith, SADAKO) are benefiting enormously from these perks.

    once the gen kick meta is done and killers can't reliably regress every single gen in the game (if they have the mobility) then Sadako will be done as well.

    source: of my last ~100 games with wraith using these perks i've lost like 1 game.

    further; go watch one pump willy's videos using this killer. sure, he's great at building condemn. but what else is he doing? kicking gens constantly while using these perks. it's just nonstop kicking and then teleporting to tvs while he's stalking a survivor to build condemn.