Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I was 100% right about Sadako and you all were 100% wrong!

Edilibs Member Posts: 699
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

I "told" people that Sadako was bs and she was top tier but no one listened and i got heavily critisized for having her at top 8 at A+ on my tier list. This was 4 months ago!

Now fairly recently the kill rate data was released and what do you know? Sadako had top 3 kills overall! Yeah because i told people i didnt lose with Sadako much at all and i constantly 4k with her. People either ignored this or went on about the same old tired line;

"You went against low mmr bla bla bla lol! (You cant win with this community and its mentality is rigid!)

Sadako is bs end of story like i've been saying for the past several months! You "have" to do the tv's eventually and your gaining condemened during the match and depending on her add-ons this is accelerated through interactions.

She has a walking undetectable and demanifesting is better than Wraiths! She can teleport to tv's with no cool down but people thought this killer was weak and bottom 3 lmao!

This is why i think for myself and dont listen to people!



  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,271

    I only know Sadako from a survivor POV - but my general takeaway is: everyone who tries to play her as a regular killer fails miserably at it. These usually turn into hard tunneling killers who use TVs for one purpose only (to teleport back to hook the moment someone gets unhooked) and her non-collision phase to make sure they get the person they want to runnel out. They usually get two kills tops --- and then blame both the outcome as well as their strategy on her being weak. - Friend, maybe you're trying the wrong strategy?

    Condemn Sadako works pretty well. The other Sadakos who seemed to do pretty well seem to utilise teleportation and condemn as passive slowdown. They only commit to chases if they can afford it. Gen pressure seems to always come first. Once map resources are whittled down and she can somewhat efficiently patrol the remaining gens beating her is all about efficiency and trying to lure her into commiting to a chase she can't afford. She doesn't need an actual three gen for a three gen strategy and she doesn't need to rely as heavily on certain perks to hold it because sooner or later survs will have to traverse the map to get rid of the condemn.

    The greatest issue I have is that close Sadako matches are almost always excrutiatingly long. I like my matches between 10 and 15 minutes, maybe one or two minutes longer. But once it's past the 20min mark it starts to get tiring. - And these Sadako matches regularly last 25+ minutes.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2022

    You "dont" need the condemned strategy to be effective or optimal with her because i win with her using a variety of combinations! The killer is nonsense period! What do you mean not healthy for her kit?

    People like me dont care about how we win we just do what it takes to win so your comment in this regard is directed for casuals, im not casual im highly competitive! You can down play or make excuses and justify things all you want it doesnt change anything, Sadako is top tier, end of story!

    Yeah she is one of the strongest killers in the game and not weak at all! Here we What you say is very stupid and makes no sense because "no" killer should do well outside Nurse based on your logic! It makes absolutely no sense! People are mostly bad at dbd so your so called point is unwarranted and meritless!

    Therefore you are not only wrong but you are incorrect as well! What you say is false!

    It says nothing because people dont play Nurse and the main reason for this is because her skill window is very high so people dont use her or you as a survivor wont run into Nurses that often "especially" as new killers are introduced who are alot easier to play! Nurse mastered is unbeatable, you know this, nothings changed!

    Whats so funny! She has no cooldown projecting through tv's ie after i project through a tv i can manifest and teleport to another one! No cooldown! You are laughing at literally nothing. Are you ok?

    This comment really doesnt deserve a response but according to your logic and others nothing matters! Kills dont matter, ability doesnt matter, when a killer does well its because of low mmr...smh lol I cant even meet in the middle with you people. I refuse to sink down to this level of rigid thinking or entertain it, you are free to think what you want! Im speaking facts you are speaking your opinion!

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,851

    She has become my main killer of late and while I definitely think she is underrated I don't think she is that strong either.

    But she is a lot of fun to play and I like going against her so long as they aren't doing the stupid condemned thing. For the record, I never resort to playing like that

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,366

    She's only good if you either take advantage of condemnation to force kills ignoring hooks or you take advantage of iri videotape allowing you to have near constant mobility by resetting your tvs that normally have too long of a CD.

    Her stealth is not really that stealthy due to the lullaby and her phasing can certainly throw survivors off, but she just doesn't do much if she's forced to chase survivors.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Okay let me get this straight, her tvs have a heafty cooldown that trumps her not having a cooldown as those are her cooldown, her teleport needs to be managed too often, her only form of viability comes from her condemnation strategy that I seriously doubt is fun to do

    Her undetectable is actually worse than wraiths as it makes a loud noise whenever she is near someone during it, while wraith only makes a noise when up on top of you or when activating his bell, which afterwards he actually has a movement speed burst that can be used at loops, while also moving faster while undetectable, visibility wise i’m pretty sure Sadako actually has a version Spirit’s intermission from a distance mechanic while Sadako is undetectable, with a set distance on how often she does it, while wraith also has true invisibility that progressively gets more blurred and visible the closer he is

    Kill rate wise, her being “top 3” implies that nurse is bottom 3 and that michael is in a healthy state

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I definitely think she's very underrated, the people saying she only does well against bad survivors are doing some copium because her kill rate is still high for high MMR so that argument falls apart real quick. Having stealth for a sneaky first hit along with being able to get into another chase instantly after hooking I think makes Sadako much better than people give them credit for and some bigger maps where killers would really struggle are better for Sadako cuz she can travel through the TVs along with naturally being good in indoor maps due to being a stealth killer I really think she has very few bad maps. I don't think she's bottom 5 like so many people think by any stretch of the imagination, I'd probably put her maybe low B tier personally.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2022

    I dont post DBD content i play when i play! You dont have to believe me i dont care! I have and continue to wreck survivors with Sadako!

    Wrong! She's not "only" good with the way you say playing her, shes good period! Your trying to create all these scenerios to enforce your argument, cut it out Sadako is very good! She is top 10 hands down!

    Once again people dont pay attention to what is being said and just react to everything....I never said she was top 3 if you actually read what i said i said that she has top 3 kill rates and "because" of that she obviously is not a weak killer! "Thats" what i said!

    You cant hear Wraith or Wraits uncloak is better? This is debatable! I think Sadako's is a little better and you definetly "can" hear Wraith coming from his grunting so theres no real big comparison here in regards to her lulluby!

    Passive aggressive? I speak the same way in real life buddy! Your clearly emotional about the way i post so i suggest you get a better handle on those emotions and just conversate, object, discuss or argue things with me. I dont care about your emotional state to my posts! First of all you cant name change on dbd forums otherwise i'd change my name second of all i dont care about your opinion about me!

    I think very different than most people and i perceive things differently than most. Im different but i also bring up good facts to support what i am saying. All you people have is

    "Oh your playing at low mmr"

    Oh your going against baby survivors "all" the time (despite my mmr being high with certainkillers but thats the dbd community for ya, they make absolutely no sense and its full of contradictions here

    Not only can you not win, you people dont even want to meet on middle grounds but i do appreciate those that do meet on middle grounds. Some have posted in this very thread! I am not changing for anyone! Do you understand this!?


  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Clown is weak, Sadako is not weak so what are you saying!? If you play Clown 5 games in a row your games will get harder and harder because you have Clown a very underwhelming killer and quite weak but since it takes "way" more to escape a Sadako naturally you will do better with Sadako than Clown! These two killers are in two completely different tiers anyway so how are you comparing them?

    I hear what your saying but your talking about playing one specific way! People are not all the same and are individuals so not everyone is going to play the way you described. I certainly dont! I use a completely different set of add-ons and perks than most people (well actually i use your typical gen defense build as one set with Sadako).

    Sadako buffed? She is fine the way she is, why does she need to get buffed! Her add-ons are very good, not Myers good but still good!

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    I will say this. Sadako is definitely a lot better than people give her credit for. Is she top tier tho? No.

    When looking at a killers viability there are many things to keep in mind. But when youre comparing them you have to mainly look at Maximum Potential.

    When comparing killers you have to look at just how good that killer can be in the hands of some one whos mastered them. You cant compare a master Sadako to lets say, an average Wesker, or bad Blight. They also need to be masters at their craft as well. When you do that, you realize that she still falls short compared to the majority of the cast.

    Now another thing, its still very much possible to have good results playing as a mid to bottom tier killer. Putting in the work and hours to learning them will wield you pretty good results against the majority of the playerbase

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Of course! I come from the fgc (fighting game community) and we only asses the highest level period because strong players best represent they're characters so this is a give in!

    So strong Sadako's will wreck strong survivors (not swf) or at least draw even with them (2k 2 escape)! We see the problem with dbd and why conversations like this seemingly go back and forth or nowhere..its because most people are bad at dbd, that much we can agree on!

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    According to the latest stats Nurse has the second highest pick rate in high MMR and is the fifth most played Killer at all MMR levels, so "people don't play Nurse" can't be an explanation for the fact that her killrate is lower than sadakos.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,756

    Okay, so she can teleport with no between time 7 times, before then having to wait 100 seconds (88 with the brown add-on Cabin Sign), provided no Survivor is attempting to control their condemned, in which case she then loses one of the 7 teleports and it goes onto a 60 second cooldown (52 seconds with the yellow add-on Well Stone) that is completely out of sync with the rest of her teleports, and is not at all impacted by the effects of Iri Videotape.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,756

    I quite literally main Sadako and have said multiple times she's substantially stronger than people give her credit for um what are you on about

    I literally specirfically pulled out one single bit to reply to because that's the bit I took issue with. You are still massively missing my point.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,366

    Condemnation takes way too long to passively build up from teleporting that it's really not a pressure tool. If you are teleporting everywhere and putting your tvs on cooldown, you're effectively giving each survivor a single stack every 100 seconds. Which is super slow. This doesn't even consider the fact she her condemnation has range and only applies after the teleport. Some TV placements mean survivors can easily run out of range before the teleport finishes.

    I've played against many different Sadakos and unless they are using Iri Videotape, there's practically no reason to touch the tvs. Without touching a tv, you'll often end around 3-4 stacks of condemn which is nothing.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,756

    There is quite literally a cooldown, though. Like that's the only thing I commented on because there's no between time but there is a cool down. And yes, I am that petty.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,366

    I'm not even talking about the Condemnation strat. I'm talking about her pressure on the map, because her map pressure wears out really quickly if you teleport and don't have Iri Videotape.

    Survivors have no reason to take tapes and spend time doing that with Sadako's basekit. Even with her tv cd addons, it doesn't matter until she runs Iri Videotape. Having a few stacks of condemn means absolutely nothing and it really isn't until you start getting to 5 stacks where removing condemn is important.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,366

    If you aren't teleporting, you have no map pressure. Sadako is no threat in chase and her stealth has a lullaby. So if you want to walk around the map trying to chase survivors one at a time, the gens will simply get done.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    If ur trolling then i salute you. Clown is way better at chasing due to his bottles. Sadako can only demanifest which was old freddy's power kit. She need buffs and change to her add ons and kit.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    My point about clown is that personal anecdotes don’t automatically mean that a killer is strong. I don’t think clown up is very strong yet I do well with him most games because a lot of survivors just aren’t good and it only takes 1 bad survivor to cause a game to be a win

    My point about sadako is similar. When you play against 4 good survivors they will probably destroy you unless you use good add-ons and focus on condemned kills. Without using that strategy Dredge is generally a better call due to his easier mobility between lockers and his remnant for anti loop which is something she doesn’t have. Sure she has stealth but it ends up being pretty use,Ed’s when you can still see her and hear her in most cases.

    Any decent survivor map (Garden of joy, Eyrie of crows, ormond, blood lodge etc) leave sadako no options in chase and no way to reliably get hooks. This is why people focus condemned kills instead

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Sadako's kill rate is inflated above her own merit as a killer partly because she starts with 2 strong slowdowns in her pocket that other killers don't start with.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I don't quite agree with top tier but i do think that people (including myself) who thought she was bottom 3 have to admit they were wrong

    I'm not going to believe that she scores high on killrates with only the condemned strategy which requires rare addons if you want to do it to it's fullest potential

    There has to be something more there

    I think it's about time that this community (the loud part atleast) realises that it's not the devs who are clueless about the game.

    It's us.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 710

    As an almost exclusive sadako main she aint all that. I also rarely lose with her but that's because of how effective it is to literally bypass all body blocking (condemnation build aside).

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,330
    edited December 2022

    tbf, many people in this community didn't think self-care could possibly be the top-used surv perk either 😅. Does anyone really know things for certain on these forums?

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    I would personally classify their style as "aggressive-aggressive" based on their repeated use of emphasis when stating that anyone who disagrees with them is Wrong! but to each their own! 😂

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    She's a nasty killer if she uses one of two gimmick strategies around condemned, that could be more accurately described as 'lol we all depip'.

    Outside of these...hahaha no. Go watch some of Otz's streak attempts on her to see how much she struggles against solid teams, compared to even 'B' tier killers.

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416
    edited December 2022

    People were saying the numbers were wrong, they couldn't believe she was up there

    But in my experience, I normally don't escape on a match against sadako. I can't recall the last time I escaped her

    Got Nurse twice this week and escaped twice, but the only time I faced Sadako she got a 4k, as usual

    Maybe she isn't good in top MMR? Cause in the MMR I am right now she's oppressive as #########

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Interesting. Why?

    I generally pants Sadako when I face her, outside of the strat that shall not be named and will almost certainly get fixed sooner or later, as it's as annoying as AFK pig or Cenobite.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,366

    How are the Sadakos you playing against play? I've certainly lost to a few who play mean with her power.

    I faced a Sadako last night who was trying to pull of Devour Hope and they only gotten their 3rd hook a little before the last gen popped. She has to play mean otherwise she's doesn't do anything since her power has little innate ability to help at tiles and condemn is something you have to play around otherwise it's ignorable (I left with 4 stacks without touching a single tv).

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Oh i love when survivors dont do tapes! It makes my games alot easier! Sadako is very strong!

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited December 2022

    Sadako is strong if you use the kill strat but every time I've played against a good Sadako attempting the kill strats the game even if everyone survives dragged out to a near 30 minutes. I find most of the kills she gets is eventually people get bored of being in the same match as her and just giving up.

    I feel Sadako's real strength is her power allows her to heavily abuse gen kick and regression builds. If you play her perkless compared to many other kills she will likely get stomped on.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Top 8... and still A+ what on earth tier list are you using?

    While I dont think shes the worst shes definitely not great, definitely an easy killer to beat if the survivors know how to play. Even the condemned strat doesnt work on good survivors.

    Shes the same as alot of killers, requires weaker survivors or "casuals". But to me shes an easy W, but this is why opinions exist I dont think wraith, billy, slinger etc. Needed nerfs but others did...

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    You'd be surprised how often people have been wrong on things here.

    I still remember people calling me mad when i said that it takes a little short of a minute to bless a hex totem with TotH. Even one of the more popular streamers got that one wrong.

    Or how many people believed 4.4 killers had way worse map pressence then 4.6 killers untill people put the numbers together and noticed there is barrely a difference

    Or another funny one how everybody believed rat liver was demo's best addon untill it was found out it didn't work like people thought it worked and it practically did nothing

    It has got to a point that when you see something on these forums you can assume it's wrong untill proven otherwise

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    She's still an awful killer to play as, the only thing which boosts her killrate is the usage of her two best addons combined with a specific playstyle. Beyond that she's sadly dogwater.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,167
    edited December 2022

    So Sadako is only good against SoloQ and only good because people are bad at DBD? That is the only take away from what you have said. Which honestly kind of shows the flaws of DBD.

    Sadako is poorly designed in that regard, since her effectiveness dies with SWF or when facing half decent survivors. Which is something you quite literally cant argue against since you literally said it yourself.

    This is ignoring the fact that most people I see playing Sadako often rely on using the Iridescent and Green Condemned addons (which I have no issue with personally since I know how to counter the Condemned playstyle).

    The main takeaway from this (which is my opinion), is that I wish Sadako was just better overall, and sitting here and saying "Sadako is top tier" is not help Sadako get any closer to being a better killer instead of "le SoloQ Destroyer" since that is just bad design imo (reason why I dont like Eruption).

    Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on
  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2022

    Far from awful! Sadako is very strong!

    Why are you bringing up swf!? SWF destroys "any" killer and no Sadako will not die to half decent survivors if the Sadako user themselves are strong dbd killers so your comment makes no sense and is not what i am saying at all! Poorly designed? Thats your opinion your entitled to it i far from agree though.

    I dont care abourt "how" ie what combination of perks and add-ons a killer uses. It doesnt matter at all, all that matters is the win! Win for a competitive player like myself otherwise casual players dont care about winning. I very much do care and dont want to lose and i will do "whatever" it takes to win including tunneling someone out the game! If it will get me the win,I dont care!

    You dont agree with me and im totally fine with that, i still bring facts up!

    Yes she is top 8 imo!She is not S but shes not B either! Shes a easy w until you run into my Sadako then it is not easy at all but rather very difficult!

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,892

    "Walking undetectable" Yeah sure bud.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I don't think she is top tier, but I also think that some people on these forums are over-exaggerating with their critique on whether she is good or not.

    Then again this could be said literally about any killer.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    I can name 8 or 9 killers better than Sadako! She's top tier! Her overall kit is insane!

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Nurse kill rates are lowered by dc:s. If we can see kill rtes including dc:s she will be much higher.