changes that will please both side

*first I want to say that I used google translator, so some things may not be translated correctly
for starters, we have a very important problemdifferences swf and solo
1) we will issue kindred to all players
2) after the killer has hooked you, you cannot be removed for the first 15 seconds (in my experience, about 15% of tunneling is due to the fact that you are rescued faster than the killer has time to move away from the hook)the timer does not run during closing so this will actually increase your hook time by 30 seconds (if you are caught twice)
3) Survivors have icons showing the actions of other survivors
with these changes, we have significantly improved the standard of living for solo players and fixed the camp a bit
now that the swf and the solo have been compared a bit, we could do some balancing
genrush leads to camping and tunneling the less opportunities killers have, the more often they will camp and tunnel
i had a case where we did 5 generators in 2:30, shift w the chase takes 30 seconds, so the m1 maniac is at a pretty disadvantage so most of the time you see camp tunneling and constantly play against the nurse
Balance changes survival :
we are removing the repair speed from most perks (thus you will most likely need to use rare weak perks or toolboxes)
healing totem, no longer grants self-healing, only faster healing
buff up to 10% for "Resilience
the survivor will be able to get up from the ground in 90 seconds
(and no, it's not the same as on the PTB, the stand up speed perks will work as they do now, but to get up on your own, you will need to wait 90 seconds, this will help to resist the slug, but will not let it be abused)
Killers change:
In my experience the killer will tunnel and camp much less if he has more options (so this is a continuation of the reduction in camping and tunneling) all 4.6 killers will get a speed buff up to 4.8 (or 4.9) all ranged killers will get a buff of 0.1 the nurse won't get any bonuses
me and many of my friends are annoys by the mechanics of shift w and endless loop, this won’t fix it completely but it will help + give so much lacking mobility m1 to killers
killer totems:
killer will have 1 (or more) additional slots for totems only.
at the moment, most totems are a 20 second joke for surv. So let the killer have 1 free joke for the survivors
If the survivor is wounded, his interaction speed is reduced by 10% (thus the maniac will again have the sense to hit and leave the survivor, which will make it a little less sense to tunnel (survivors also have resilience to compensate for the hit)
Beginning of the game:
For the first 30 seconds, all generators will repair at half the speed (this will help killer against the early genrush)
We ended up lowering camping and a lot of tunneling, giving the killers more leeway
Yes tunneling and bubba camp will still date
same as tool box genrash
This cannot be removed from the game, but it is possible to minimize the cases of genrush and camp give more opportunities to fight back with it
Which will ultimately make life better for all.
Will be interesting to read your opinion
thanks for taking the time and have a nice evening/day
I forgot to add, if everything goes as well, maybe even lowering the generators to 80 sec
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The extra totem slot isn’t a great idea. It would lead to having at most 2 “meta” totems which end up being the only 2 used. Also it would allow you to bring up to 6 totems into a match (with haunted ground)
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I don't consider this a special problem (survivors have a blessing that does not break the totem, but removes hex)
killer totems are very inefficient in the current meta and I don't know how to increase their effectiveness in any other way, without a cardinal change in the mechanics of totems
but this is just a bonus idea to resurrect the pickrate of totems it's not very important
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You can't expect people to use Kindred and the icons perfectly...
But lets see what happens for the upcoming icons
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it’s impossible, but the update is not aimed at removing the camp 10000% or making the solo better than the party (it just won’t work out for you that you don’t do it and I wrote about it)
but you can reduce the amount of camping and uninformed solo players
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Well... obviously it's not for Camping
Also making the Gens slower at the start does help...
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my experience, the experience of friends and some streamers has shown that people are much less likely to camp when they have plenty of time, so the less often there is a genrush, the less camp will be
so solving the problem of genrush we simultaneously reduce the camp and tunneling
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I read this twice and am still looking for the part that pleases both sides.
As killer: I now have 15 free seconds to go use Pop Goes the Weasel or whatever gen regression perk I use AND can still come back to the hook and camp now without worrying that the survivor has a chance to get off hook.
I get a speed boost when I'm already faster than the survivors AND bloodlust still exists
I get a free totem slot where I can stack on top of the 4 perks I'm already using
I get free time in the early game which is arguably the most important on both sides by having gens go at half speed (meaning it'll take 105 seconds for the first gen to get done if I did the math correctly)
You're suggesting every hit cause a 10% reduction to survivor interaction speed so that's what.... roughly 3 stacks of Thana basekit??? I can already see a Legion running Thana on TOP of your basekit suggestion so that'll be fun
A Circle of Healing nerf
And on the survivor side, I would get basekit unbreakable (which the Devs are already working on and plan on giving us anyway)
Player icons (which the Devs are already working on and plan to give us anyways)
A buff to Resilience but you already said you're removing the gen speed buff from perks so what would be the point of resilience anyway (not to mention no one cares about this buff because working while injured is a risk most new players can't take advantage of)
And basekit Kindred which is meaningless if you have Player Icons telling you who is on a gen, who is cleansing a totem, who is in chase, etc. Yes Kindred also shows you everyone's exact location but that's just extra information if you already know what everyone is doing.
So what exactly is the benefit that's going to make both sides happy here?? Because this just seems like yet another massive killer buff and a survivor nerf to a good perk and a buff to a weak perk.
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I did some tests and when the friends and I deliberately started slowly repair , we almost didn’t see camping and tunneling
but as soon as we genrushed the killers immediately started camping,
many m1 maniacs physically will not have time to do 12 hooks in 2 minutes, shift w chase without windows and pallets takes 30 seconds for the m1 killer
so if we give the killers time and freedom of action, the camp will decrease, also the survivors will see the killer camping + we removed the slug tactics
by the way, this will also fix the constant games against the nurse, because there will be more viable killers
in the end it will make things better for everyone
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Change that will please everyone: servers that actually work
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While that might decrease camping and tunneling, the ability for survivors to... well escape might also.
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the current kill rating of killers is about 50-60% but it is largely due to the constant camping and tunneling, in the absence of a camp, the kill rating drops to 30%
If the killers become twice as strong and at the same time we reduce the camp / tunneling, then the kill rate will be the same as now, but it will not be so annoyingl
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I really don't feel like the kill rates would be the same, especially with all those changes you proposed.
Idk, It's just my two cents.
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These look like killer buffs and survivor nerfs (because they’re already adding icons and what would be the point of basekit kindred a long with the icons? Kindred only works when a survivor is hooked, which survivors can already see without the perk. The icons could possibly be used to help survivors know what the others are doing)..? Killers, I get. But how/why would these changes please survivors?
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1) the icons just show what the survivor is doing, but doesn't show where it's happening
2) slug removal, +120s hook time, extra info and camping/tunneling reduction is this a nerf for survivors ?
3) you greatly underestimate kindred, one of the strongest things about swf is when they tell you where the killer went
kindred shows the killer, so if the killer comes to you immediately after hook, you will know it and can hide or run in advance, and in order to better search for such hideouts, the killer will have to take a perk for information instead of taking some perk for antigenrush, thus reducing the speed regression of generators, which is a plus for the survivors
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They said they weren't happy with how basekit unbreakable was working, and to be honest it should never go live,, unless it's basekit unbreakable for the last two survivors
Post edited by Entitled_survivor on1 -
Soo how about… run kindred?
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If you know what another survivor is doing, it doesn’t really matter where they specifically are. But if it did, there are better aura reading perks for tracking survivors’ locations than Kindred (Aftercare, Empathy, Bond, etc). Kindred only procs while a survivor is hooked, whereas the perks I mentioned are available potentially longer and more versatilely.
Basekit UB isn’t going to be a thing. Personally, slugging is pretty rare in my games (save for slugging for the 4K). Nothing you wrote reduces camping or tunneling. You in fact encouraged both by giving killers basekit Thanatophobia.
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m1 killers are not viable and they need a buff, but due to the fact that we have a party and solo, we can’t properly buff m1, we need to give information for solo and after buff killers, + 120 seconds, showing a killer near the hook will clearly reduce camp
especially 15 seconds of closing the survivor after hanging, since it is not profitable for the maniac to camp, it is better for him to go to put pressure on other survivors (taking into account the fact that now his speed is 4.8)
+ the fact that killers don't camp when not genrushed, so killer's buff also reduces genrush
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That's way too many buffs to killer and the fact is not every one of them are meant to be S tier. Games will become boring as survivor if you can't loop any killer when they're overpowered. I just want 2 killer mode that would be good buffs to killer and we can add one extra survivor. So it's 2vs5. For this mode camping should be made imposible and it would be all about chase.
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3 survivors with a toolbox repair 5 generators in less than 2 minutes, shift w takes the killer 30 seconds to chase
please tell us how an unbuffed killer can do 12 hooks in less than 2 minutes
killers need buffs
everyone camps or plays only on the nurse, not because they are bad people, it's just that there is no other way to win
if we don't buff killers then we'll run into the camp no matter what we do
camping and tunneling are the main problems of survivors, but camping / tunneling is not a disease, it is a symptom
you can limit camping as much as you like, but until the killers simply have no other way to win, they will do it
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Only hackers do 5 gens in 2 minutes. 3 gens can get done in that time if you don't pressure gens and chase that time only one survivor and all survivors also spawned separatedly. Most matches killer should get down pretty fast and use some slow down to defend gens which allows more time to go for chases.
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without perks and toolboxes, 3 survivors will spend less than 3 minutes repairing 5 generators,
each toolbox reduces time by 70 seconds when using Built to Last
even if we take into account the time in the closet, it is -58 seconds from 1 Tublox,
3 toolboxes is -174 to repair time, if you use genrush perks it's even faster
and here we get -3 generators in the first 30-40 seconds of the match
please tell me how the killer should win if the game is already 3/5 over in the first 30 seconds