Do you notice Prestige?

Something I was thinking about reading posts and whatnot and people saying that they're being paired with people with stupid high prestiges (or going against them) and it made me realize...
I don't think pre-match I've ever even bothered to look at the prestige levels of my opponents. With the Bloodweb system taking forever, I load into a match and immediately go into the bloodweb and start spending like crazy. So I don't ever see what level anyone I am with or against is at...
Currently I just spend BP to spend BP and don't focus on any particular character (basically whoever I'm playing as is the one getting leveled up at the time) as I don't worry all that much about what Prestige I'm at either.
So I'm just curious if I'm the weird one or if others don't even look at Prestige levels
I’m currently grinding Jane to P100 but I don’t really care about other’s prestige’s. I’ve had P2 Dwight perform better than P100 Mikaela’s
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High prestige does not indicate being good. As somebody said above, I have also seen 0 prestige wayyy out perform a p100. I’ve had full p100 squads lose the game within 3 minutes. its just an indication of play time. Lol
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Either way, Prestige levels should not display in lobby cause it gives killers an excuse to dodge.
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Prestige really doesn't indicate anything but time on a certain character. I've had prestige 60's crouch around the map and die in seconds, while I've also been juiced by prestige 3's.
The only trend I notice with high prestiges is they're more likely to take you to a bad map. I usually burn an Autohaven or Macmillian offering when I see them because its like 70% of the time they do this.
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Ehh, lobby dodging isn’t as common anymore now that high prestige is common.
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I definitely notice it when its really high, especially if I have had a couple really bad matches against survivors of a skill I shouldnt have been matched with to begin with.
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Do you notice it before or after the match?
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I do notice it, but I find it hard to care for it. The vast majority are P10-20 anyway.
I'll always be a bit suspicious of P100's, but that's just paranoia, ig.
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I don't really worry about prestige when I'm playing. Both my easiest and my hardest killer matches have been against p100's and as survivor I play as a p0 level 0 Yun-Jin half the time anyways so complaining about other survivors being low prestige would be pretty hypocritical there.
Mostly I tend to be weirded out by high prestige survivors with low hours because why wouldn't you spend bp on other survivors to get perks.
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Always after but when I have had a few rough games, and the incentives are 100% on either side I know the matchmaking is skewed for queue times over fairness.
When that happens I will hesitate to take any P30+ survivors over the randomness of lower prestige levels, and I'm also looking more at items and cosmetics as well at that point. My highest survivor is 10 and killer is 9 as a reference.
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I just kind of roll my eyes at people who have p100 characters tbh 😅
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Why? I haven't got Leon to p100, but I'm getting closer. We have to prestige our characters once we hit 50.
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I always notice prestiges
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Now that it's not just hardcore grinders with high prestiges I care a lot less than three or so months ago. Though, if I see a combination of high prestige with certain cosmetics and certain items I sometimes to swap a perk out to be prepared for *one of those squads* --- at that prestige they certainly have plenty of items, add-ons and wards.
As for myself, I usually stick to my P9-15 characters while quietly shoving all points to Leon and Felix. - Only if I end up in a lobby with other high-ish prestiges I switch to them. I just don't like to be the odd one out in terms of prestiges.
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whenever i see high prestiges ill run a sacrificial ward
almost every time i play with anyone prestige 50+ theyre running a very fun map offering (usually rpd/garden/erie)
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Hey there's the man. Good to see you back. Happy New Year.
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I've noticed if we have 2 survs over 70 in the lobby 4 killers come in and dodge
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I do notice it but usually dont dodge. I've seen a couple of P100 or close to it, and I'll play it out. Worse case scenario, they're super good and I'll learn from them !
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Hey Joker! Happy new year to you too 😁 I'll be lurking around a bittt here and there :)
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I definitely look at prestige levels, especially when playing killer. Seeing a person with a prestige level of 100 makes me immediately nope out of a lobby and go find a different one.
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Personally I hate how the prestige systems just allows for people to dodge lobbies so much to the point where it takes 30 minutes just to play 1 game that will last either 5-10 minutes max