Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

1 week with perks/add-ons/items/map offerings being disabled

Would you be here for it?

Just for the devs to collect the data and see how it would impact the overall kill/escape statistics

I just came down from watching the newest Coconut and Otz videos where they talk about meta and tunneling and honestly they were super pessimistic about the game and when it comes down to it, what do people complain the most about these days?

Broken OP killer perks, 2nd chance perks stacked, gen speeds that are influenced by perks and items, OP killer add-ons, Eruption, Dead Hard

I personally think that this would just prove that without perks the game can actually feel fun, Nurse and Blight players would actually have to be good and not rely on the crutch add-ons, and Survivors would actually have to have map knowledge and game sense

I think this would minimize the situations where killers are carried by perks against good solo q players and 4 man team would not be able to stack 4 bnps hyperfocus and conveniently placed boons, Ormond offering and 1 dead hard per player

What I am trying to say is your skill in this game would matter a little bit more and that's always satisfying

Last year in December me and my friend decided to do the power moves achievement together (so escape 8 times in pubs with 0 perks and 1 gen repaired) and even though it was hard we did it and it was one of the most fun times I had in DBD


  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    I like the idea, I wouldn't mind at all

  • illumina
    illumina Member Posts: 73

    I think it should be a separate option so players can choose to play this way or not. Otherwise, I think less people will play for that week.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    No, I will not play DbD if I can't throw a rock to the killer's face!

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    I don't see it happening, people would moan a lot. If they ever do it, will probably be in PTB server

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I’d be down.

    One comment though… somebody who isn’t good at blight is not going to be made good or carried by his addons.. just gotta point that out. 😂

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,859

    Would defiantly be a fun test run

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    2nd chances stack is weaker than before. As the old one you have to push through BT, DH, eat DS, to down again. Now you can hit BT off hook and DH disable, DS is too weak for people to use it.

    Im so sure that without any addon, Trapper & Myer will be absolutely destroyed. Low tier killer almost need Corrupted intervention to have a decent start.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,432

    Yeah I'd be down

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I can't imagine playing wraith without addons, but sure. For data's sake.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,671

    DBD would 100% benefit from having limited time game modes like this for a weekend every few months or so. Just an optional, opt in mode that is only around for a short time, and goes away before a hard 'meta' can emerge completely.

    But the core game is far too unbalanced for these kinds of game modes to be around very long.

    Just like 2v8. It'd be fun for a day, then people would just run Nurse/Nurse all the time and the mode would die.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    No perks can be pretty boring to play. No addons/items added to that, yikes.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,637

    The game would just get boring with no loadout items. I think it would probably be killer sided because if survivors have no loadout that means they are completely predictable.

    I think, at the end of the day, people will always complain about something. That's the point Otzdarva's video was trying to make.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    They tried a vanillla experiment iirc. In general, the game is 'balanced' accounting for loadouts. Take those out of the equation and you'll just get hardcore camptunnel by daylight vs immersed gens-before-friends by daylight.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,853

    Yes, though maybe a PTB idea more than live servers but hell yes I would love to try a raw DBD experiment. I often play killer with no perks just for the hell of it... even win sometimes on perkless Trapper which is a ######### to me haha

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    People who play as nurse are just good or decent, people who don't play as nurse are not good

    Like I suck with nurse , and I have a ton of killer experience and some what streak of genius

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I don't really see the point of that. They aren't actually going to remove perks/offerings cause that would dull the game down massivily.

    So you're just getting useless data.

    Killing variety for balance sake is not the way to go. A unbalanced game with variety is better then a balanced game where everything is always the same

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    I'd be down to do it if accessibility perks like Shadowborn and Spine Chill were still available

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Survivor without perks sound like a real chore.

    I'd probably play for the experience, but might switch to killer pretty fast as that way I'd at least have a fun power to use.