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Do you own up to your actions?

Member Posts: 2,280
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

Essentially the title. Admittedly its abit of a rant but we are also curious. For us we will own up to it if asked but since we're rarely asked its kinda a moot point.

Just had a game with someone who decided to hard tunnel and slug the last one for the full bleed out. On that note, we can add one to the "never got hooked and died counter"). At the end they said "blame the last survivors" and nothing else. Got us thinking about all the times where players play like that and blame others for their actions and wondering if anyone even admits when they play like that.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I do and I've said it on the Forums too.

    I play really sweaty and I'm almost always on my A-game. I'm totally willing to own up to that.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Sometimes people are just toxic, and you gotta learn to let it go. people are just like that, all the time, and thats kinda the way its gonna be forever. stay strong, gamer

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    We're aware. Just sadly brings a lot of memories of things like this. (We been round since doc came out, its getting depressing thinking about all the times [beep] like this has happened.)

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    As @Pulsar said. Yes, I come in to just about every match sweaty as f*ck. Especially when I’m playing Blight.

    I’ve been doing a win streak for him and I sometimes have to play like an as*hole and I’ll admit and apologize for it post match. They come into my stream and I’ll explain to them why I’m playing that way. Some of them are cool about it, some aren’t. Doesn’t really matter to me, since I’m on a win streak… ya know?

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    I usually will if someone says something, and i actually did what they say.

    Most of mine are getting crap from survivors, for tunneling or camping, and then explaining to them what actually happened.

  • Member Posts: 611

    I just find it funny how much full bleed outs are occuring, also know when survivor's want something changed,a group of them will play killer and do this continuous thing to make sure it's on everyone's mind and the devs finally nerf it because of abusive misuse like cage auras for pyramid head.During PTB no one used cages to tunnel but , survivors didn't like the fact that you could see the cages just like you could see hooks mind you,the over use for tunnel a cage became a problem after because someone made a clutch play against a swf ,that they sent in their agents and made it a problem.

    Which seems to be what's happening with eruption literally been in the game over a year,along with COB but soe group got beaten by it, they want it changed now.

    You can tell the difference between a killer main and a survivor playing killer main at least I can.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I'm too soft for my own good, so any tunnel or bleedout instance in my killer games are accidental. If my 5th frenzy hit is the last unhooked, well... it happens ! I'll apologize if the survivors bring it up. They usually don't.

    I've done a couple of accidental full bleedouts when I started playing killer, as I was playing Hag with her base kit for a while and didn't realize Third Seal prevents survivors from seeing their downed teammates. I'd down a survivor, someone would set off a trap, and I'd be teleporting on instinct and be too disoriented to remember where I left the slug.

    I eventually took the hex out of my builds because I felt bad for how strong it was against solos.

  • Member Posts: 335

    I tend to correct my actions if I make any, if I’m feeling sympathetic for survivors for being a little too harsh on them, I’ll tone the sweating down and give them a chance to get back up, escape, or do whatever they need to do (minus BM). If I feel like I am tunneling or slugging, I’ll stop and find something else to do like check gens or find another survivor to pick up the downed survivor. (survivors still seem to complain and accuse me of tunneling and slugging even though I wasn’t trying to and I’ll even mention I didn’t mean to and let them get saved lol)

    There are times where I’ll have bad games playing survivor and I’ll apologize to my teammates once the game’s over, same with killer - I’ll mention I was playing like crap even if I got complimented and got told gg’s. Or sometimes I’ll just throw salt in the wound and regain next game.

  • Member Posts: 800
    edited January 2023

    you are not real.

    this gotta be a joke omg

    eruption/cob +3 genning in almost every game cuz every killer and their mom using it but it's one group who used it and made survivors hate it.

    plus of course people are not gonna tunnel on ptb dude that doesn't change the fact that ph seeing cages was a problem since cages ignore every defense survivors have any one with a brain could see that.

    maybe you should try the other side for once cuz your bias is showing.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    The probably with this entire premise is you assume there's something wrong with tunneling and slugging. There's nothing to apologize for there.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I'll usually own up. Hell if I've used unpleasant tactics like slugging or tunneling to get an adept then I have a tendency of sending an apology message to other xbox players.

    And I've definitely been known to face camp if I'm looking at a 0k otherwise. But they aren't things I make a regular habit of. And I do tend to let survs go in most games.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    You know. That challenge where you have to catch survivors in bear traps. Or have to injure them with crows. Stuff like that, that will happen eventually --- but sometimes i just really don't feel like spending x matches. So yes, as artist I sometimes do slug and wait for a surv to approach, just to hit them with a corw (same for hook). I will sometimes camp with Huntress if I have to hit hatchets and got a difficult map. Once I got my ritual I go back to playing normally so I rarely get sh* for it in egc - but if I do I say why I did what I did and that's it. What people make of it is up to them.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    It's happened to me before to miscount my hooks and accidentally kill one of them ! It's such a bad feeling haha. Like broken trust. I don't always feel bad when I eliminate people, but I do when I was goofing with them and miscounted. Or if suddenly they don't unhook the last person... it's happened before and I can't do anything about it, but it just feels bad because you never know if it was a swf giving one kill or if it was a solo being abandoned. =(

    Though not the worst feeling that I've had, that spot is reserved for that Doctor I went against the other day. Didn't get a single hook for the longest time, and while in chase with me, I fatfingered my keyboard real bad at a pallet and teabagged when I wanted to spam space (crouch is keyed to c on my kb), then finally downed the pallet in front of me, then vaulted, and the poor soul still missed his attack and I got away with it. I felt so bad I surrendered the chase and let him hook me. That absolute chad didn't even hit me on hook for it or stay to camp (1 gen left that was near 100%), he just... moved on.

    It's on those days I wish thumbsup gave rewards to players, because I really wish I could give him something to apologize for that ridiculous display ! X)

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited January 2023

    If someone in EGC tries to insult me for my playstyle by simply going "tunneller, camper" etc, I just reply "Yes, and?"

    If you want a discussion with somebody and want to know why they made the play they did, ask them instead of going straight to antagonising. That's how I see it, at least. If some dude's like "hey why did you camp my friend to 2nd" my reply would be something like "I thought it was the best play at the time, i needed to shortcut my hooks" and so on.

    There's playing hard and then there's prolonging the game for no reason. Some people are just fishing for salt yk.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Why do something that you will apologize later on? I would only apologize for something done unintentionally,, like if i wanna swest my ass off as killer i will do so without a second thought, people apologizing for something they do clearly on purpose is just weird and feels fake

  • Member Posts: 611

    How ? Is it not possible to have a bunch of like minded people in a group who organize such actions to get a reaction such as every other cult,gang,government,school board, neighborhood watch etc

    You would tell me that this does not exist in the DBD community, gaming community ? Hmm 🤔 if you say so buddy ☺️

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Not at all. What we had a problem with was them throwing every excuse but themselves as to why they did everything that they did.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    Well, really not a lot to own up to in terms of playing "dirty". I never camp ever besides end game but even that's rare. I tunnel like 1 in 50 games maybe in the last 6 months. I hard tunneled for the first time in months a few nights ago, I take iri tag because they brought 4 med-kits and then I saw the Garden offering. I instantly tunneled a Felix out of the game and ended the game asap. The response I got from the last survivor was "why have killers been tunneling so much lately" and then they left immediately. I felt a little bit bad for it, but I was even more agitated that they would say that running so many things.

    Personally I like to see as much skill as I can from the opposing team. Camping and tunneling kinda negates a survivor's ability to fully show off their skill.

    It's why I can't stand pre-throwing. It's the survivor equivalent of tunneling and camping, they aren't really expressing their skill and depending on the map it works well vs most killers in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    I don't see much reason for making a excuse for tunnelling nor camping nor slugging, being honest and self-reflecting is a lot better long-term then conjuring a boogieman to blame your actions on.

    If a killer camps/tunnels/slugs me, i'm honestly more offended by what excuses people come up with rather then the actions themselves

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I'm very soft in most of my games. Unless teabagged at a pallet I'll alternate hooks, pull back on the pressure, always leave at least one person to pick up the slugs, and if asked for mercy, I grant it. It's probably because I'm over 2,000 hours now so there is a very strong probability that the survivors I'm matched with are below my experience level so I am not pressed to win most games on the Killers I play the most. My priorities are fun and BP and I view video games as overall trivial in life so not worth being competitive over.

    On the lower tier Killers I'm inexperienced with it's harder to win so I'll apply more pressure but won't camp or tunnel unless teabagged.

    If I am teabagged and I do camp and tunnel the teabagger out I will 100% say that's exactly what I did. However, if I'm playing suboptimally so that my opponents can have a better game and they BM me for it I feel they 100% deserve it.

  • Member Posts: 901

    I always own up if I messed up in a game but, I know a lot of other players like to blame other people for loosing when in fairness they didn't do any better or they made a mistake and blame the others for it.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Those type of individuals aren't usually the type to own up to their actions.

    They are already doing something with intention of getting a reaction out of you (triggered, anger, annoyance) they aren't going to all of a sudden be like "My bad, I didn't mean to cause a bad experience for you".

  • Member Posts: 495

    Honestly you can tell when a full bleed out is intentional, they usually slug the whole team. I know it's a "tactic" but it's so unfun to just play a game by laying on the ground the entire round lol. I get it if one person is slugged tho. Most of the bleed outs mean the killer is camping that downed person.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I do too... al long as it's true

    But all of those times in which I didn't do anything and getting spammed messages (I don't respond to) make me realize that a lot of survivors just accuse others of things that didn't happen

    Then again I did explain why I played the way I did

  • Member Posts: 611
    edited January 2023

    Like I said in my post that seems so hard to fathom,these perks have been in the game for a year

    And now it's just coming under the microscope,so yeah the problem is now a issue because, now a lot of "killers" run this perk because one killer got value out of this

    Please stop with the three gen excuse , when survivors literally know how to split gens and make there spread, which they've been doing since the release of this game

    Yes it's very suspicious that once you see complaints here , it's funny how the rise in the issue goes up

    Now if that isn't people intentionally doing this,that is one hell of a coincidence?

    Hey you don't have to agree me , taking my words and microscoping them doesn't literally change fact's

    BTW I do play often and, I still haven't bleed out , Eruption and Call of Brine or whatever has stopped the match whole , maybe slowed it which that's what the perks are intended to do ?

    I like what Pulsar said you focus on one aspect but not the entire , which changing theses perks want change the behavior of the player base

    I'm only giving you an insight to opinion,I don't need for to patronize my words and make it seem as if I'm clueless

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