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Wesker being able to attack after virulent bound over pallet

I'm between two minds as to whether I just played against a hacker or encountered a glitch, butWesker is not supposed to be able to attack or do anything right after a virulent bound over a pallet and yet this dude not only downed me but even had an animation to accompany it.
Can anyone tell me if they believe this is a glitch or is it a hacker?
it's a mechanic, but at the range you got hit im guessing there was some lag or something.
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@Steakdabait What mechanic is that? When I play wesker, whenever you vault a pallet with virulent bound there is a cooldown before you can attack or use another bound, I saw an animation of a swing, I've never heard of this mechanic.
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I just re-enacted this in a custom game against bots, same map and same Wesker build. you actually have to wait for the cooldown to M1 after rushing over a pallet with virulent bound, so, whether it's a bug or not, is beyond me.
It could be an animation cancelling bug as I know there are a couple bugs with Wesker right now, but don't quote me on that. I would just submit a ticket at https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new with evidence and describe the situation you encountered. The forums isn't a place to report people as they have a no name-shaming rule.
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I think they mean the mechanic that damages a survivor if they try to vault back into a Wesker who just vaulted. However, you were way too far for that.
This looks like a lag/desync related event, especially if you didn't notice anything else out of the ordinary.
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If wesker vaults something with his power and you're too close to him he'll hit you
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Looks like a lag/ping issue. To clarify, this is an intended mechanic which will cause Wesker to automatically hit you (without doing anything) after he finishes a vault if you stay too close to the vault. This is to prevent survivors from vaulting back over during the cooldown in which Wesker can’t m1. But you shouldn’t be getting hit by this from as far away as you were.