About the new pips conditions (Killers)

I am very excited for the new upcoming patch,it's a little huge step in the good direction and I hope it's the first of many this year,well done!.
I have a question tough,with the new upcoming winning terminology conditions being tied directly to the kills,does this mean that,for example,to obtain at least a "Ruthless Killer" a killer have to forcibly kill at least 3 survivors in a trial no matter the extra objectives results?
I'm asking this because I love to always spare the last 2 survivors after 2 hooking everyone and/or after obtaining 2 kills (I like to do this so that the match doesn't feel too frustrating for the opponent team and they are very grateful for that,it's also a way to not raise the mmr too much so I can potentially avoid cheaters players that are common on the higher mmrs).
By doing this,I am still able to reach iridescent rank 1 every month on the killer role.
So,to summarize,will I still be able to reach the iri ranks in the next patch? Or do I have to start changing my playstyle focusing on the kills more than the general objectives?
Nothing is changing with the pips, at least with how it's worded on the dev blog. All that is changing is the statement you get about the match is being changed from the amount of pips earned to the number of kills gotten. This is solely to make adepts not as difficult.
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I really hope it is like you say, I had just this doubt that I wanted to clarify.
If it's still all unchanged on the general part,it is going to be an amazing patch!.
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From how I understand it, these changes only affect the phrase displayed at the end of the match, and by extension, the qualification for the killer adepts. Nothing more.
Though I do wonder if it interacts with the hatch, in any way.
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One of the best changes of the patch, now the adept achievements will be much easier and more consistent, it was a nonsense getting a 4K and not getting the adept.
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It's a good change overall but encourages slugging for the 4k which I'm not thrilled about.