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Getting Killer Adept is Stupid (And has been Fixed, Finally)

Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Developers, please understand the lack of logic here.

Survivor Adept

  • Escape the Trial with all three of the Survivor's personal perks.
  • Escaping the Trial includes one of the following three available methods:
    • Escape through the Exit Gate.
    • Escape through the Hatch.
    • Escape via Killer disconnection.
  • Escaping does not include performing any action that progresses the game. This is trivial and easy to do since you don't need to do any Generators or unhook/heal Survivors to achieve this.

Killer Adept

  • Get a Merciless Victory with all three of the Killer's personal perks.
  • Getting a Merciless Victory includes performing all of the following actions:
    • Hook all Survivors at least 9 times in the game.
    • Chase and hit Survivors at least 15 times in the game total.
    • Prevent Generators from progressing past a certain point or keep the Exit Gates from opening.
    • Prevent a Survivor from escaping the Trial.
    • Use your Power in an efficient and effective way.
  • The following things will also ruin the ability to get Merciless Victory:
    • Using any Power, Perk or Add-On that allows you to instantly down a Survivor.
    • If any Survivor decides to disconnect from the Trial, especially if they have not been hooked.

Devs, please lower the Killer Adept to be Get a Brutal Victory with the Killer. It shouldn't take so much effort for Killers to get these achievements when Survivors have a piss easy time to achieve it.

It's completely unjustified how difficult this is compared to the Survivor adept and it should have been changed when these achievements first released.

Update, January 3, 2023: Though it's not what I thought it would be, the Adepts now only require a 4K to end up getting them. This means that finally, we can get adepts somewhat as easily as Survivors.

Post edited by Clockwork_Enigma on


  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104


    Leave the achievements as they are.

    I achieved all my adepts the hard way and I don't want them cheapened just to please a few whiners.

    They are achievements not participation trophies.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258


    And yet the game balances itself by providing much harder optional stuff for survivors. Pips are generally harder for surv then killer (e.g. because tunneling, or camping, or instakill mayers/condemn sadako, etc). Or check out all the challenges/other achievements - killers generally just need to play the game normally. Survivors need to throw games to do them or take no mither or any other unreasonable things (sure there are some exceptions - meyers needing to instakill 4 survs being one, but generally the trend is clear - like escape 20x after opening gate in RPD to more then counter meyer's achievement).

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866
    edited December 2022

    I suppose you could say getting prestige the old way was also "cheapened". But it's a game not climbing a mountain or training to become an astronaut. Get some perspective.

    I would change it to Ruthless because there are too many malicious DC.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951

    I agree, but its an achievement so it has low priority.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    There are some massive difference between prestige and achievements that you're missing. Old prestiges were optional but they aren't any longer while achievements will always be optional. Prestige can only be seen inside DbD and has nothing to compare to. Achievements are visible across platforms and are comparable to achievements in most other games.

    I am proud of my achievements because they are hard. The hardest achievements are actually the best achievements because when I complete them I actually feel a sense of achievement. I managed to do something that less than 1% off the players of a game have achieved.

    You also forget what the purpose of achievements actually are for developers. They are put there so players will put more time into their games to earn them. So that's why there are almost always some extremely difficult and time-consuming achievements. DbD is actually pretty tame compared to SquareEnix which often makes you do multiple 100 hour playthroughs of their games to get all the achievements. At least in DbD one adept attempt is only ~15 minutes.

    Free advice: Make your Adept attempts while your grade is low like at the time when you first play right after rank reset. It is much easier to get a Merciless Victory (aka a Double Pip) when you are in Ash or Bronze rank where you only need 14 or more emblem points to get Merciless instead of the perfect 16 you need in Iridescent rank. A 14 point Adept is actually really easy to attain.

    How and why is it non-argument?

    You shouldn't make ridiculous, indefensible statements that can be so easily destroyed with one simple question. It makes you look silly. ;)

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    I would like having survivors adept being a little harder, like "repair generators for time of 1 full repair and escape the trial, whole using only 3 specific survivor perks" tho i would allow for getting those adepts even on different survivors, like usning "prove thyself", "leader" and "bond" on Nea, still unlock Dwight adept achivment.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911
    edited December 2022

    If it was just "get a 4k as XYZ killer with their teachables", I think it would be very doable. On par with the survivor versions of the achiements.

    The current version is so frustrating, since you can lose the chance to get the achievement that match because one player DC'd or suicided or something.

    That being said, I get all my achievements in DbD with SAM because I have an OCD problem with achievements. I'll stay up for days on end grinding achievements in other games, but in DbD they are largely luck dependent.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    How and why is it non-argument?

    Because 'I did it the hard way so everyone should' is not a valid reason to avoid making it easier.

    It's simply called being selfish.

    You shouldn't make ridiculous statements that can be so easily destroyed with one simple explanation. It makes you look silly. ;)

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited December 2022

    I'm not being selfish. I want other players to feel the same sense of achievement I felt when I got the achievements.

    Just because you can't achieve something and asking for it to be reduced so you can achieve it is being selfish.

    It is a valid argument, that's a fact.

    And what's your point?

    So are you agreeing with me that achievements shouldn't be made easier?

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    No, it's not a fact, but I know you can't accept that.

    Usually, when someone rees 'It's a FACT!'; all they are spouting is some opinion that's usually wrong & trying to shut down all discussion because they know they don't have anything valid to argue.

    You plugging your ears and saying my opinion is invalid does not make it so but keep being selfish. I hope they make Killer Adepts easier, just to spite you now. I loathe people who scream 'IT'S A FACT!' in an attempt to shut down discussions due to fragile egos.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    I got mine the hard way, and I feel like the achievements for killer are just straight-up dumb, they are way harder than survivor adepts for zero reason and some, like the plague for really frustrating to achieve. I have every killer adept, and I for one think nobody looking to get adepts should have to struggle that hard just for a dumb achievement.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Your data is slightly flawed as you can do it much easier than the criteria you listed by simply waiting for rank reset and doing them in ash/bronze rank, where you only need either 2 gold and 2 iridescent, or even 1 silver and 3 iridescent.

    Also you can use instadown powers in moderation and still achieve them even in higher ranks as once one survivor is out you can make up for your instadowns by slugging and letting people get picked up.

    Why is it that every achievement in the game has to be a participation trophy, why dont we go the opposite way and make the survivor adept achievememts harder so they are actually an achievement.

    Survivor adept achievements should require 1 completed gen, 1 unhook, and escaping the match. Problem solved.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited December 2022

    You have never actually tried to debate with me in good faith.

    You start by calling my argument a non-argument without ever proving why. Not only did I do it the hard way but everyone who has got those achievements up until now has did it the hard way and I am quite sure many of them would agree it's a valid point. You state it's a "non-argument" and "not a valid reason" as if your word is law and you don't need proof.

    You follow up by calling me selfish as it that invalidates what I am saying. You have nothing and resort to ad hominem attacks.

    You follow up for a second time attacking me for stating something is a fact. Well? Refute it properly. If it's not a fact you should easily be able to disprove it. But you don't and you make up some anecdotal BS before devolving into more ad hominem attacks. You using the term "fragile ego" after trying to make a point by using all caps is quite ironic.

    You are full of it.

    Merry Christmas.

    Edit: The only thing you've ever said is it's a "non-argument" and not a valid reason without ever proving anything. We're going in circles and you still have nothing. I'm done here. You can have the last word.

    Post edited by ByeByeQ on
  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    I told you why your non-argument is a non-argument. You must not have read it. Or you think saying 'nuh-uh!' is a valid counterargument.

    And saying 'This was hard for me, so everyone else should suffer too' IS being selfish. Sorry if you can't accept that, but it's the truth. Just because YOU did the Adepts while they are hard does not mean everyone should have to have the same experience as you.

    See? I invalidated your stance again. You going to ignore it again?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    The achievement is achievement because it's hard. Make it easy and it's just a random writing that nobody would think about. Making easy achievement suddenly hard (or wise versa) is unfair for people that had to do it hard way - because "it's just a writing now that holds nothing" - robbing them of their hard-earned achievement, because it could have been done in easy way.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Everything you said is wrong.

    1. Achievements are not achievements because they are hard. They are achievements because the player did something the developers wanted to note, difficult has 0 input.
    2. It's not unfair to the people who did it before, unless they are, as I said before, so selfish and entitled that they think "Everyone should have to do what I did."
    3. Achievements are ALWAYS 'just writing that holds nothing' because it's a freaking video game.
    4. They are in no way robbed, but keep crying about how unfair it'd be for Adepts to be fixed because some people did it while they were difficult. 🙄
  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    you would be right if new, easier achivments, would have different names and icons. If they stay the same, you are wrong. if someone dedicated his games, time and effort to get this specific trophy, lowering requirements of the same achivment is not only unfair. Its just a slap to those who really put some effort to it.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Couple of corrections for you,

    1. Whilst partially true as they are goals set by the devolpers, in many cases difficulty is a factor in the value of an achievement, in fact there are even achievement hunting sites dedicated to revaluing achievements based on their rarity and how many people unlock specific achiements.

    2. This factors off the first point but making an achievement easier does change its value, also and this admittedly is more of a Sony Issue, this can create achievements that differ depending on platform,

    Take for example the skilled huntress achievement on xbox/steam it requires downing 20 survivors from more than 24m away, while on Playstation it requires downing 100 survivors, because sony doesnt allow changes to be made unless the achievements are actually impossible to get.

    3. This may be your interpretation of achievements, but for many people achievements are a key part of the gaming exerience, and do hold value both internally and externally as a badge of honor. If they mean nothing as you say then why does it matter if they are left alone and not changed?

    4. The only issue I have with this statement is where you suggest killer adepts are broken. If they were actually broken and not achievable, then there would be a need to fix them. Making them easier for the sake of them being easier if it was actually needed probably would have been done long ago but obviously the devs are comfortable with the level of difficulty as a new one comes out with every killer.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Killer adepts are fine. It's a skill based achievement. And it's not taken me more than 4 games to get any one killers adept. You only need one game with a couple of suboptimal players and you can snowball.

    You dont even need to 4k. I've pulled merciless a fair few times with 3k games. It's just a bit easier on the 13th because your rank is reset to ash and merciless requirements are lower as a result.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179
    edited December 2022

    I posted it many times too. It's sadly but understandably a low prio fix.

    They should imo just make it that you need a pip on both sides to get the adept. Not playing like a Blendette as Survivor and not a sweat feast as killer.

    But this still has the problem that adepts get harder the higher your grade is. At least for killer right now. Therefore I think it would be best to make the adept dependent on emblems on both sides, since they don't change with grade. For example you could get the adept with 12 emblem points. Be it either 4x gold or 2x Iri and 2x silver etc. This leaves you with options and let's you adapt better to situations be it either killer or survivor.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    Well it happened, folks, Killer adepts are now much easier to obtain. Went from doing all that stuff to now just get a 4K.

  • mauszx
    mauszx Member Posts: 5

    The requirements are not even that hard. Specially now with Kill 4 survivors... that's fine.