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It just occurred to me : Franklin will not work either with Nurse?

Member Posts: 4,903

How many perks will become useless now?

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  • Member Posts: 590

    With less variety Nurses will be forced to either go for information or straight up gen regression, I agree that the exposed perks were a good change, but I feel like we are losing a lot of variety with the change. Used to think it was positive, but then I realized we are just going to see more regression Nurses, until people start complaining that Nurse can see auras and make it so only regression perks are viable lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Sloppy, Franklin's, Dragon's Grip, Surge. STBFL would qualify except it's already useless on Nurse. It'll be interesting to see the final result as the only worthwhile perks will be gen regression and aura reading.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Yeah, the exposed change is brutal for her variety but the ability to blink on top you without you knowing you’re seen with an aura plus an expose perk was nutty. Also really think the add-on change will be good. But, this is the final nerfing stage with Nurse though anything further will make her either terrible, unfun, or both.

  • Member Posts: 3,009
    edited January 2023

    Jolt, Sloppy Butcher, Hex : Devour Hope, NOED, Unrelenting, Save The Best for Last, Knock Out, Franklin's Demise, Make Your Choice, Hex : Haunted Grounds, Rancor, Dragon's Grip, Coup De Grace, Starstruck, Hubris

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    It's not about need. I used to play only with Franklin. If I can't do silly builds, I'll go for regression or information.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Okay, wait. Isn't it that only her -hit-directly-after-blink-hits- are changed? her REGULAR m1 hits are not? Meaning that, yeah, whoop-di-do, you have to play a little more tactical now? Like, no more such perks, bamf to player, knock them down and hook them. No, you got to know where to bamf to start a chase and get a regular hit in to get the benefits of those perks? Meaning that you really ought to be -good- with nurse now?

    Is that what these complains are about?

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited January 2023

    She'll lose quite a bit of variety. On the one hand, it's great because we're closer to people actually needing to know how to play Nurse to do well on Nurse. But we're going to be seeing a whole lot of The Build (CoB/Eruption/Pain Res) on Nurse until they address the slowdown meta, so players will still be able to fail upwards with her to a degree.

    As an aside, every strong high skill cap killer should be getting the Nurse treatment. Kill the busted add ons so players can't crutch on them in lieu of learning the killer's mechanics. That goes for Blight with, well, most of his good add ons, and Spirit with MDR/Cherry Blossom.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I find it kind of ridiculous that they are walking back the attack change to nurse. Devs changed her to basic attack before; mentioning that her lack of perk interaction was a leading reason. Now it's the opposite because unlike the lower mmr survivor base devs are trying to shield, some players actually get good enough to keep swf teams in check.

  • Member Posts: 663

    Poor SupaAlf is gonna have a hard time beating his 500 winstreak after this.

    His content will potentially get stale as well.

    If content creators even survive YT's new policy.

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited January 2023

    Noed, Devour, Jolt, Sloppy, STBFL, Starstruck and Franklins.

    These are the most popular ones.

    So I expect mostly Aurareading, Gen-Regression and Endgame-Builds (Terminus, No Way Out, Deadlock, CoB, Eruption, Lethal, BBQ, Nowhere to hide)

    OR: Just the same perks like Blight cannot use, however, he is till now an 4,6m/s-dude. I wouldnt be surprised if he become 4,4m/s next midchapter while various addons get nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Did you really knowingly main Nurse thinking she would never be nerfed? Like I have mained Blight for a year and I am not going to throw a fit like you when ring and c33 get nerfed lol.

  • Member Posts: 236

    lol there were people pointing out this hilariously obvious outcome to those that wanted all blinks to be special attacks. The balanced thing to do was make chained blinks count as special, that way precision had to be very important on first blink. Now we have a limited perk pool for Nurse unless you run the addon that makes her base speed 4.6 after a blink hit, in which case, it's the same exact scenario, only she can't blink for a minute. People still going down because now she can move at regular speed.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I always wonder what you're supposed to do to fix Spirit's weird combo. DCB has to stay, since it's basically her usability add-on for anyone who doesn't have good hearing (or audio), but MDR kind of shows how all her other addons that don't just buff numbers are kind of pointless in the first place (pallet breaking is a funny meme one, but some of the others...)

  • Member Posts: 333

    this doesnt make a difference, meta build will be meta build. use it and you'll barely feel a difference. the affected perks are not that good anyways. ppl will still complain about nurse, there's just gonna be none of stuff like starstruck nurse or nurse stops perks from being buffed.

  • Member Posts: 590
    edited January 2023

    Since when was discussing throwing a fit? I just don't see this as a healthy change as I realize now perks that I enjoy like sloppy butcher are pretty much dead now. If anything I was fine with range and special attacks being added. You seriously don't need to be so petty do you people have no consideration for other people. Like genuinely dislike being on the forums because of people like you just saying you are being a jerk for zero reason.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Tbh franklins should work with specials anyway

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    I really didn't say anything harsh.

    You said "Just admit you want every killer to be trapper level lol, where you can effectively 1v1 the killer"

    That is beyond in over exaggeration here. Like yeah you can't use m1 perks anymore on pretty much the best power in the game. You won't ever see a Blight or an Oni running m1 perks except maybe a devour here and there, m1's just don't work on them since they don't have some power that zones survivors into a m1. It's just not that big of a deal, nurse is the same run info perks and maybe one slow down and you are fine.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    I suppose they could add a condition to MDR that disables killer instinct notifications. It would be oddly specific, but that's all I can think of.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Even when most of the synergy she has are gone, she's still the strongest killer in the game.

    Though this makes me nervous because that means she would more likely resort to using slowdown perks.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I don’t personally play nurse but I feel kinda bad that they will have very, very little perk variety to choose from now. They’re probably just going to stack gen regression like every other killer. Eruption, CoB, OC, and NWTH. Or just throw in a Pain resonance, Deadlock or Corrupt. Nurse needed the changes for sure, just sad to see another killer that’s gonna be stuck running the same perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    And that worries me about the "balance" the Devs want because Peanits said in another post when someone was complaining about no Twins QoL fix was that they didn't do the Twins QoL because Nurse was the most talked about change wanted on the if that's the case then the Devs are not Killer or Survivor sided...they are Who Ever Yells the loudest Sided.

    So when Nurse players start using Aura builds or Regression builds because they now have a very limited pool of viable perks to use people may start to complain about those until another Nerf is done.... because just as many people were wanting the Blinks to be made Special attacks there were just as many wanting to meet in the middle with keeping 1st blink as basic and all others as where was the consideration of that idea....

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    idk that's a little extreme. Losing an item from a nem tentacle or an attack you couldn't see coming is a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    At the very least, special attacks that injure

    I'm a sneaky, i already do attacks that people don't see coming

  • Member Posts: 871

    "But a killer that can teleport through walls and smack a surv with relative ease shouldn't be able to utilise exposed."

    There are 9 exposed perks.

    Of these 9, only Starstruck and NOED are really problematic with the nurse.

    Devour hope is also very dangerous, but depending on the RNG, the totem can fall quickly.

    As for the rest of the exposed perks, their usefulness is very relative and the effect can easily be countered.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2023

    A lot of people is saying that this change will force Nurses to go full regression, but I prefer it (from a survivor perspective, I'm killer main but I dont like and I never play nurse). One of the worst things of the current Nurse are her exposed status cheese builds and also the sloppy butcher was a pain in the ass when playing against them, considering their map pressure a decent nurse didn't even let you heal due that perk, specially in medium or small maps.

  • Member Posts: 871

    That's exactly the problem.

    Preventing the nurse from using Starstruck and NOED, okay, I agree, sure.

    But all you had to do was to replace her TR with a lullaby, when carrying a survivor, and that was it (and for NOED, they could have removed the perk altogether, that wouldn't have been a problem in itself).

    But here, as you say, they prevent the nurse from using average perks, which were not monstrous on her either.

    It's true that Sloppy butcher was ultra dangerous with the nurse, my god, what a meta perk ...

    It's a pity, because they went in the right direction by reworking her most insipid addons to make them interesting (if I understood correctly), but on the other hand, where they should not have failed, they failed in beauty ...

    I can't wait to see what they'll do with the range and recharge addons ...

  • Member Posts: 871

    The smartest thing would have been NOT to choose this illogical solution of transforming her M1 into M2. Not even for her second blink.

    I've read this too: I have the impression that many people think that a nurse can do without her second blink, some even suggesting that she only has one.

    It just goes to show that a lot of players talk (I'm not thinking about you, I precise) about what a nurse should be/do/not be/don't do when they don't know anything about it... it's sad.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    You can still run Spasmodic Breath if you wanna get use out of Franklin's.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Pretty much, yes. Basically if you were able to down a survivor WITHOUT those perks, now you'll be able to still do it. But it won't be easy. Like I've had many a nurse that blinked behind me, injured me, then still managed to get that second hit on me. I have far more respect for the skill of a nurse that can play that way, and she's a lot more fun to play against. Whenever I see a Nurse not running exposed perks and still getting that 4K, I always give her kudos in end game chat.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    But as eveybody has been complaining about for months starstruck nurse is one of the worst issues. And I think locking her out of other perks was a good idea. Jolt, franklins and sloppy are the big ones for me.

    Her power is so insane in the right hands. That this is a good way to mitigate it and take a few synergies away from her. Because she ends chases so quick. It was either this or nerf her power which would either turn her into an awful killer or a simple m1.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    survivors want all killer to suck and I don't even play nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    I think everyone is forgetting that they are reworking a lot of different addons. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these effects come back as addons instead.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I'd rather verse a Nurse than any stealth killer, Plague, Trickster, Twins and Artist.

    Nurse is only difficult if you don't know how to verse her, or if you go against the top 1%

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Special attack being the only basekit nerf to Nurse unironically is gonna feels like a buff a lot of times as Nurse players won't be able to run fun builds anymore and therefore will resort to the same usual meta builds.

  • Member Posts: 949

    I'm not sure if I can take you seriously if Plauge, Trickster, and the other killers you mentioned are the ones that you can't handle

  • Member Posts: 949

    I'm not the one strawman arguing people who want healthy changes just because average bitter dbd player. So like I said, you should be a comedian. You're clearly good at it

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Maybe you should try to read again and try to interpret what is said without any superfluous and personal additions.

  • Member Posts: 301

    The problem with Nurse is that she straight up ignores the game mechanics that every other killer has to follow. Even ranged killers still have to deal with walls. The nurse can just... go through them. Not just go through them, but go through them, see where the survivor moved, and then still blink again to correct the miss. It's a matter of "if nurse = skilled; then 4k". This nerf won't stop that at all, but it is a step in the right direction. You should not automatically be able to win just because you have learned the timing and aim. Skilled nurse wins with her current design. Period.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Seems kinda dumb just to make a huge number of perks & builds completely irrelevant because she's strong with starstruck, effectively forcing anyone who plays her into a full regression and tracking builds.

    I mean starstruck can snowball on most killers, but it can also be complete garbage. It's mega strong on Deathslinger also especially when you pair it with the addon that exposes when you land a shot over 12m. I honestly win more consistently with Deathslinger using starstruck build than I do with nurse.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Most (good) survivors will not linger next a Nurse in prevision of Starstruck. (And then will attempt body-block and attempt flashes when they knew it's not in play.)

  • Member Posts: 949

    *I'd rather verse a Nurse than any stealth killer, Plague, Trickster, Twins and Artist.

    Well based on your poor wording and saying Nurse isn't difficult to face unless you're bad or top 0.1%, and adding you'd face Nurse compared to all the other killers, there's not room for much interpretation so...

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