Are we going to ignore the fact that the devs ignored the twins?

Don't get me wrong, this is a good mid-chapter but c'mon devs, you guys announced that the twins would receive changes 10 months ago and still nothing, you are shattering my hopes now.
what about Onryo ? you guys said you wouldn't make changes to newly released killers because you'd rather look at the stats first before a sudden change but the Knight is getting a lot of changes while other killers stay in the shadows for quite a while.
Good thing eyrie is being reworked but i'm still dreaming about the swamp rework.
And please let the seventh year chapter be the evil within!
At this point, I'm convinced they just forgor. They meant to do twins after they did some ghostface and legion tweaks, but somebody forgot to remind the devs.
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If the Anniversary is The Evil Within I will lose my contents.
That said, Onryo isn't exactly a high priority, especially compared to Twins. Why they haven't received any changes is likely due to lack of bandwidth
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Speaking of them, anyone know if they fixed the bug that can make them unplayable yet?
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How could they forget to fix the twins when they said they would fix them in January? That's just honest incompetence.
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I can assure you that they are not forgotten. We only have so much bandwidth for changes in any given update. With everything already in this mid-chapter, there simply isn't enough time for anything else, especially for a Killer like The Twins which would most likely require bigger and more substantial changes rather than small number tweaks.
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Yes, but this killer has been substantially broken for a WHILE now. They haven't been working as intended, and as someone who does enjoy The Twins, it is frustrating to see an entire character just feel this bad to play. At the very least, twins should be killswitched or hotfixed, in my opinion.
(I'm not saying this because I'm trying to be rude personally, I'm just frustrated at how Twins has been for a while, considering twins were planned to be fixed in January if I remember correctly.)
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Twins on DBD mobile are more playable than here. 🫡
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One thing I'd like to see for a future midchapter is a Boop the Snoot score event for Pig
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I know for me I'm just more ticked off we haven't had any updates in a while about these so call changes for the twins so it does seem like yall forgot about it. It's been close to a year now since the dev team said Twins was the next killer they are looking at after GF and Legion but that was it, yall be radio silent ever since then. We haven't even had a Q&A stream in like a year, I believe the last one was on 1/20/22. A lot of us just want some info and to be let know yall are still working on something yall promise to work on.
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The knights stats must have been really poor for them to make immediate changes. It reminds me of Trickster
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Thats why Sadako, Dredge and Wesker got nothing. They are all fine with the killrates. Unfortunately, killrates count more than hookrates :-(
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1% pick rate or so u can guess why twins are not important to fix any time soon
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Pickrate is so low because they suck. It's a symptom of the problem. Not a reason to ignore it.
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I didn't forget at all and is the only thing that dissapointed me about this midchapter, i really want to see how they change them. I hope they are adressed next!
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people really do just love forgetting what BHVR said in the pass. They said they are looking to rework twins soonish
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And they said that, how long ago, almost a year?
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yea they literally said in 2023. So unless you're goofy enough to think they were doing it on 1/1/2023 then idk what to tell you
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They did? About time, only took them 2 and a half, 3 years.
This company is so slow to do anything.
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Switch cross progression has been coming soon since 2 years ago.
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The survivor icons we are getting in this update were first promised 18 months ago and we are just getting them now. So Twins aren't too far off I imagine
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Honestly, the less I see Twins the better lol... So personally not complaining if they delay giving any reason to motivate people to play them more.
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They did ignore Twins, as a revenge I suggest players should answer back by never ever playing Twins.
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As they should.
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we have been doing that since their release lmao
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Onryo is bleh, and relies on a really obnoxious playstyle for success - but she's at least playable.
Twins are janky, buggy and have mostly terrible addons.
Knight was basically dead on arrival.