Question about MMR

I played 3 years ago every day DBD. Too rank 1 Killer. They chances the match making and i Play now Not more than 1 hour a week. (because Work time) My MMR is so high, i can't play a single Match With more than one kill. How Work this system? ITS better to Go commplete offline for a half year to Play faster balanced Games? In the past i played 3 month No DBD and was on Rank 20, over the time the Games balanced from them self. Now its a Tortur to geht down and WE have No Chance to See how Low Our MMR Points are.
Your mmr as killer depends on how many survivors you manage to kill.
If you're killing 2, it's a draw, your mmr doesn't change. If you kill 3 or 4, it increases. If you kill 0 or 1, it decreases.
Given enough games with 1K or less, your mmr will eventually get back down to a level that's better suited for you to derust a little. =)
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ITS Not so easy, every Killer from me is on high MMR. If i Play 1 hour a week i can Play balanced Games in a year With every Killer?
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They've recently made it so that if you don't play for an extended period of time (I don't know precisely how much time that is, and if you're already qualifying for it) your mmr is more flexible. Your lose much more mmr when you lose a game, until it feels you caught up to balanced games. I don't know if it takes into acount only that you've logged onto the game or if you've actually played said killer recently.
But yeah, if all the killers you typically play are on high mmr, and you can't play that much, I'd advise picking one your like most and focusing on playing them. With some time, games will get more manageable.
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Oh Boy i Quit the Game. Thanks, but sit in a Corner from the map for 100 Games is to much for me 🤣
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What's more likely is that it's your gameplay that's the issue and not the MMR, especially with how MMR is pretty much the exact same as the old ranking system.
What killer are you playing with what builds?
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When they implemented the new MMR system, everything got reset because it was a new system. Sounds like what you're dealing with is not related to MMR.
Survivors and maps are significantly stronger than they were 3 years ago. The game moves at a faster pace now and pressure is more important than ever. Give yourself a little time to adjust to the new playstyles. Maybe try to get some of the newer, stronger perks. I think you'll be just fine once you play awhile.
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I dont want to Play every Game meta perks and that dont Change the fact that the survivor use Meta perks every Game And can good Loop. Vs me that have a Ton Rust on the shoulder. The system is Not the Same.... In the Past you wait ,Play Other Games and must Not lose every Game to Play vs Meta Gamers.
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I dont think so. I Play only vs over Prestige 80 Players and more. That is not the normal Player Base 🤣
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DBD - the only multiplayer game i know that punishes you really bad for winning.
And tbf, i think SBMM is never a good thing, in any multiplayer game. It's like a fun sponge.
But specific in DBD, with all the RNG and beeing a 4v1, we shouldn't have any RANKS or MMR.
Just give new players a "noob protection" for the first 100hs and everything is fine.
-> Fast queue times for both sides at any time and more potatoes (= more fun) for everyone.
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What would be better ? Genuine question.
I don't play any other pvp games as that's usually not my thing, so I'm not familiar with other methods of matchmaking.
Beyond the fact that the softcap is too low, and matchmaking a bit too lenient when queues get long, which are not inherent to sbmm but the way it is implemented, why is it not good ?
Feels to me that it puts sweats against sweats, which I think is fair enough ?
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Sweat vs sweat is okay and If you Play every day IT IS perfct. but If you Play Not a Long Time and get rusty With a Long Penalty time to Go in Not sweaty Games. Or better you See IT and will Play nicer over the time, But you Play the next 100 Games for this goal vs Bully Simulator Teams. It IS a Nightmare.
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If you don't want to adapt and equip better perks, that's entirely your fault and not the survivor's, but even then, you don't need the most meta build possible to win games.
The system is pretty much the same, i played this game before the MMR introduction and nothing changed at all matchmaking wise.
You can't blame everything on rust, i only started playing game again on PC around 1 month ago after not playing for around a year and it doesn't stop me from winning 4 out of 5 games all the time, there are times where i get destroyed by really good players but it's far from common, just like it was really rare even before MMR.
Also prestige means nothing other than "this guy spent alot of BP on this character", it doesn't indicate skill.
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They did recently add a feature where your mmr will adjust more quickly if you haven't played for a while
For example someone who plays killer every day might lose x mmr for everybody escaping and someone who hasen't played in a month loses 5 times x mmr for the same outcome
(Not the actual numbers, just a example)
My suggestion would be to not focus on winning for a while and instead focus on things like chasing or experimenting with your power or perks you don't use often
Also try to avoid "easy kills" things like camping in the end game. When you are trying to win you should do that but if you feel the survivors you face outclass you constantly then you're only slowing the mmr changes by getting kills like that
The mmr is designed to make whatever playstyle you have work roughly 50% of the time. So try not to play hardcore unless you want to keep playing hardcore
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i understand, the system is more Trash than i think. I Play vs Bots forever With Killer. Survivor is No Thing, IT IS easy Mode in DBD Multiplayer.
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Yes and no.
It depends on who you get put up against.
Since the last MMR tweak, I've seen a lot of games where there's one absolutely cracked, 8000 hour monster and 3 400 hour intermediate players - assumedly trying to get a team with an average MMR close to mine.
Killing that 8000 player and one other will likely see my MMR go up.
Huh. You aren't punished for winning. Playing against better players is neither a punishment nor a reward. It's just designed so that games are as close to fair as possible.
SBMM isn't perfect, but ranks (the previous system) was a million times worse. Pure, unadulterated chaos.
It won't be 100 games.
If you're against a sweaty team - yeah, it can be obnoxious if you don't want to play sweaty. But just try and focus on practicing and getting better.