When running Hubris on Deathslinger, Hubris triggers when a survivor breaks free from your chain!
What benefit does this provide?
Absolutely none!
What benefit does this provide?⁸
The strategy is to spare them over a pallet, then hold W until they vault it and they die, there's nothing they can do, unless it's a god pallet they can slow vault.
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You could bring rickety chain to activate it faster. Is this faster then just getting the hit, reloading and getting another hit? I have no idea but it's an option.
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Actually if your other add-on is bayshore cigar it could be a fun meme build, I might try it lmao.
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Im not saying Hubris on Deathslinger is useless, im saying hubris triggering from a chain break is useless. Cause hubris exposes a survivor. Which does nothing, because if the chain broke, theyre already injured.
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I'm dumb, I was thinking of Dissolution. Well, time to go to be, I guess.
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So basically another perk that's still dead in the water and any possible value you could is minimal at best? Grim Embrace moment
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It's fun with Enduring and Spirit Fury on Ghostface or Clown. You don't get many hits out of it, but you eat through pallets like nobody's business, and you can almost audibly hear the "Oh, #########" the first time a survivor stuns you and sees the pallet break.
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Yeah I've encountered that build twice and I gotta say, that style is map dependant. Shelter Woods would shred through a lot but Meat Plant...yeah
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So I tested it and I understand why it's useless now.....
That being said Rickety Chain + Cigar is actually legit so I still learned something today.
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Well, there are the challenges to hit a survivor with your weapon while the survivor is exposed. It could be fun and nothing says Exposed actually had to be useful.