everytime a killer complains about survivors things always change in their favor why dont we stop making the game more for killer and leave it equal if we stack perks or addons its for a reason. stop nerfing everything we do because we get toxic camping killers. killers need to get a penalty for camping and ruining the game for everyone. stop picking killer side and make the game fair for everyone
Hum... Chill ?
The devs are literally testing a way for survivors to have a little more information right now.
It's a slow progress, but they're balancing for both sides.
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survivors are always struggling to have fun with the game because our perks and addons keep getting nerfed thats not to anyone that mains survivor i am simply voicing my opinion just like everyone else is and take into consideration that i do love this game and i play it alot but its pushing the community away when its not being fixed and you keep beating down survivors
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Allcaps frothing outrage posts are not the way to be heard.
Also I have no idea what perks you're even talking about. The meta shakeup was like six months ago. Move on.
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By a little information do you mean total and complete information at all times for no cost to the survivors?
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Perks were nerfed TO make it fair.
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call of brine
dead mans switch
dead lock
fear monger
no ed
mad gritt
these are just examples of killer perks that need to be looks at from playing against killers that made the game almost impossible to play we had 6 years since this game has been release and there is a tone of information out there. as you can see survivors will still dc because they know the game will be unfair
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why was like dead hard nerfed it was suppose to protect the survivor when injured to try and get away
iron will was suppose to help the survivor not be found but they nerfed it
counter to iron will is stridor. now it makes no point to use iron will if your still going to be found
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Dead Hard was incredibly overpowered and unhealthy design because using it for an unconditional dash to a pallet or window was uncounterable for almost all killers except a few.
Iron Will was unhealthy design because it gave a permanent -100% reduction for free.
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but again thats suppose to help us you had the counter for it but the killers choose not to use the counter hte survivor
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We do not have to agree, but please keep the conversation civil and constructive. Thank you!
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I cannot figure in what dimension simple icons are total and complete information, but I'd sure like to live there. =)
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The current one you and I inhabit. You know what everyone is doing at all times with a little bit of inference. They vastly simplify decision making and make everything you want to do as a survivor much safer.
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Only one of these perks is problematic. All of the others do very little or have clear counterplay or require input from the killer.
It's mad grit! That's the perk that is ruining the game! There i spoiled it for you.
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so you tell me someone swinging an blade over and over is fare to completely stop someone wiggle is fare. i have no problem with most perks that are fair but killers have at least 30 plus perks that are meta and are causing people to leave the game. i am simply voicing my opinion. but if there is something wrong with some perks i will say something.
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Why do you keep saying Stridor was the counter to Iron Will? They changed it so that Stridor specifically couldn't counter Iron Will anymore. It made Spirit very unplayable when Iron Will was hard meta.
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You can still wiggle, it just stops people from being able to body blocking. I have played against and with Mad Grit it isn't extremely OP or unfair.
Dead Mans and Dead Lock are both alright to deal with, they only give the killer a bit more time, they aren't impossible to deal with and are not a problem in my eyes.
Eruption is currently an extremely OP perk that does way too much for one perk slot, will give you that.
Call of Brine is mostly fine, I don't think you should get the skill check notif as killer, but by itself it is fine.
Fearmonger isn't impossible to play against and while a bit annoying to deal with, it is not impossible to deal with.
NOED is a non-issue unless you are really unlucky with its current nerf.
Pentimento while a good perk, is also much less of a problem than you would believe.
Also, "Killers have 30 plus perks that are meta and causing people to leave the game." it is only 1 combo causing it currently other than starstruck nurse. Call of Brine + Eruption. Mixed together they are near impossible to deal with when running as a solo survivor.
As for survivor perk nerfs, the main nerfs killers wanted were for 2 perks.
Dead Hard, and Decisive Strike.
As for why? Well, people abused them. They would hop into a locker with DS and force you to take the DS hit, and the Dead Hard was used almost always for distance and could be abused to the point of making games impossible for killer, a killer would get punished for no reason and lose 20 to 40 seconds a chase because of a single perk. Now DH is used in the way it was intended to dodge and take hits, and DS is solely for anti-tunnel off hook.
Spine Chill was nerfed due to the existence of the fast vault build that made it near impossible to hit people as killer. A chase could be extended up to 60 seconds as long as you had a chain window.
Iron Will was extremely unhealthy as it removed the killers ability to find you at almost all times for free. Now it reduces the chance of them finding you but isn't extremely unhealthy. I have run Iron Will after the patch to decent effect.
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"DS is solely for anti-tunnel off hook." what do you think when we jump into a locker with ds was for because is was constantly being tunneled over and over again
iron will was great for us because it helped us get away to heal but i respect your opinion but i will always have my from all the hours and games ive played
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Why do you think thier getting neffed? They were to strong . This is a Survivor heavy game. Survivors have always been stronger. Your just not skilled enough to use perks and add-ons correctly.
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Nah, I agree with Iron Will change not being needed, but according to the change in playstyles I saw after the patch it was an extremely healthy choice. Iron Will was basically a free buff, but at the same time, the other killers and I didn't care much for it. Some Killers really cared about it and complained constantly. Namely, those who were playing spirit.
You can still hop into a locker with DS if they are religiously tunneling you. The changes just make It where if you are doing something else, such as repairing a gen, healing another survivor, etc. The perk is disabled. What you can do with the downtime is run to an area where you can heal without getting tunneled instead of healing under the hook. I will say this, the duration for the stun needs to be buffed back to 5.
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old dead hard had no counter
old iron will had no counter (stridor didn't counter it).
both were ran in every single lobby and caused the game to he extremely boring and stale
2- you're complaining about mad grit, fearmonger and penteminto there is no good or experienced survivor that would complain about these perks which makes me feel you're new to the game or just not really good these perks are really tame one of them is even a meme perk that barely anyone uses outside meme builds and the other is a slowdown that is dependent on Survivors doing totems when boons exist so.
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The PTB right now is changes focus at nerfing Nurse, the HUD update to give solos information on par with coordinated groups, and a changed (though still not good) Buckle Up.
The devs are simply not just nerfing survivor perks and are working towards making the game balanced for both sides. Which does mean that strong things on survivor side will see nerfs.
Also if you only liked Iron Will to go off and heal, then allow me to introduce you to the perk called Bite The Bullet. It's Iron Will but only for healing.
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Dead hard was op by far
Iron will promoted bad gameplay on the survivors end as well. Also stridor didn't counter it lol, they removed that before I even started playing the game
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There's no way you put mad grit on there