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Apparently killers can get basekit mad grit now :)

Member Posts: 6,434
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

Had a round where my friends blocked for hook, the bar reached 100% and we still had to block for like an extra 5 seconds. This is why I don't care for wiggle skill checks, they seem so inconsistent... from being right at 100% but still getting the hooked regardless.... to this. 🤣

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  • Member Posts: 419

    That's a connection issue. Happens from time to time. Somebody in the lobby had high ping. Sometimes it's just a spike and resolves itself, other times someone's about to legit DC and you get stuck like that.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    Yeah, I guess we can add this to the list of issues this game has that revolve around internet connection/latency.

    Edit: Watching the actual video, nobody had bad connection though. I assume no one did because none of us nor the killer had a red bar. If anyone would have a bad connection it would have been me, since I am the only one who isn't in the West.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Wonder if it's Wraith related.

    Had a game earlier as Wraith where someone kept wiggling off early (Jill).

    I assumed it was Breakout because of the Ada following me after pick up.

    Left Jill slugged (she eventually bled out) and figured I'd see Ada with Breakout post game.....

    Jill had it....made no sense.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Hmm, interesting. Idk if it's Wraith related because this is the only time I have seen this.

    I am definitely keeping an eye out for more Wraith games though.

  • Member Posts: 528

    The way that someone can use their body to block a killer without, getting shoved or something is... odd. Giving other ways to interrupt the killer to save your teamates would make more sense.

  • Member Posts: 528
    edited January 2023

    I mean odd in a horror game.

    Not a game where killers get body blocked by survivors, then sometimes proceed to stand in front of the hook for prolonged periods of time, and then sometimes get kicked from the game by "subtlety" cheating playes

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Not odd when (again) the horror that you seek, DBD is only loosely based on.

  • Member Posts: 419

    Bars don't always show up. They're mainly there to indicate a prolonged ping issue. Since your friend got off after a few seconds I'm guessin it was just a spike. Happens if you're playin on wifi. Just get a short little derp at the right (wrong?) time that makes weird things happen. The list of strange derps in this game could probably be its own forum lol

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023

    I don't tunnel or camp as killer, it's a boring play style, as is this kind of body blocking which I never do either. Nevermind the fact that you try doing this in soloq and you WILL die for it. Which might make it a pretty good equalising factor between soloq and SWF if they did make partial Mad Grit (pausing the timer, not reduced attack cooldown) basekit within 4m of a hook...

    Couple it with an anti-camping mechanic for balance to keep survivors happy.

  • Member Posts: 800

    well said, bodyblocking is fine my least issue as killer lol if survivors are able to pull it off good for them if not they put themselves in a lot of danger from the free pressure they've given it's a pvp game not a movie.

    as for the bar i don't see what could cause that other than an internet/server issue.

  • Member Posts: 393

    Dude, are you even real? This has to be a joke, right? If killers are allowed to say that camping and tunnelling are legitimate strategies, then no way can they also say that taking a PROTECTION HIT (something you are awarded for in game) needs to be nerfed by giving Mad Grit as basekit to killers.

    The hypocrisy in this player base is baffling.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023

    Where did I say camping and tunnelling were ok?

    Stop with this infantile tit for tat, multiple things can be wrong at the same time.

    This is not a protection hit, it's an absurd abuse of mechanics that only SWF are likely to get any value out of. It's a bully squad. They are literally standing still in front of a hook while the killer flails about unable to do anything about it, it's a lose-lose scenario for the killer. The killer has successfully won a series of chases, likely burning through a Dead hard to get there, and all that effort was for nothing because a few survivors stood still.

    The killer equivalent would be a survivor completing 99% of a gen, and a killer approaches, stands still next to the generator, and the survivor is unable to repair the last 1% because of the mere presence of the killer. There isn't even a choice to be had, the survivor isn't choosing to not complete the last 1% in exchange for a health state, they simply can't.

    Bullshit like this is why so many bad killers resort to camp and tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 144

    The only thing this image tells me is that Survivors shouldn't be able to block hooks by standing next to them.

    Seriously, how can you do something like this to a player and come away thinking that you are the one wronged in the scenario?

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2023

    Context is for kings.

    It's completely fine when it's done tactically. When it's done as a concerted effort to deny the killer the single kill they need to avoid depipping at the endgame, on a game that's already a blowout, it's just...needlessly meanspirited. It costs you nothing, but makes someone else's day just a little bit less unpleasant.

    I think what bothers me is the sheer amount of trash talking and salt I get when I don't give someone hatch - but I can list the times a survivor has given me a kill on a complete stomp on...well, 4 fingers. In maybe 1,000 hours.

    I'll always try to give a killer a kill on a complete loss like that, especially if I know I've already secured my own pip because I know how obnoxious these games can be.

    Firstly, I swear - if I had a dollar for every time I've gotten to say 'whataboutism' this week, I'd be able to afford a family size pizza for myself and Mrs. Lost.

    Secondly - it's more...ugh. There's a double standard at play, where the killer is always expected to show mercy to the last survivor on a rough game via hatch but there's no expectation whatsoever of a survivor giving the killer a mercy kill.

    Like - aggressively bodyblocking to save someone from the death hook? Nobody's going to have a problem with that. Much as with slugging someone when there's another target right in your vision.

    Aggressively bodyblocking to prevent the killer getting a single kill in a game you've already won by a mile? That's just being a poor sport and a bit of a bully. It costs you nothing to show a little humility in victory - and it makes what was probably a really frustrating game a bit less so.

    The equivalent is a killer hard slugging or camping the final three survivors after survivor 4 DCs.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    You weren't a part of this match so you do not understand what was going out during it. We weren't trying to "abuse" a mechanic, we were trying to protect a friend seeing as this killer had no chill since the start of the match (Hence WHY I asked you earlier about taking a "Hit to save a friend" in case you didn't catch that).

    My problem with your previous statements is that you want "basekit mad grit" simply because you don't appreciate survivors body blocking and there are 3 doing so in the gif. Congrats you have a case, now you can make a new thread about it, because this wasn't a thread to talk about "What I don't like about body blocking" I am literally mocking the issue of being at more than 100% wiggle and it not working.

    Good, make a thread about it.

    There have been so many matches in which we couldn't do anything for a teammate. Which, with the way that Tunneling and Camping have become very potent in this game, I won't say we haven't resorted to attempt a protection hit, but also we don't do it because we want to deny someone of a hook. Our gameplay is more interactive than that. We don't play the game to win, we play it to have fun regardless of the outcome.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Well, it looks freaking stupid.

    "Let's all run in front of Michael Myers and let him stab us!"

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Again. We could say that about many things.

    “Well let me grab a gun or knife to protect myself against someone trying to kill me…nah let’s drop a pallet instead and run around”

    It’s a game.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    There are no guns to grab. Where would a Survivor even find one? It's clear the entity removed them. Even the military/cop characters had their holsters emptied. The only time you see a gun is in the RE trailers. And it didn't even do anything!

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Fair enough.

    But - answer honestly - do you think this was fun at all for that killer?

    And yes, camping and tunneling are annoying as hell, but outside of borderline exploits like Clown's ability to <redacted> and bypass BT, I don't think they've ever been less strong.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Point is if you’re gonna complain about something looking “stupid” which is honestly just your opinion. Complain about the rest too.

    Oh so now you want to talk about the entity aka the games. Got it 😂 I thought we were focused on reality here.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    I don’t particularly care, just as much a I don’t think he cares about how I felt that he targeted me in the beginning (even though I was afk for like 10 seconds into the match bc I got a drink and got a free hook) and quite possibly the reason that led to me dying, which btw I never brought up. Just said my Ggs and left. It’s not that deep

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2023

    Hmm. What do you mean 'targeted me in the beginning?'.

    Yeah, that's what I suspected. Damn.

    It's a tricky balance to find, but far too often 'we play this game to have fun - for everyone' becomes 'we play this game to have fun - at the expense of the other side'. I'm not sure if the latter is healthy, there's an element of nastiness or at least callousness there.

    I am glad to hear that he at least got a kill out of that nightmare because wow it can be miserable when you run smack bang into a SWF on a killer you aren't great on, and getting completely rolled over by a team doing everything possible to deny you a single kill, then depipping.

    The way bodyblocking works can be really silly sometimes, where someone can seemingly be out of the way of the hook (and your FOV) but still be blocking it. It's not an exploit, but it still feels...I don't know. Cheesy?

    Again - I don't know what happened in that game, because all we've got to go on is a .gif, but that moment in time...yeah, it really sucks from the other end.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    It makes sense the entity would remove items from a trial it doesn't want in there. Like Nemesis' rocket launcher.

    WHY would three people run in to intentional get hurt?

    Also, weird way to actually advocate for whataboutism there, dude.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    I mean tbf I never made attempts to provide more details than a gif about the match because my intention was just to show that the wiggle bar is an issue atm. Considering it was still at 100% wiggle bar seconds later. This could have been easily been a gif of someone simply wiggling out without body blocking and I would have still pointed out the issue.

    I find it amusing that this is where this community has gotten to. Someone posting about a specific topic and all they could focus on is the way a killer got body blocked without them even having been there in the first place. (Not directed at you but an earlier post)

    Which is the only reason I brought up camping and tunneling because against that body blocking is yet another effective way to attempt to get the killer off of someone. Even though some people just want to focus on the part where the killer got body blocked and not the part where they set the tone of the match by focusing a single person in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    And you advocate for realism vs fantasy…but only when it serves your argument.

    Pick one.

    It either looks as odd/silly/stupid as other things within the game or you are just cherry picking for your own sake.

    Why would I drop a pallet when I can fight back? That’s part of being in survival mode. Now continue to deflect the question by telling me about how the entity took away all knives and shot guns out of of the game while also explaining the how it’s not logical to take a hit for someone in a GAME.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Bodyblocking to take a hit is one thing. You dive in at the last minute to intercept the hit, or you position yourself in front during a chase. But standing still to occupy the only spot the killer can further their objective, making it impossible to do so, it's just cheesy as hell.

    I'm not saying survivors shouldn't be able to bodyblock to take hits for team mates, I'm saying it shouldn't be a 100% flawless tactic as it is in that situation.

    That's why I suggested partial Mad Grit as basekit. Something like, when within 4m of a hook, successfully hitting an attack pauses the wiggle tier by say... 60-80% of the duration of the attack cooldown. This still means that body block made a difference, and if the survivor only had 1 or 2 seconds of wiggle left it would work, but it's not a foolproof tactic that would always save the hook.

    Alternatively, allow the killer to push survivors out of the way. Not incredibly easily, something like moving them at 0.3m/s, so that if they are blocking the hook, it will take the killer about 1-2 seconds to force them out of the way. You're then buying your team mate 1-2 seconds to wiggle free.

    You're making a difference, without completely cockblocking the killer by literally doing nothing.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Because that is the literal truth.

    How WOULD you fight back? What possible tools would you even use?

    Let's assume for two seconds you can find a knife in say, a drawer in haddonfield. What are you gonna do with that? Stab the Nemesis with it? Kill Michael Myers?

    You think Dwight, the office idiot, armed with a steak knife, is going to "fight back" against Pyramidhead?

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2023

    I'm confused. But okay, let's try.

    • The 'wiggle bar' does not always represent the exact break-free time, generally because of latency. You're still breaking free in the same amount of time though.
    • People took issue because you look like the typical bully squad that killers hate to face. Just...always BM, always out not only to win but to deny the killer as much BP/emblem points as possible.
    • Especially since you said that you didn't care about what sort of experience the other side had as long as you and your mates are having fun. That really comes over as 'yeah, we really want to make the other side suffer and extract a sort of sadistic enjoyment' justified by 'well, another killer a while back did something we didn't like once so now we punish all killers'.
    • There's a huge difference between bodyblocking to stop someone from dying and trying to win the game and doing this sort of wretched borderline exploit (abusing the way the hook box and survivor hitboxes interact to block the hook from an area where it visually doesn't look possible) when you've already won the game...presumably to annoy the killer, deny them BP and depip them? That's what people are taking issue with, because it really does come over as deliberately cruel.
    • While we can't see what happened in the game, the killer does have hooks on everyone and is playing a weaker killer. This doesn't look like someone who camped and tunneled, it looks like someone who tried to play fair.

    Regardless, you do you. I'm just trying to explain why people reacted so negatively to you here. People...generally don't like bullies, especially bullies who engage in whataboutery to justify their behavior.

    Again - I'm not saying that's what you're doing. Just how the post and your responses came over.


    This was a game from Christmas Eve.

    I loaded up a really funny build on Demo, alongside a flan and ran slap bang into a 3man comp squad with over 20k hours between them.

    First time I'd ever experienced a HSFP squad was memorable.

    They went out of their way to deny me any hooks, had all the gens done by 5 minutes and were obnoxious in postgame. And it wasn't like I was running a heavy build or going hard from the start either - very clearly someone looking to ensure everyone got a bunch of BP and had an entertaining Christmas game.

    These are the games that tend to stay with you - because after that, I definitely didn't feel like being chill.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    You just don’tget it but that’s ok.

    Go make your own thread about how you don’t like bodyblocking. Because this thread isn’t it.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Even Dwight can "fight back", even agains Pyramid head. But magically he has this ability for only 60 seconds after his unhook. And only if he desn't touch gens. Decisive Strike, you know. Logical? No. Entity's rules? Yes. Nice. Then entity's rules are survivors can bodyblock killers. Just like this rule when they somehow can't take axes out of lockers. I'm sure David can teach Pig or Legion couple lessons even bare handed but axe would be even better.

    I wonder if this also tied up to new wiggle mechanic. I've noticed it could be unclear (wrong) about bar progress.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    People took issue because they are trying to project their own insecurities about how OTHER people that they have versed have played against them while using the body block mechanic. All because they saw a clip of survivors trying to block the hook… and nothing else.

    You’re right. I really don’t care. I also said why, for the same reason that on the off chance (being very sarcastic here) that I get camped or tunneled. I don’t want to put my energy into thinking that the killer actually gives one <bad word> about my feelings towards the way they played.

    Im not responsible for someone getting their feelings hurt because my philosophy of a game mechanic doesn’t fit their own opinions. Especially in a post where I didn’t even bring it up as a topic.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2023

    Wow someone that actually wants to stick to the topic at hand, fantastic!

    If anything this did make me wonder about overall wiggle skill check accuracy. Like I know latency could be playing a role here but also, what if the actual skill checks are somehow not registering? Ya know?

    I also say this because recently I have noticed there are extra skill checks that appear even after getting hooked. Idk if anyone else has experienced this.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    No, I get it just fine. You are being obtuse to the point of extreme whataboutism. FYI, the logical fallacies list is not a checklist.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    We all know Wraith skips leg day at the gym, but this proves he never skips arm day. 💪

    And, good God @Johnny_XMan I'm so sorry. You have much more patience than me. I had to stop reading all the replies you're getting ..

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Imagine complaining about "whataboutism" in a thread that had nothing to do with bobyblocking in the first place, changing the topic and complaining about whataboutism. Cringe.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Haha, that's actually pretty funny!

    Also, there is a reason the forums have a reputation ☺️ I'll just leave it at that. Luckily I've been around these parts for a while, so I'm not fazed by things said on here.

  • Member Posts: 537

    You mean like how campers stand still there in front of the hooked survivors, sure what a horror game

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    The original topic is whining that a triple body block didn't work because of a wiggle bug, because an ENTIRE team threw themselves at the killer.

    The cringe came frontloaded.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited January 2023

    Yep. That's why I'm super sceptical about this going out of beta. I prefer old wiggle system for that reason and for a reason that one unlucky performance lag can make you miss skillcheck and then progress bar is stopped until next skillcheck. It's valuable time you don't miss in current system.

    In the game I face unpredictable skillcheck lags every other day (if someone is injured or downed the very moment skillcheck clue sounds, sometimes the game can lag and skillcheck appears too late to react; it's not often but as annoying as auto failed skillchecks after you let go gen), in this game I just can't fully trust system with constant skillchecks in play. It can cost hooks and it does. And it will.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Whining huh? I guess that’s why I have a laughing emote. Lololol

    You are reaching at this point is pretty hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 949

    No the original post was talking about a potential wiggle bug and ofc in plain dbd community fashion, you all attacked the person over a body block for no reason. Grow up

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I actually didn't attack anyone. I said three people running in to take stab wounds looks silly.

    Because it does.

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