Bodyblocking with basekit BT

If you do this, then you can't complain when the killer tunnels you. I've have numerous survivors do this, then when I tunnel them they DC or complain in endgame chat.
If the killer is hitting through your endurance, they then may as well tunnel you.
Yeah this happens like 90% of the time when someone unhooks in my face. Got to block the killer from not tunneling instead of you know getting away from the hook
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It's precisely the reason they can't buff anti-tunnel in this game.
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They will complain, no matter what.
If you do something that they don't like, they will complain.
If the word "tunneling" is changed to explicitly exclude taking a BT hit, they will make a new word, that is commonly accepeted among survivor mains.
SWF will always complain if they struggle there is no preventing it.
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It's hilarious. Survivors:
- Bring 4 second chance perks
- BNPs
- Genrush to hell
- Bodyblock
- And run in SWFs with voice comms
But Killers are STILL supposed to:
- Avoid tunneling, even if bodyblocked
- Avoid slugging, even if someone is waiting nearby to save
- Avoid camping, even if someone is waiting nearby to save
- Don't use perks that 'reward failure' (NoED)
- Make sure you 12 hook!
- Don't use META 'Because it might change, and you're going to have a hard time then!'
- Play off META because 'Playing against the same 4 perks is BORING for Survivors!'
- 'Think of OUR fun!'
- And basically, play sub-optimally because Survivors demand it in the name of 'Our fun!'
There's a reason I just play however I want, and it's because Survivors will assume I'm the villain no matter what, so why should I ever try to make them happy?
I've had matches where 1 or 2 people DC, so I let Survivors farm, only for them to suddenly sweat once all 5 gens pop, and then INSULT ME in the endgame chat. As if they would have gotten those gens done without me GIVING it to them!
So yeah; Stop caring what Survivors think. Camp, slug, and tunnel. Because Survivors will try their hardest to win, and so can Killers.
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Awesome post, 100% correct. Your only reward for playing that way is getting teabagged in the exit gates and told gg ez. If you're gonna get BMed anyways, you might as well tunnel and camp since you'll win more often
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Its pretty easy: if I interrupt the unhooking process, unless its the EGC, you are free to go and probably heal in some corner and I will try to go for the unhooker, BUT if you bodyblock me in order to abuse and weaponize the free BT, then I consider this your consent to staying in the game. By bodyblocking for your teammate you put yourself right back on the menu and I will gladly wack you and then hunt you down.
TL,dr: crazy, actions have consequences!
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Bodyblocks after unhook = relentless tunnel
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I do something similar. I always alternate hooks but if you use it to body block me while I go for the unhooker you just took their place. If the Killer wants to go for the unhooker just let them.
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I typically don’t try to tunnel unless I have to but if they abuse the “anti-tunnel” bt to prevent me from going after the unhooker instead they are absolutely getting tunneled out. They are preventing me from trying not to tunnel.
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Yeah, I don’t think someone can complain about tunneling if they deliberately run into me trying to get hit. Should have made better choices!
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Nah they deserve to be tunneled. You can't use an anti tunnel mechanic just to block the killer and then get salty at the free down
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I mean, if you want to take the hit, so be it. You didn't use your endurance to get away and heal up, now you're the closest target.
Doubly sucks for you if I have STBFL, and I really like running STBFL. Should've thought about that first.
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No no NO you baby killer!!!!1111
Thats not how we do these things in the DBD community, for suvivors, these "tactics" are "legit mechanics", they play "smart" and "efficiently", for killer, using "tactics", you're a toxic sweaty basement dweller that has an agenda on "harassing" survivors and making their life as "miserable" as possible, get on with the times noob, good god.
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Oh I really hope that's not a serious post because there's so much to rip apart in that hilarious post.
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I am pretty sure the 1111 after the !!!!! Is a giveaway that the posts is meant sarcastically.
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This is why DS should've been baseline, not BT.
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What's the difference?
Except the killer being unable to outwait the timer ?
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The difference is that if a survivor bodyblocks with DS, the killer can simply leave them slugged. Slows the survivors down more than the killer.
Which is why bodyblocking with DS was uncommon, whereas BT bodyblocks were the only issue with that perk.
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Survivors did the same thing with "facecamping".
Facecamping was when a Killer stood directly in front of your face to block any unhooking. It LITERALLY blocked the only way to unhook because there were no side unhooks back then.
That was patched out.
So they changed the word to keep complaining. Now it just means "Killer within 15m of a hook".
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I don't tunnel as a matter of principle, and tend to run things like Make Your Choice to capitalise on that.
But if someone bodyblocks off the hook with endurance, I am punishing that behaviour.
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I typically am not near the hook when people get unhooked.
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Ah okay, yeah that makes sense.
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Nor me, but sometimes I'll start a chase somewhere else, and the chased survivor goes for the unhook, banking on the BT block.
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Sadly you can't tell anymore on the forums....
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While face camping is overused I still see it. Yes you can no longer physically block the unhook but that was honestly more of an exploit than anything.
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I'm not mad at them doing it, often it makes sense to use your endurance to tank a hit. My issue is when they do that, and then act all surprised-pikachu-face when I keep chasing them instead of the unhooker.
I mean after taking a hit with BT you've left the killer choosing between either a (usually) healthy survivor, or an injured survivor in deep wounds who has no endurance, can't use Dead Hard, and already has at least one hook state. A killer would have to be incredibly-generous to -not- tunnel at that point.
Plus punishing a killer who was trying not to tunnel isn't really a nice thing to do to be fair.
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Yep. There is no reward for playing nice. If you want to play nice, that’s fine. But I’m playing to win. I pay no mind to the survivor rulebook especially when they use a second chance mechanic aggressively.
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this is likely why DS was nerfed. survivors were using it offensively rather than defensively. basically daring the killer to down them and pick them up.
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Agreed, not saying this to promote tunneling, but you kinda asked for it. Especially now with the nerfed DS.
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Whatever gets you success at that point is fine with me. You wanna tunnel after, I’m game. It’s the franklins I think have a huge chip on their shoulder.
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I agree. I've done this many times before. Survivors that just got unhook and bodyblocks me I will 100% tunnel them. I find it funny how most... I mean majority of complaints from Survivors are about tunneling and camping but they make it so easy when they do dumb stuff like that.
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I mean they could make it so that unhooked survivors also lose collision while they have endurance, something that's been suggested by several well-known DBD streamers.