So what realm we sending them boys to now?

Assuming eyrie not so survivor sided anymore! which map offering u burning now????? I'm feeling the new Borgo map myself. Solid loops, good line of sight, and all three chests spawn in main building (basement, upstairs by the gen, one in the hut on the side of main building)
zzz. Just go garden or coldwind.
"Hey guys It's that Blight guy again. It seems alch ring got nerfed so which busted add-on are we running now????? C33 or Iri tag."
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There's Borgo, Coldwind, Garden, Lery's and the Game left so I don't think survivors will be that bad off.
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It’s definitely Garden as the next killer torture map. That map is extremely unbalanced and ridiculously large.
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Badham (every version is bad for killer) and Garden of Joy are two maps that need complete reworks.
You know how Dead dawg has a natural 3-4 gen setup? Well Garden pretty much has a "U" shape for the generators which is generally a natural reverse 3 gen (Y gen as my friend calls it).
Both of these tilesets should be just under 9000m² in order to be fair. Garden needs to have 1 safe window in main that can either be the upstairs window by the generator or the downstairs window that can be looped by the pallet on the building's exterior side. There should never be more vaultable safe windows. The rear window at the back of the hose needs to be completely deleted forever.
I know many streamers whose game crashes whenever a SWF sends them to that map.
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Garden of Soy and The Game are back on the menu
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What? Doc's map is pretty good for most killers.
Hopefully not. I hate that map on both sides.
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midwich as well.
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Garden/Badham/Coldwind/Haddonfield. Killers will still be sending you to Lerys/Dead Dawg/Midwich. And the people that actually want decent games will use Autohaven/Macmillan offerings.
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Garden but it probably should be Badham.
I think it's the strongest map in the game for Survivors, generally speaking.
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As survivor, I never use map offerings, unless I have been sent to Midwich, Autohaven and/or Badham several times in a row. I do not enjoy these maps ! =(
After being sent there a few times in the evening, I'll burn a couple Dead Dawg offerings to see a little bit of sun and a smaller cozy map. =)
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Garden of soy is still awful. It should get Eyrie's treatment.
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The borgo has good solid loops? Can someone show me where please?
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prolly garden? coldwind if you wanna try to roll cowshed
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Garden of Joy. The main structure can form a no-kidding infinite if you abuse the vaults right.
No idea how this made it out of testing, it's worse than the old Haddonfield.
Also, Badham.
The raised central structure with the gen up top is nasty. Strong vaults, high visibility.
But Borgo is more about the sheer density of loops and pallets - you can go from one to the next to the next for ages.
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Anything that isn't Borgo, please. At least on Garden I can see you.
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Ormond is my fave to play as an offering, especially after the game 'randomly' decides I need to play Midwich 3+ times in a row. Bright map, some fun loops with the snowplow & south tiles.
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Probably garden will be the next "killer torture map" as they say. I would rather play on literally any other map than garden, I have never won on that map and I probably never will win on that map.
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Borgo is annoying at times (yeah, the visuals are pure wonk) but at least it doesn't have that hideous main structure with the potential infinite.
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I'll take an infinite that I can fool myself onto thinking I could've played better on over a map where the biggest limitation is a biological restriction I'll never be able to overcome without more money than a full time student has available
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I like Borgo's visuals, but either they need to remove all the red, or they need to consider making scratch marks high-contrast to the texture they're up against rather than universally red.
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Probably Garden of Depression. I'm not looking forward to that.
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I think Garden of Joy, Decimated Borgo, Coldwind, and RPD (now to a lesser extent) maps will still remain the favorite offerings. Also, that horrid Macmillan map (forget the name of it) that's really long and has all those connected jungle gyms in the center.
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Groaning Storehouse?
Or is it the mine one...
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I’m personally betting that Eyrie will still be survivor sided. Just not as bad obviously.
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It'd be Suffocation Pit, the poor man's Azarov's and Sanctum. Storehouse has an evil main building while Suffocation Pit just has hellish jungle gyms if you get bad spawns
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Meat Plant is more killer sided than survivor sided. Garden honestly isn't even that unbalanced now that they nerfed the bush collision. There's massive deadzones in front of the house, to the side of the house, in the street, the treehouse is one giant deadzone... honestly all they need to do is just put a breakable wall on the left of the upstairs window, like the ironworks and creek walls, and the map is fine imo.
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Just had a match on it this morning: Suffocation Pit.
It's quite a narrow map but a very long, rectangular shape. The lower end (where killer shack usually spawns) isn't so bad, but the center has about 4 separate jungle gyms/T&L walls which can all be chained together. Then there's the main mining building which can be an infinite if a survivor knows how to loop well.
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With Garden, I believe the challenge many killers encounter is its massive size, which I believe in numbers is larger than Eyrie's iirc, and multiple safe strong loops are scattered throughout the map. Survs still have chase resources in and around the house, and a very strong chain of tiles that can form this backward "L" will stretch across the road pretty much from the shack to the jungle gyms and car at end of the street. The Game, indoor map and usually those are killer-sided, but in my experience an outlier to the rule and only certain killers will eat survs for breakfast while the majority of the roster is downstairs eating pallets served up by Chef WoO until it's time to go.
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on1