Dear Developers, Iron Maiden is Pointless

Why Iron Maiden is Pointless

Ever since patch 6.4.0, with the introduction of the ability for Killers to grab Survivors out of lockers without penalty, one of the two primary functions of Iron Maiden has become obsolete. This makes the Perk only ever usable for two Killers due to its other primary function: the reload speed.

The notification and Exposed status effects are practically moot since only one Killer will ever gain benefit from using them, so the only real function of the Perk now is to increase reloading speed.

This is not good Perk design if the only Killers that need to use it are only 1/10th of the entire roster. That makes the Perk itself pretty much pointless to run. It shouldn't be exclusively run on 2 or 3 Killers; it should be viable to run on every single Killer no matter the situation.

So I want to suggest a change to Iron Maiden (and a base mechanic) in the hopes that you will address these in any upcoming patch. This change is spurred on by my hope that you continue to better the game, and this change should make the perk feel much more usable for all Killers involved.

Iron Maiden

  • When a Survivor enters inside of a Locker, they will receive the Oblivious status effect on top of the Blindness status effect.
    • Every 5 seconds that they remain within the Locker, they will scream and reveal their location to you.
  • When the Survivor exits the locker, the Oblivious status effect will linger for 20/25/30 seconds and their aura will be revealed to you for 5 seconds.

This would make Iron Maiden a significantly more threatening Perk to have since it no longer gives Survivors the information on how far away you are and effectively gives you more information and scare factor.

Now this removes the ability to instantly put Survivors into the Dying State--which is a good thing, the less of that, the better. This also removes the reloading speed buff that the Perk gave, so what's the deal with that?

Like I mentioned prior, I wanted to suggest a change to a base mechanic that should have been made so long ago and should have been considered for the Killer update. This change is as follows.

Reloading Speed

  • Reduced the time it takes to reload Hunting Hatchets and Showstopper Blades from 4 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

This change would be a really great quality of life update for The Huntress and The Trickster since they would basically be able to reload and get back into the action a lot quicker, without making them overwhelming for Survivors.

This would also make it so that these characters can have more perk variety now that they don't need to rely on the perk to do anything for them, much was the intention of the other changes to Killer baseline abilities.

Message to the Developers and Community

I know that the likelihood of getting the word out to change this perk would be very slim, but I want to hold out hope that a voice can be heard and changes could be made to further better the feeling of the gameplay loop.

But I know this can get there, someway, somehow. So what I want is for this topic to be relevant for as long as it can be until a response can be made or a change happens.

I have hope that my voice could be heard and that Iron Maiden can have a point to be run again.


  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    ... there was ever a penalty to grabbing people out of lockers?

    Are you seriously implying that the perk is more pointless because infinite head on stuns are removed? I'm completely lost.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,120

    Flashlight locker blinds. Iron Maiden would throw off timing. At least I'm assuming thats what he's on about.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    "Locker grabs must be removed and lockers entirely changed to buff one perk because locker blinds were removed" is the most bizarre train of thought.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    What my point is, is that Iron Maiden is pointless because they added a new mechanic to remove something the perk was more or less made to counter. Its only use now is to be a reload speed perk, which should not be in the game by any logic.

    Which is why my train of thought is that both the perk and the reload speed need to both be changed to make them both better in the long term rather than just the usual band-aid fix.

    My logic is as sound as their decision to buff Buckle Up because of the upcoming changes to the Survivor objective icons. You already know how much progression a Survivor has when they are dying, so they buffed Buckle Up to have a 10% haste effect to the Survivor that was picked up.

    Same logic with Iron Maiden; it's currently pointless because of a baseline mechanic change, and thus needs to be altered and possibly with another baseline change to make it more appealing for all Killers.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited January 2023

    This all runs on the idea that the main draw of Iron Maiden was to avoid flashlight blinds (and that anyone anticipating such a thing wouldn't pick Lightborn instead). And not either the aforementioned reload speed, or to tell you when people get out of a damn locker. And then make them exposed for daring to try it. Y'know, a whole bundle of 'hiding in a locker is not the best idea' effects.

    Lockers do not need a complete rework because an entirely coincidental timing effect has been eliminated from a perk because it's no longer needed.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I don't see the point. Iron maiden does exactly what it needs to do.

    Let's killers open lockers faster, either to reload or to check it.

    Gives a notification that a survivor exists a locker and exposes them.

    This in my opinion is pretty good for a baseline perk and your rework could be changed into its own.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177

    I'm really confused, because imo this is the main point of the perk - it's to counter people hiding from BBQ and using locker based perks. I'm not really sure what the OP is trying to get at.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,715

    No one was running Iron Maiden for a niche situation of locker flashlight saves. While I won't say Iron Maiden is a great killer perk, it's certainly better than you are giving it credit.

    Besides locker reload killers it also helps:

    Doctor: as lockers hard counter his static blast and allows him to still get info and maybe a down from a survivor using lockers against his power.

    Darkness Revealed: as faster locker search allows you to quickly check a locker to get the aura reveal.

    Vs Head On: as if you dodge the stun the survivor is now in a much riskier position.

    Leatherface: There's a small window to time against Leatherface's tantrum to exit the locker without being hit or grabbed. If a survivor pulls of this timing, they get exposed and instead of forcing an M1 hit to extend the chase they go down anyways.

    Stealth Survivors: Ever had a match where a single survivor was hard to find. Likely they were hiding in lockers, but you'll never know. That is unless you had Iron Maiden. Remember hearing screams throughout the match because of Iron Maiden? Now you have a reason to start checking lockers to find this elusive survivor.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Agree, it has its niche use, it does not deserve to be nerfed into whatever his idea was

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,087

    I hopped in a locker to avoid bubba's saw only to be exposed by iron maiden once. I was so outplayed in that moment I couldn't even be mad.

    I also run IM sometimes on the artist. It's faster to clear crows by locker hopping than to swat them normally, but iron maiden is a fun surprise to survivors who try it. It's not crazy effective, and not really worth the perk slot, but I sometimes go for making survivors panic more than anything.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    It deters survivors from hiding in lockers. How is that not a useful thing?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's about to be more pointless with action icons. No wondering whether the killer is going to respond to your scream. You'll know because of the icons. Time to get on a gen.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    I think it would be cool if Iron Maiden added spikes into the locker, and fast vaulting out of the locker healthy injures you, and fast vaulting out of a locker while injured puts you into mending