The math behind why Awakened Awareness sucked even before the nerf

Awakened Awareness: 20m range aura reveal while killer is carrying. Used to have a 2s linger on anyone still in the 20m when carrying stops.
Let’s say the Survivor starts 0 meters away from the killer who just downed their teammate. They start running away from the killer.
Standard Killers
Killer standard attack cooldown is 1.8s. Pickup takes 3s. Hooking or dropping takes 1s. Survivor default movespeed is 4m/s.
In those first 4.8s, the survivor runs 19.2m. In the next 1s, they run another 4m for a total of 23.2m. They are out of the 20m range before linger can activate. If they start from 0.8m away or further, they are out of the 20m range before pickup finishes. If they are 12.8m away or further, they are out of the 20m range before pickup can start.
Nurse has a post-blink fatigue of 2.5s for one blink and then an attack, 3.5s for two blinks and then an attack.
In those 5.5 or 6.5 seconds, the same survivor can run 22m or 26m. If they start from 6m away or 10m away, they can be out before pickup can even start.
Awakened Awareness was subpar even before its nerf. A good counter strategy against every killer with the exception of Twins is to stay spread out and far apart. Super tiny maps are a design issue regardless even on their own and need changes.
In most scenarios, you should not be that close to someone who was downed in the first place. And even if you were, all you had to do was run out to make the perk useless.
Especially against Nurse or other hyper-mobile killers, you should not be hiding close by. Even more especially against Nurse, who may have brought Starstruck, which means more than ever you should be spreading out and running away from downed survivors. If you’re going for a save, if you do it right, Starstruck and Awakened Awareness won’t activate anyways.
If you want to sabotage a hook or take protection hits, you are knowingly going into danger against any killer who could have brought Starstruck/Mad Grit/etc to deny things of that nature. Backpack builds are a thing. You (probably) wouldn’t try to take a protection hit against a Myers carrying while in T3. Or if Haunted Grounds is active. Same principle.
Mad Grit.
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The issue is that there is not easy well to tell that Awakened Awareness was in play until it was too late.
It's not like people instantly know all perks the Killer is running, so with Nurse, most Survivors will try to hide instead of running away either for an unhook or to not go down with Starstruck, which would basically lead to the players getting downed immediately after the Nurse hooks because they know where the Survivors are, and the Survivors had no reason to believe Awakened Awareness was in play since it is the first down of the match.
But either way, Starstruck is dead with Nurse, and Awakened Awareness is still a good perk because it provides Nurse more early game pressure until the Survivors realize that it's in play. Hell, even on other Killers other than Nurse it's really good, Spirit and Blight can make really good use of it, and most low mobility Killers can still use it.
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You shouldn't be that close to the killer in the first place in most situations regardless, Awakened Awareness or no. And you should always assume the other side has whatever tools they need to beat you, unless you have evidence otherwise. Does the Nurse have Starstruck? Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I'm going to risk it when keeping distance is the safer play even when she doesn't have Starstruck.
Also, against hyper-mobile killers, you especially don't want to stay close like that because there are so many different things that can screw you over, such as Infectious Fright. This is not even remotely Nurse/Starstruck-specific. Awakened Awareness was trash before its nerf and is even more trash now because of its entirely illogical nerf. Outside of extremely small maps which are a map design problem in of themselves, there is almost never a good excuse to be in the range in which Awakened Awareness would trigger in the first place. If it revealed a survivor's aura, it is that survivor's fault 99% of the time.
Do you know for sure the survivor has Dead Hard? No. Are you going to swing without waiting/lunge/etc without attempting to bait it out first then? Because you shouldn't. You should assume they have it and play around it anyways. Even if they don't have Dead Hard, it's still good to play around it to be sure.
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Edit: Duplicate post
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